What is Profile (Timeline) Review?
Profile (Timeline) Review is a privacy option that lets you approve or reject posts that you've been...
Profile (Timeline) Review is a privacy option that lets you approve or reject posts that you've been tagged in before they go on your profile (timeline). When you turn it on, posts may already be visible in other places on Facebook, but they won't appear on your profile (timeline) until you approve them. When you have a post to review, it will show up in the Pending Posts section of your profile or in your activity log (if you you've upgraded to timeline).

To always review pending posts from anyone, including your friends:
  1. Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page and choose Privacy Settings > How Tags Work > Edit Settings.
  2. Click to edit your Profile (Timeline) Review setting.
  3. Turn on Profile (Timeline) Review.
To only review pending posts from non-friends:
  1. Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page and choose Privacy Settings > How Tags Work > Edit Settings.
  2. Click to edit your Profile (Timeline) Review setting.
  3. Turn off Profile (Timeline) Review. When Profile (Timeline) Review is off, we'll only ask you to approve pending posts from people you're not friends with. Your friends' tags won't need your approval.
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