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May 8, 2010
GDC Canada: How Dead Rising 2 Analyzes The Zombie Menace
Miyamoto: It's 'Unfair' To Say Nintendo Isn't Proactive About Online [17]
Facebook Games See User Dip As Notification Rules Change [10]
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May 8, 2010
Piranha Games Inc
Senior Technical Director
Piranha Games Inc
Lead Environment Artist Xbox360/PS3
Piranha Games Inc
Lead Multiplayer Designer
Piranha Games Inc
Lead Multiplayer Engineer
Warner Bros Games
Sr. Artist/Animator - SURREAL SOFTWARE - #117270
Warner Bros Games
Sr. Game Writer - WB Games - #117015
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May 8, 2010
A Scary and Near Future
Ryzom: Free as in Freedom [1]
Acting Your Way Over The Uncanny Valley [6]
Satisfying the Player [5]
Downsides to Iteration [3]
spacer News Director:
Leigh Alexander
Features Director:
Christian Nutt
  Senior News Editor:
Kris Graft
Editor At Large:
Chris Remo
John 'Malik' Watson
Gina Gross
Feature Submissions

Features » Game Design
Action Adventure Level Design: Kung Fu Zombie Killer
by Toby Gard [05.07.10]
Veteran designer and Tomb Raider creator Toby Gard explains how to enhance the reality and player interest of even a very basic game's design, with a level design case study of the awesomely named Kung Fu Zombie Killer.
Game Design
Persuasive Games: The Picnic Spoils the Rain
by Ian Bogost [05.06.10]
Ian Bogost looks at Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain in the context of film and cinematography's history to explain why he feels the game, billed as an "interactive film," is not quite that.
Game Design
Exclusive: Yuji Naka's New Bird
by Christian Nutt, Brandon Sheffield [05.05.10]
One of the original creators of Sonic the Hedgehog, Yuji Naka updates Gamasutra on his own studio, Prope, and discusses upcoming Ivy the Kiwi?, thoughts on Sega, and more.
Business, Game Design, Interview
Rebooting Medal Of Honor
by Kris Graft [05.04.10]
What goes into reawakening a franchise that a publishing executive admits "did fall on hard times"? EA Games label president Frank Gibeau and EALA's Greg Goodrich and Rich Farrelly discuss the revitalization of Medal of Honor.
Business, Game Design, Interview
Brian Reynolds On His Social Transition
by Christian Nutt [05.03.10]
As one of the biggest names to make the transition into social games with FarmVille developer Zynga, Brian Reynolds (Rise of Nations) is in a unique position to talk about the challenges and opportunities of the switch.
Business, Game Design, Interview
Interview: The Rise of Free-To-Play At EA
by Chris Remo [04.30.10]
Ben Cousins, former DICE man who spearheaded Battlefield Heroes, talks Lord of Ultima and how these games are part of a new division of EA catered to the free-to-play market -- and why.
Business, Game Design, Interview
Creating Atmosphere In Dead To Rights: Retribution's Grant City
by Aaron Allport, Bob Cheshire, Ian Pestridge [04.28.10]
How can visual art create meaning in games, and what techniques will serve best? Volatile Games' art team behind Dead to Rights: Retribution's neo-noir Grant City attempts to answer these questions.
Game Design, Visual Art
Postmortem: Magnin & Associates' Skittleball
by Ed Magnin, Paul Schorn [04.27.10]
In Gamasutra's first postmortem of an iPad game, two members of the team at Magnin & Associates, a veteran developer of portable games, discuss the difficulties and surprising benefits of developing Skittleball for Apple's new platform.
Audio, Business, Game Design, Postmortem, Programming, Production
The Worlds Inside R.A. Salvatore
by Jeffrey Fleming [04.26.10]
The bestselling fantasy author details his process of building credible worlds that can support lengthy book series and massive games, from Forgotten Realms to 38 Studios' upcoming MMO Copernicus.
Game Design, Interview