Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo Brokeup Over John Mayer

Posted on July 15, 2009 at 7:01 pm (PST)

Tony Romo broke up with Jessica Simpson on July 9 just before her 29th birthday. Jessica did not appear to know a breakup was coming however. On July 2 Jessica wrote a note to her friend Emmy Rossum on Twitter:

"Can’t wait to see your costume on the 10th! Birthday evite coming soon. You are always the best dressed!!!"

Prior to the breakup Jessica and Tony had seen each other last on July 1 when she sang the National Anthem at the National Golf Tournament in Bethesda, Maryland, and Romo played a practice round with Tiger Woods.

After the breakup Tony partied with friends, and Jessica celebrated her birthday quietly with family, and close friends.

On Sunday Jessica wrote on Twitter:

"Everyone needs to know that hope floats … grab the strings and pull it back to you. Falling asleep with my mom and the dogs. Please lord give all of my beautiful fans, friends, enemies, and family rest. Bring all of us peace."

But why did Tony breakup with Jessica if she was so "in love" with Tony. Well …

Another report says Tony looked at Jessica’s phone when he reunited with Jessica on Thursday in Los Angeles, but she got defensive, so Tony looked further. A source said:

“They were hanging out and he picked up her phone and she got defensive about it. Tony found messages from John and went ballistic.”

When Tony saw the messages were from John Mayer the source says:

“Tony dumped her right then. He walked out and that was it.”

That is the smartest decision Tony will ever make in his life. Now if he could just stop dating bimbos.

Tony made the video above before the breakup with Jessica.

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Michael Jackson Pepsi Ad Burn

Posted on July 15, 2009 at 6:41 pm (PST)

The behind the scenes video footage from the 1984 Pepsi commercial Michael Jackson made live in front of 3,000 adoring fans, shows the severe burn Michael got on his head after his hair was covered with flammable material when the Pyrotechnics went off too early. Michael suffered second and third degree burns to his scalp and face. Michael later developed an addiction to pain killers as a result according to reports.

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Debbie Rowe Denied Payment to Give Up Parental Rights

Posted on July 15, 2009 at 3:50 pm (PST)

debbie rowe ranch Debbie Rowe Denied Payment to Give Up Parental Rights

A report surfaced claiming Debbie Rowe agreed to accept $4 million to give up her parental rights, but her attorney Eric George flatly denied that claim in an open letter to the New York Post which read:

"There has been no agreement reached between Ms. Rowe and the Jacksons. Ms. Rowe has not and will not give up her parental rights. No determination has been reached concerning custody or visitation. And Ms. Rowe has not accepted and will not accept any additional financial consideration beyond the spousal support she and Michael personally agreed to several years ago."

George demanded an "immediate retraction" to the Post’s anonymously sourced story Tuesday that said Jackson’s "baby mama" had "sold her kids again" by "squeezing about $4 million from her former mother-in-law" in exchange for relinquishing her parental rights.

Rowe plans to attend a Los Angeles Superior Court hearing on July 20 for temporary guardianship of the children, Prince Michael, 12, and Paris, 11, who have been staying with their grandmother Katherine Jackson at the family’s Encino home. (Jackson’s youngest child, Blanket (Prince Michael II), 7, was born from an unidentified surrogate.)

Katherine Jackson was named guardian in Jackson’s will, and is petitioning the court to keep the children with her. Katherine’s age could be a factor in the final decision.

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Jon Gosselin Dating Hailey Glassman

Posted on July 15, 2009 at 3:24 pm (PST)

jon gosselin and hailey glassman 1 Jon Gosselin Dating Hailey Glassman

There are rumors that Jon Gosselin is dating Hailey Glassman, but that may not be the whole story. Not long ago Jon was seen drinking a few beers with Hailey and her mom, while Kate Gosselin was off with the kids, before we knew for sure they were getting divorced.

Gosselin and Glassman were seen in St Tropez together, and although it seemed like a romantic getaway, it may have been for business as well. The pair are working on a kid’s clothing collection along with Christian Audigier who does the Ed Hardy line.

Audiegier’s rep, David Weintraub, who denied the story to a different publication earlier this week, revised the denial after Audigier himself confirmed the collaboration with Gosselin. Weintraub said:

"If Christian told you directly, then that’s exactly what he’s doing."

jon gosselin and hailey glassman 2 Jon Gosselin Dating Hailey Glassman

Glassman, who studied tourism management at Indiana University from 2005-2007, met Jon, through her father, the plastic surgeon who gave Jon’s wife Kate Gosselin a tummy tuck free of charge in 2006 to help her get back in shape after she gave birth to the couple’s sextuplets. Since Jon is also friends with Glassman’s mother, who is a crazed fan of the show which her husband even appeared on during the tummy tuck episode, we wonder if the surgeon is helping to finance the kid’s clothing line. Glassman’s mother on the tummy tuck episode said at the time:

"I can’t wait to meet Kate today. She’s somebody I’d love to help, I’m going to help. Kate is a very outgoing person. Kate is very friendly. I mean, from hello you feel like you’ve known her. She’s like a girlfriend without even knowing her."

hailey glassman parents Jon Gosselin Dating Hailey Glassman

Glassman’s has a criminal side with runins with the police since 2005, when she was busted for possession of marijuana. At that time, Glassman, now 22, was caught passing around a marijuana pipe with five other students, according to Indiana University Police Public Information Officer Capt. Jerry Minger. She was found to be in possession of two bags of pot and went through a pretrial diversion program, which is set up for first-time alcohol and drug offenders, says Minger. Her case was closed in November 2006. She was also cited for illegal consumption of an alcoholic beverage in Indiana in April 2007 and the case was dismissed two months later. Glassman’s mug shot is below.

hailey glassman mug shot 1 Jon Gosselin Dating Hailey Glassman

Glassman has a lot of personal pictures on the Internet that reflect her use of illegal drugs and over indulgence of alcohol. Below Glassman holds a pot pipe.

hailey glassman party girl 1 Jon Gosselin Dating Hailey Glassman

A friend and Glassman smoke a joint.

hailey glassman party girl 2 Jon Gosselin Dating Hailey Glassman

Below are icons found on Glassman’s Facebook page.

hailey glassman facebook pot stickers Jon Gosselin Dating Hailey Glassman

My favorite picture is below showing Glassman doing a face-plant into a wall after stumbling over a fake potted plant. Got to watch those hotel hallways, they’re a real jungle.

hailey glassman party girl 3 Jon Gosselin Dating Hailey Glassman

Jon Gosselin may seem like an okay dad, but the women he chooses to associate with are all college aged skanks, which makes us wonder what kind of a girl Kate Gosselin was when Jon met her, and if Kate has changed at all.

There is also a rumor floating around that the couple purchased a ring from jeweler-to-the-stars Edouard Nahum on Sunday. The jeweler stopped by Christian Audigier’s yacht to privately show the lovebirds a selection of rings.

Naturally, there’s no use purchasing a ring if it’s not going to be worn on the ring finger for maximum rumor exposure, and that’s just what young Hailey did at the VIP Room in St.-Tropez late on Monday night until 5 a.m.

"They’re engaged but nobody is allowed to say. They’ve been warned to keep it secret," says a source who is close to Nahum.

It’s hard to believe that Jon could possibly be stupid enough to get engaged to a 22 year-old girl he barely knows, but then again he did start a business venture with her.

Latest comments by:

  • Jess
    Why couldn't her plastic surgeon father fix her ugly face? Maybe she would have higher self-esteem and not act like ...
  • bill
    Oh, nice. The children are really proud of their father who dates pot-smoking, druggie whores.

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Christian Bale Walking Dead

Posted on July 14, 2009 at 12:44 pm (PST)

christian bale drug addict 1 Christian Bale Walking Dead

Christian Bale (35) is dropping his weight to play drug addicted boxer Dicky Eklund in his next film. Bale gained weight to play Batman, but lost 63 lbs for a role in The Machinist.

The money must be really good.

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  • the truth
    Your absolutely right. Nothing bad can come of completely immersing yourself in a role just look at his dark knight ...
  • Cody
    making a great movie isn't always about the money to some actors.

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