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Stop Obama Money-Bomb - March 2015

Stop Obama Money-Bomb - March 2015

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ObamaCare: Not the Court’s Job to Change How Law is Written

The time is near: later this month the Supreme Court will issue its ruling on King v. Burwell. The case centers around the question of what the phrase “established by the state” means, and how it affects eligibility for subsidies.


Settlement: Another Arrow in the Government’s Civil Asset Forfeiture Quiver

Using civil asset forfeiture, the government often seizes the property of completely innocent individuals. However, despite their innocence, these individuals often settle with the government and forfeit a portion of their property to government authorities. Why do they do this?


Here are three conservative bills the House Judiciary Committee's justice reform initiative should consider

The House Judiciary Committee announced the formation of a criminal justice reform initiative that will examine various pieces of legislation that would address issues including over-criminalization, sentencing reform, and prison reform.

Op-ed Placement

Is school choice becoming the new normal?

There was a time when it was taken for granted that all American kids would walk the same path from the ages of six to 18. Every morning, they’d rise at the crack of dawn, walk, bike, or bus, to the local school house, and have the three Rs drummed into them until mid-afternoon. This pattern was repeated five days a week, nine months out of the year, and few bothered to question it. It was a simpler time, some may say, but simpler isn’t always better.


Unions Seek Exemptions from Minimum Wage Laws

Since the first federal minimum wage went into effect in 1938, there have been people calling for an increase. Recently, there has been a push for a $15 hourly minimum wage at the federal level, as well as within various state and municipalities. Many of these calls for minimum wage hike have been led by, and funded by, unions. One in particular, Raise the Wage, called for a $15.25 minimum wage in Los Angeles and was funded by unions, including AFL-CIO.


Coalition Letter in Support of the Massie Amendment to End Warrantless Backdoor Surveillance

FreedomWorks has joined the Sunlight Foundation and Demand Progress in publishing a coalition letter in support of the Massie amendment to stop warrantless spying on American citizens. The letter is signed by 26 organizations from across the political spectrum.

Key Vote

Key Vote YES on the Massie Amendment to End Warrantless Surveillance of Americans

As one of our over 6.9 million FreedomWorks activists nationwide, I urge you to contact your representative and ask him or her to vote YES on the Massie/Lofgren/Sensenbrenner amendment to the Department of Defense Appropriations bill (H.R. 2685) that would end warrantless “backdoor” surveillance of Americans.


Internet remains tax free, for now...

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 235, better known as the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act (PITFA). The pro-consumer legislation received bipartisan support that permanently bans multiple and discriminatory taxes at the state and local levels on internet access services. The House bill was sponsored by Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and had 188 co-sponsors and 50 senators supporting a similar bill in the Senate.

Op-ed Placement

Georgia’s New Civil Asset Forfeiture Law Does Not Go Far Enough

Jason Pye is the Director of Justice Reform for FreedomWorks. Jorge Marin is the Policy Specialist for Criminal Justice Reform for Americans for Tax Reform.


Feds Bullying Oregon over Testing Opt Out Bill

There’s nothing more frustrating than when state legislatures try to do the right thing, only to be stopped by the intrusive federal government, sticking its nose where it has no business being. The latest example comes from Oregon, where a bill that would allow parents to opt their children out of Common Core-aligned standardized tests is set to be passed by the State Senate, only to face aggressive pushback from U.S. Department of Education.

