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Europe shames its major powers over debts

Europe shames its major powers over debts

The European Union Wednesday accused its major powers of running away from bulging government deficits, as Greece said it could still seek IMF help if European backing did not ease its debt crisis.

WTO's Boeing-Airbus ruling 'set for broad impact'

A forthcoming WTO ruling on a US complaint against EU subsidies to Airbus is likely to have a broader impact on aerospace markets, a lawyer acting for Airbus' US rival Boeing predicts.

EU drops anti-trust charges against France's EDF

European competition regulators dropped anti-trust charges against Electricite de France (EDF) after the French company pledged to ease its contract rules for corporate clients.


What the EU should do about CCS

Stephen Tindale Large-scale demonstration of CCS (carbon capture and storage) will require public money, and widespread and rapid deployment will require regulation, ideally at European level - Stephen Tindale, Climate Answers

How to Preserve Trust in Anti-trust

Ben Van RompuyWith the basic premises of competition policy under attack, it is more important than ever to make a strong case for good competitive practice in the marketplace - Ben Van Rompuy, Institute for European Studies

Contractual Obligations in Europe

23 April, The Hague: a seminar entitled "New Conflict of Laws Rules for Contractual Obligations in Europe: Trends and Perspectives" is organized at the T.M.C. Asser Institute - T.M.C. Asser

EU-Israel Association Agreement

The European Court of Justice ruling that Israeli goods made in Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank cannot be considered Israeli, is a slap in the face for the Likud government - Ritch Smith

EUbusiness Week 481
The EU is mulling a European version of the International Monetary Fund, which provides emergency loans to countries in distress.

The week's EU diary
This week the Environment Council looks at setting CO2 emissions standards for light commercial vehicles; finance ministers examine a draft directive on hedge fund and other alternative investment fund managers, as well as a directive on invoicing (VAT); the Euromed programme holds a roundtable on Gender Equality in the Med. Region: and it's eHealth Week.

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