Class and politics

  • Britain’s teeming but invisible average earners will decide the coming election. Neither David Cameron nor Gordon Brown seems to understand them (6)

Britain's budget

The sale of the Independent

  • Alexander Lebedev, a Russian tycoon, adds to his stable of British newspapers by buying the ailing Independent for a nominal £1 (1)

British Airways and its striking crews

Israel and Britain

Editor's update

Campaigners against a third runway at Heathrow airport are celebrating after a judge ruled that the Government must review the economic and environmental impacts of its plans.

Rupert Murdoch's Times and Sunday Times newspapers have announced that they will start charging for access to their websites from June.

Camelot, the firm that runs Britain's National Lottery, has been sold to a Canadian teachers' pension fund for £389m

From our blogs
Bagehot's notebook

Who cares?

The willingness of ex-ministers to lobby their former colleagues should be a bigger story than it is. There are several reasons why it hasn't caught fire. More»


The expense-cutting myth

Expenses, like wages, appear to be sticky, even in a downturn More»

What we're reading

Citius, Altius, Fortius?

After the party's over, the Olympics often leaves its host cities with a big bill, lots of monumental, under-used buildings and a lingering sense of urban desolation. Will London be any different? (Prospect) More»

A century's worth of arresting images

Our sister site reviews "A Positive View", a photographic retrospective of the 20th century on display at Somerset House

(More Intelligent Life) More»

New fiction: Ian McEwan

Mr Sunshine

How not to write “state-of-the-nation” fiction More»

Cutting the BBC

No surrender

The corporation will become smaller, but no less potent More»

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