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Why Obama's Universal Child Care Proposal Won't Work

“Universal” seems to be one of the president’s favorite word these days (narrowly surpassing “let me be clear,” but still trailing “me”). The latest item on his ever-expanding list of things that government should provide for everyone is “Universal Child Care.”


Another Teachers Union Speaks Out Against Common Core

When Common Core standards first passed in 2010, teachers unions were cautiously optimistic. After a glimpse of their implementation, however, that enthusiasm quickly began to sour. In 2014, the National Education Association, which once supported the standards, launched unambiguous criticism against the program, calling its rollout “completely botched.”

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King v. Burwell could be a blessing… or a curse!

The Supreme Court will hear arguments for the King v. Burwell case starting March 4th, with a decision likely to come down sometime in June. The Court’s decision will determine whether the IRS’ illegal implementation of ObamaCare subsidies to states that refused to set up insurance exchanges can continue. If not, the true cost of ObamaCare will be revealed to the American public, a cost that has until now been partially concealed by the IRS’ decision to circumvent the written law.

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Congress Needs to Stop Letting Regulators Walk All Over Them

Here’s a multiple choice question for you. Which country best fits the description of being run by nearly omnipotent czars, unaccountable to any overriding authority, free to make set the rules and punish offenders as they see fit, who can only be removed from office by drastic, sometimes revolutionary, action?


Rand Paul Introduces Bill to Protect Private Property

Today, Senator Rand Paul held a press conference to introduce a bipartisan piece of legislation designed to restore the due process protections of the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration (FAIR) Act, would rein in government’s ability to seize private property without clear and convincing evidence that a crime has been committed.

Op-ed Placement

Federal Meddling in Education Requires Federal Fix

Just a month into 2015, the year is already being hailed by some as “the year of school choice.”

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Restoring Local Control of Education: A Silver Bullet for Common Core

The massive unpopularity of Common Core education standards has served as a rallying cry for concerned parents and teachers to get involved in politics—sometimes for the first time in their lives. Nothing galvanizes grassroots activism like the realization that the government is failing our children. These efforts have been remarkably successful, with three states repealing Common Core outright last year, and many state-level bills already being introduced in the new Congress.


Common Core Roundup: What are States Doing for Education Freedom?

It’s a new year, and the state legislatures have come roaring back into session chock full of ideas to stop the Common Core education standards that are damaging school systems all across the country. Last year, we saw Missouri, Oklahoma, and South Carolina withdraw from the standards, and 2015 looks to be off to a good start.


Heads Up: The FCC’s Net Neutrality Rule is Coming

February is going to be a big month for Net Neutrality. Following a public request by the president, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler announced that he will circulate a new rule on February 5th among the five FCC chairmen. The Commission will then hold a vote on whether to release the rule on February 26th.

"Get the Government Out of Your Inbox"
"Support the Email Privacy Act!"

The Email Privacy Act: Get the Government Out of Your Inbox

During the president’s State of the Union address last night, Barack Obama stated that we need to reaffirm our commitment to civil liberties and the protection of American privacy. For once, we agree. The erosion of Fourth and Fifth Amendment protections are among the greatest causes for concern among the political issues of today.

