About Us

The Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP) is a nonprofit organization that promotes peace between Israel and Palestine, via two states, that meets the fundamental needs of both peoples. FMEP offers speakers, sponsors programs, makes small grants, and publishes the Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories containing analysis, commentary, maps, and other data on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Settlement Database

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the Settlement Database with Arabic translation.

Settlement Freeze

To read more about a settlement freeze click here

About the Settlement Report

The Report on Israeli Settlement in the Occupied Territories

is distributed by email or postal mail at no charge to subscribers by the Foundation for Middle East Peace.

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What People Are Saying

"The [Settlement] Report is a comprehensive and vital guide for monitoring the issue of settlements, an issue that has to be addressed if there is to be an Israeli-Palestinian peace."

Zbigniew Brzezinski
Former U.S. National Security Advisor

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« March 2010 »
January-February 2010 Settlement Report A Chastened Obama Searches for a Negotiating Strategy

After a year of well-intentioned but counterproductive diplomatic effort, President Barack Obama’s interest in and ability to achieve a diplomatic solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians appear to be waning.

To Our Readers

Ten years after 9/11 made combating terrorism the main focus of American foreign policy, the problem has not diminished. The continuing threats against American and western targets proves that something is still wrong with our strategy.

A Testimonial to Steadfastness

Al Haq, the pioneering Palestinian human rights organization, celebrates its 30th anniversary. On this occasion Sabri Gharib is named the recipient of the organization's first Annual Human Rights Award.


Netanyahu's Settlement Moratorium: The Reality

The main operational effect of the settlement moratorium announced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on November 26 has been to increase the pace of authorized new settlement housing construction above historical averages.

Israel Defense Forces Order Number 1653, Order on Suspension of Building Procedures (Temporary Order)

Obama Acknowledges Failure

"The other area which I think is worth noting is that the Middle East peace process has not moved forward. And I think it’s fair to say that for all our efforts at early engagement, it is not where I want it to be."

Settlers Attack Palestinians to Avenge West Bank Outpost Demolition

Chaim Levinson | Ha'aretz | January 27, 2010

Settlement Timeline

October - November 2009

George Mitchell Makes the U.S. Case

Excerpts of Special Envoy George Mitchell's interview with Charlie Rose


Ha'aretz | December 4, 2009

Also in PDF

Latest Additions

New Hope For Peace, a documentary film by Landrum Bolling


Vice President Biden's Visit to Israel and US Rebuke over Settlements
March 15, 2010

Why Israel simultaneously both is and is not a "Jewish State"
Hussein Ibish | March 18, 2010

President Obama & Secretary Clinton: Hang Tough With Netanyahu
M.J. Rosenberg | Media Matters | March 19, 2010

The Man on J Street: The Story of Jeremy Ben-Ami
Mandy Katz | Moment | March 2010

For Israel, defiance comes at the cost of legitimacy
Henry Siegman | The Financial Times | February 24, 2010

The apartheid will end when Israelis have to face its cost
Tony Karon | The National | February 7, 2010