Editors' Picks

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  • The World's Strangest Tax Laws

    As April looms and the tax man cometh, everyone's looking for an exemption. But some taxes and exemptions are more defensible than others.

  • This Week at War: Is it Time to Cut a Deal in Afghanistan?

    What the four-stars are reading -- a weekly column from Small Wars Journal.

  • Stranded in Paradise

    For the six Uighurs released from Gitmo to Palau, the prospect of an eternity in a small island country, with no passport and no Uighur community other than themselves, is its own kind of confinement.

  • The LWOT: Gitmo Habeas Petition Granted, Bin Laden Threatens Americans

    Foreign Policy and the New America Foundation bring you a new weekly brief on the legal war on terror. You can read it on foreignpolicy.com or get it delivered directly to your inbox -- just sign up here.

  • The Torture Commission We Really Need

    It’s not enough just to understand what went wrong in the Justice Department. We need to start fixing it, too.

  • Giving Putin His Due

    Sidelining the Russian prime minister will do little to help President Dmitry Medvedev -- or the White House.

  • Fiddling While Greece Burns

    Europe needs to wake up and deal with its growing economic underclasses -- before they turn violent.

  • The Bad Kind of Corruption

    Corruption may be a fact of life in today's China, but until recently, most businesses at least knew the rules of the game.

  • More Nancy Pelosis, Please

    Why the world needs more female lawmakers -- and why quota systems won't necessarily get us there.

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