Business school and corporate strategies

Making the case for diversity

Royal Bank of Canada gets kudos for a program that has seen women and minorities make huge strides up the bank's management ladder

Beyond Mintzberg

Managers Are Made, Not Born. But Can An MBA Program Teach A Person To Be A Good One? That Debate Will Probably Never Be Resolved. But It...

Management RSS

Executive Perspective RSS


  • The Lehman Shock

    Why Lehman's failure one year ago was so much more devastating for the rest of the world than for the United States

  • Citi's $100-million man

    Shareholders are paying an awful lot for the services of smart traders

  • Out of balance

    Companies fail for lots of reasons. A new excuse emerged in 2009: finance. The new excuse claims that there are no bad businesses or managers...

Marketing RSS

Global Business RSS

Accounting RSS

  • Will IFRS help?

    By Karim Jamal And Hun-Tong Tan: In Canada, public companies are currently making a transition from the use of Canadian accounting standards...


Logging on to learn

Athabasca University was the first in Canada to launch a fully interactive online Executive MBA program

An Insider's View

When You Start Wondering Where Your Life Went, You're Getting Your EMBA Program Right

The Big Payback

A hundred grand gets you a business education -- and a lifetime of connections


The power of intuition can be a career asset

Intuition fires the creative spark and also triggers hunches that warn us of danger, says Judith Orloff MD, UCLA psychiatrist and author of Second Sight...


Commander David Benoit

Businesses, well-run or not, have often been compared with the military, but career naval engineer David Benoit, 38, sees the parallels firsthand after...

Philip Grant

Philip Grant took the reverse route to an MBA: He built a successful business in the music industry, and then doubled back to school after realizing he...

Kristin Zinggeler

A four-time NCAA Final Four participant as a member of Duke University's vaunted women's tennis team in the late '90s, Kristin Zinggeler has a killer ...