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For better or for worse?

Poll: The Supreme Court is considering whether prenuptial agreements should be taken into account by divorce courts. Would you sign one?



Thread of the day

  • Speaking up for scientists

    Philip Strange: We can be arrogant and nerdish, but overall scientists do not set out to deceive themselves or the public
  1. Best of the Web

  2. 1. Chicken Yoghurt: Super-Fast broadband
    Either poor journalism or poor politics surrounds the claims that the tories are attacking Labour's plans for super-fast broadband for all
  3. 2. Liberal Democrat Voice: Leader's wives
    The media's insistence on reporting the lives of the wives of leading politicians is patronising
  4. 3. Centre Right: Why Brown will be glad of the cash for influence scandal
    The combination of a distraction from the BA strike and the humiliation of Blairite MPs will make the influences scandal a boost for Gordon
  5. 4. Huffington Post: America grows up
    The successful passage of the Healthcare Bill through congress is not only a long awaited progression for American society, but also helps to restore the country's global moral authority
  6. 5. Adam Smith Institute: A mini expenses scandal
    The cash for influence scandal in not the only example of politicians still not 'getting it' this weekend...

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