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May 8, 2010
GDC Canada: How Dead Rising 2 Analyzes The Zombie Menace
Miyamoto: It's 'Unfair' To Say Nintendo Isn't Proactive About Online [17]
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May 8, 2010
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May 8, 2010
Piranha Games Inc
Senior Technical Director
Piranha Games Inc
Lead Environment Artist Xbox360/PS3
Piranha Games Inc
Lead Multiplayer Designer
Piranha Games Inc
Lead Multiplayer Engineer
Warner Bros Games
Sr. Artist/Animator - SURREAL SOFTWARE - #117270
Warner Bros Games
Sr. Game Writer - WB Games - #117015

Adam Saltsman's Blog   Expert Blogs


Expert Blogs

Downsides to Iteration  Featured Blogs
Posted by Adam Saltsman on Tue, 04 May 2010 02:30:00 EDT in Game Design
It's common knowledge that iterating on a proven franchise is the safest way to design games. I feel like it's a little more complicated than that.
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On Game Structure  Featured Blogs
Posted by Adam Saltsman on Wed, 24 Feb 2010 12:09:00 EST in Game Design
I recently (finally) played through Braid and the first 6 hours or so of inFAMOUS, which got me thinking about basic structure...
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Toward a Positive Discourse  Featured Blogs
Posted by Adam Saltsman on Fri, 19 Feb 2010 10:45:00 EST in
Or: How not to be a dick on the internet all the time.
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Bytes: Clumsy Sociopathic Marksmen  Featured Blogs
Posted by Adam Saltsman on Mon, 15 Feb 2010 12:49:00 EST in Game Design
Game heroes tend to embody strangely dissonant characteristics. While some are obvious necessities, I find others a little disturbing.
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iPhone Design & Marketing Notes
Posted by Adam Saltsman on Sat, 30 Jan 2010 04:57:00 EST in Production
I went up to Winnipeg a few weeks ago to give a talk about iPhone game design and marketing. It ended up being a 6 hour long affair where I covered pretty much everything I know about anything. These are my notes from that talk.
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My Biased, Subjective Alternative GDC Awards
Posted by Adam Saltsman on Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:57:00 EST in
I've been trying to avoid kneejerk negative reactions to things, instead trying to funnel these responses into something positive. This, I hope, is something positive!
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Adam Saltsman's Comments

Comment In: On Game Structure [Blog - 02/24/2010 - 12:09]

Hey Shay, those are totally ...

Hey Shay, those are totally valid points I think. Braid's difficult puzzles definitely require some kind of skip this one type of functionality, which hub worlds totally provide. The thing that surprised me is that it doesn't appear to take advantage of all those other wonderful things that a hub ...

Comment In: Bytes: Clumsy Sociopathic Marksmen [Blog - 02/15/2010 - 12:49]

that is a pretty amazing ...

that is a pretty amazing link thank you :

Comment In: iPhone Design & Marketing Notes [Blog - 01/30/2010 - 04:57]

hey Glenn, for the reviews ...

hey Glenn, for the reviews thing, I think it varies some but that it is easier to get serious customers if your app is more than a dollar, rather than people who picked it up because its the same cost as a candy bar, and are just as happy to ...

Comment In: Road to the IGF: Team Meat's Super Meat Boy [News - 01/21/2010 - 06:39]

The article forgot to mention ...

The article forgot to mention the dudes responsible for the game's audio The music was written by Danny Baranowksy , who wrote music for double-IGF-award-winner Cortex Command. Super Meat Boy's sound effects were created by Jordan Fehr, whose website I don't have on hand.

Comment In: Uncharted 2, Flower, ACII Lead 10th Choice Award Nominations [News - 01/19/2010 - 02:07]

I bet you're right It's ...

I bet you're right It's pretty hard to be a GDC Award contender without being on the 360, unless you're a second-party PS3 exclusive.

Comment In: My Biased, Subjective Alternative GDC Awards [Blog - 01/19/2010 - 10:57]

Yea I would actually LOVE ...

Yea I would actually LOVE to see a best polish a lot of ways I think that's what GotY actually is, and it's something that DOES matter and should be praised. I would love to see it praised more specifically My understanding is that a lot of hardcore SFIII3S ...

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