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Liar, Liar!

The People's United Party and Channel 5 ploy to create mischief using Alvarene Burgess as their major pawn blew up in their faces on Friday, November 15th. Their elaborate plan ... Full Story

Administrator | Friday, 22 November 2013

13 new streets for Belmopan

Area Representative for Belmopan, Hon. John Saldivar, has been spending much of his time identifying sources of financing to improve the living conditions of residents of Belmopan and has so far been able to pave 8 streets in the Caribbean ... Full Story

Garifuna Settlement ay in BelizeGarifuna Settlement Day in

All around the country, Belizeans joined in with the fellow “Garinagu” citizens in Celebrating Garifuna Settlement Day, which was observed on Tuesday, November 19th. It is in commemoration of the original Garifuna settlers who arrived in Belize on November 19, ... Full Story


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United States’ $2 Million Donation to Belize’s Arm Forces

The Belize Defense Force and the Belize Coast Guard are now better able to perform their duties thanks to a two million dollar donation from the United States Embassy. On Friday, November 15th, Margaret Hawthorne, Charge D’ Affaires of the ... Full Story

The Guardian | Friday, 22 November 2013

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Ballistics Training continues for Forensics Personnel

An expert from Canada was in Belize between November 13th to the 15th conducting a three-day workshop with personnel from the National Forensic Science Service who operate the Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS) donated to Belize by the Canadian Government. ... Full Story

Administrator | Friday, 22 November 2013



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12 years for attempted murder

On Friday, November 15th, after 10 days of waiting at the Belize Central Prison, 21-year-old Diondray McKoy was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment for the June 2009 attempted murder of Everald Gray.Justice Troadio “John” Gonzalez, sentenced him to the 12 ... Full Story


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World Anti-Doping Agency has new anti-doping code

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) held  its  4th World Conference on Doping in Sports from November 12-15, 2013, in Johannesburg, South Africa, where over 1500 participants from the National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs), Regional Anti-Doping Organisations (RADOs), the International Olympic Committee ... Full Story
