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Stop Obama Money-Bomb - March 2015

Stop Obama Money-Bomb - March 2015

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FreedomWorks Activist Fly-in 2015

1 hour ago

Grassroots Spotlight: Civil Rights Activist Clarence Henderson

Clarence Henderson is a FreedomWorks activist who participated in the Woolworth Sit-In in Greensboro, N.C. in 1960 and is a United States Army Veteran and retired entrepreneur. I was pleased to be able to sit down with him and talk about his experiences and views on empowerment.

2 hours ago
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2015 Activist Boot Camp a Major Success!

This past weekend, fifty-five of FreedomWorks top activist were flown out to our Washington D.C headquarters for an exclusive “Activist Boot Camp” in order to help arm them with the resources, connections, and knowledge to engage in their communities.

2 hours ago

CBO Warns of Mounting Debt, Crickets from Congress

This week, the Congressional Budget Office came out with its Long-Term Budget Outlook for 2015. The report foreshadows growing deficits, mounting debt, and economic harm if the status quo is allowed to continue.

2 hours ago

California House committee expected to take up legislation to protect innocent property owners from abuse of federal law

The California House Public Safety Committee is expected to hold a hearing on June 30 to debate proposed civil asset forfeiture reforms that offer substantive protections for innocent property owners.

4 hours ago

Former federal law enforcement officials to Congress: Get big government out of the courtroom

With members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, under the watchful eye of Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), working on long overdue sentencing reforms, a group of 130 former federal prosecutors, judges, and other law enforcement officials sent a letter urging action on the Smarter Sentencing Act.

1 day ago

Empower: Michigan to Baltimore

1 day ago

$3 Billion in ObamaCare subsidies May Have Gone to the Wrong People

Before policymakers debate over whether or not government should intervene in private industry (the answer is no!), they should start asking themselves whether or not government is competent enough to even intervene correctly.

1 day ago
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Deneen Borelli on Dolezal Double Standard on Fox & Friends

Following the exposure of Rachel Dolezal’s lie of being black and not white, many on the left have come to her defense giving her a pass for her deception.

1 day ago

New report shows how Michigan can save millions through justice reform

In May, Gov. Rick Snyder rolled out his priorities to create a smart justice system in Michigan by proposing a series of reforms that have been successful in other states. Georgia and Texas, for instance, have seen significant savings through innovative justice reforms while crime and repeat offender rates dropped.

1 day ago
