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Stop Obama Money-Bomb - March 2015

Stop Obama Money-Bomb - March 2015

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Former federal law enforcement officials to Congress: Get big government out of the courtroom

With members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, under the watchful eye of Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), working on long overdue sentencing reforms, a group of 130 former federal prosecutors, judges, and other law enforcement officials sent a letter urging action on the Smarter Sentencing Act.

22 hours ago

$3 Billion in ObamaCare subsidies May Have Gone to the Wrong People

Before policymakers debate over whether or not government should intervene in private industry (the answer is no!), they should start asking themselves whether or not government is competent enough to even intervene correctly.

1 day ago
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Deneen Borelli on Dolezal Double Standard on Fox & Friends

Following the exposure of Rachel Dolezal’s lie of being black and not white, many on the left have come to her defense giving her a pass for her deception.

1 day ago

New report shows how Michigan can save millions through justice reform

In May, Gov. Rick Snyder rolled out his priorities to create a smart justice system in Michigan by proposing a series of reforms that have been successful in other states. Georgia and Texas, for instance, have seen significant savings through innovative justice reforms while crime and repeat offender rates dropped.

1 day ago

How the Government Can Take YOUR Stuff (Without Ever Charging You With A Crime)

The thing about civil asset forfeiture is it could affect anybody, at any time.

1 day ago

King v. Burwell Could Free Millions from Government Mandates

With the King v. Burwell decision expected to drop in only a couple of weeks, many in the media are whipping themselves into a frenzy over the consequences of vanishing subsidies. Depending on who you believe, between 6 and 7 million people could be affected if the Supreme Court rules that words mean what they mean, and Republicans have proposed several plans to bridge these people gently away from ObamaCare.

1 day ago

Justice Department Responds to FreedomWorks on Bulk Spying

With the passage of the USA Freedom Act, many hoped that we had seen the last of bulk collection of Americans’ telephone data, but government never gives up its power without a fight. So when the Obama administration asked the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to continue collecting data during the 180 day transition period authorized by USA Freedom, we were ready with a legal response.

2 days ago

The Next Generation of Liberty Artists: Kate Barnett

Kate joined Liberatchik around the age of 20, when she was actively seeking like-minded artists; making her one of our youngest members. After years at a liberal charter art high school and experimenting with the idea of college at the local community college, she needed a more real and genuine way in which to promote her work and ideas.

2 days ago

President Obama: Stay out of Entrepreneurship

As Ronald Reagan famously said, “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.’” While champions of limited government are in favor of entrepreneurship, do we really want the federal government to decide on which companies to invest in? After President Obama’s announcement that the White House plans to invest in entrepreneurs in the United States and abroad, what should we expect? The Spark Global Entrepreneurship coalition plans to raise $1 billion in private funding for entrepreneurs in the United States and abroad by 2017. At face value, this may seem like a fine idea – but this is actually very bad news.

3 days ago

Inspector General McCarthy Testifies: Ex-Im Bank No Worse Than Any Government Agency

On June 11th, the US House of Representatives Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Health Care, Benefits, & Administrative Rules held a hearing on the fraud, waste, and abuse within the Ex-Im Bank. The witness was Acting Inspector General for the Ex-Im Bank, Michael McCarthy, who left me uneasy and disappointed leaving the hearing.

3 days ago
