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Five Regulatory Fights for 2015

We all know that Congress has some big ticket items on its agenda for next year - repealing ObamaCare, balancing the budget, reining the president’s executive authority, but receiving less attention than perhaps they should are a number of smaller regulatory battles in which the new Republican majority could make a real difference.


How the New Congress Can Protect Internet Freedom

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), spurred on by impassioned words from President Obama, is itching to enact stricter internet regulations next year. But there is a growing resistance among Republican lawmakers that could stop the agency in its tracks.

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Essays that champion educational freedom

Over the last several years, Common Core education standards have become an increasingly important issue for parents and teachers, as they see how children are affected by the policy. Yet, the details of what exactly Common Core is, how it works and how it came to be remain hopelessly complex and difficult for the novice to understand. In the face of slick advertising campaigns by Common Core’s corporate backers and lofty speeches from politicians, the truth can be difficult to ferret out. With the new book, “Common Ground on Common Core,” we finally have a handy, one-volume resource that answers all these questions and more.


“Right to Try” Laws Give Terminal Patients a Fighting Chance

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for determining which prescription drugs are legal to sell in the United States, with all new products forced to undergo a lengthy and expensive approval process before patients can access their benefits. But in many cases, the FDA is actively standing in the way of patients with debilitating or terminal illnesses being allowed to choose their own treatment, denying them the chance to fight for their survival.


Record Number of Americans Want ObamaCare Repealed

A new poll just out from Fox News reports that 58 percent of Americans - the highest number ever recorded - would rather see ObamaCare repealed than let it stay in place.

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Napolitano's "Suicide Pact" is an Important Book Everyone Should Read

It’s easy to imagine, in this era of the 24-hour news cycle, that things are the worst they have ever been. One could easily conclude that our liberties are a hair’s breadth away from being altogether eliminated at the hands of a government on the brink of totalitarianism, and the hope of restoring the American vision to its halcyon days of milk and honey grows bleaker by the hour. The president has no regard for the rule of law, and his supporters will stop at nothing to persecute and marginalize anyone who disagrees with the goals and governing philosophies of Dear Leader.


The FTC vs. the FCC on Net Neutrality

A turf war among regulators may be shaping up in the battle over Net Neutrality. A group of 32 academics, who oppose Net Neutrality on free market grounds, are asking that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) weigh in on the debate. The letter argues that the FTC already has the authority to deal with anticompetitive behavior, and that the agency should say as much.


Forcing People to Buy Useless, Expensive Insurance is Nothing to Gloat About

A new study from the Urban Institute has supporters of ObamaCare - what few still remain, anyway - touting how successful the law has been. Of course, it all depends on what your definition of “successful” is.

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Student Privacy Concerns Add to Common Core Resistance

There are many things to hate about Common Core standards. From convoluted, unsolvable math problems, to an increased reliance on soulless standardized testing, to a lack of local control and adaptation to individual circumstances, just about everyone can find something to object to. One of the most concerning aspects of the program, however, is the invasive collection of personal data from students, an area that has received far too little attention in media discussions of education.

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Forget Tech, the Real Anti-Competitive Market is Health Care

With the most recent round of ObamaCare enrollments about to begin, more Americans will soon be faced with the reality of a growing doctor shortage. The Wall Street Journal reports that, for the first time in two generations, the number of doctors per person is declining, a situation that will result in decreased access to health care and rising costs even beyond what we have already seen.

