Task Forces and Working Groups
Task Forces and Working Groups
energy policy
national security
economic policy
virtues of a free society
Islamism and the international order

Task Forces and Working Groups Overview

As an enterprise steeped in academic tradition, the Hoover Institution seeks to determine how it can provide meaningful information and advice on public policy. By recruiting extraordinary intellectual talent, Hoover is able to convene scholars (both resident and nonresident) who combine their efforts in a task force—or "virtual faculty"—with specific well-defined objectives. These task force strategies are a new way to organize the Institution's research by leveraging Hoover's intellectual assets.

The task forces organize Hoover fellows and other scholars into teams working on commonly defined topics and integrated projects rather than individual fellows working independently. The task force strategies emphasize a collective approach that focuses on the Institution's research agenda. The task forces concentrate the Institution's scholarly resources on relatively narrow—although important—policy issues and empower the teams of scholars to participate strategically with the director in defining the ideas to emanate from the task forces.

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