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Costly Change

03/17/2010 06:46 PM ET - Health Reform: If you look back at the president's campaign rhetoric, changing the world's greatest health care system was supposed to be about cutting costs. That "cost cutting" sure turned out to be expensive. Candidate Barack Obama painted a gloomy picture of the price of medicine in ... More »

To Repeat: Doctors Could Hang It Up

03/17/2010 06:48 PM ET - Health Overhaul: We were harshly criticized last September for an IBD/TIPP Poll that showed 45% of doctors would consider leaving medicine if a health care takeover passed. A new poll has vindicated our findings. Our questionnaire went out Aug. 28 to some 25,600 doctors nationwide. Of that ... More »


Bias Is Kicked Out Of Texas Textbooks

03/17/2010 06:12 PM ET - 'Don't Mess With Texas" is a popular slogan in our most prosperous state. By a 10-to-5 vote, the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) just told liberals to stop "messing" with social studies textbooks. For years, liberals have imposed their revisionist history on our nation's public school ... More »


Another President, Another Plan Doubling Down On School Failure

03/17/2010 07:01 PM ET - Doubling down on dubious bets is characteristic of compulsive gamblers and federal education policy. The nation was essentially without such policy for grades K through 12, and better off for that, until 1965. In that year of liberals living exuberantly, they produced the Elementary and Secondary ... More »

De-Fence, De-Fence

03/17/2010 06:43 PM ET - Illegal Immigration: The government puts the brakes on a problem-plagued "virtual" fence on our border with Mexico. Whatever happened to the old-fashioned kind? If ever there was a ... More »

Haiting America

03/17/2010 06:43 PM ET - Haiti: If Fidel Castro or anyone else did a tenth as much good as the U.S. does abroad, you can bet they'd take credit for it. Strangely, however, the U.S. doesn't. It aids Haiti, ... More »

On The Right

The Real Issue In Health Care: Who Decides?

03/17/2010 06:12 PM ET - The basic issue of health care reform is simple: Who decides? The U.S. medical system is an inefficient hybrid, with government paying nearly half of the bills and shaping private spending ... More »

On The Left

Listen To Nuns When It Comes To Health Care

03/17/2010 06:12 PM ET - One of the tragedies of the viciously politicized battle over health care reform is the defection of the nation's Roman Catholic bishops from a cause they have championed for decades. ... More »

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The list below contains articles from the past 30 days.

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Showing 1 - 10 of 168
  1. 1. Viewpoint: Another President, Another Plan Doubling Down On School Failure Article content

    Doubling down on dubious bets is characteristic of compulsive gamblers and federal education policy. The nation was essentially without such policy for grades K through 12, and better off for that, un...

    By GEORGE F. WILL - Posted 03/17/2010

  2. 2. To Repeat: Doctors Could Hang It Up Article content

    Health Overhaul: We were harshly criticized last September for an IBD/TIPP Poll that showed 45% of doctors would consider leaving medicine if a health care takeover passed. A new poll has vindi...

    - Posted 03/17/2010

  3. 3. Costly Change Article content

    Health Reform: If you look back at the president's campaign rhetoric, changing the world's greatest health care system was supposed to be about cutting costs. That "cost cutting" sure turned ou...

    - Posted 03/17/2010

  4. 4. Haiting America Article content

    Haiti: If Fidel Castro or anyone else did a tenth as much good as the U.S. does abroad, you can bet they'd take credit for it. Strangely, however, the U.S. doesn't. It aids Haiti, but refuses t...

    - Posted 03/17/2010

  5. 5. De-Fence, De-Fence Article content

    Illegal Immigration: The government puts the brakes on a problem-plagued "virtual" fence on our border with Mexico. Whatever happened to the old-fashioned kind? If ever there was a shovel-ready...

    - Posted 03/17/2010

  6. 6. Perspective: Bias Is Kicked Out Of Texas Textbooks Article content

    'Don't Mess With Texas" is a popular slogan in our most prosperous state. By a 10-to-5 vote, the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) just told liberals to stop "messing" with social studies textbook...

    By PHYLISS SCHLAFLY - Posted 03/17/2010

  7. 7. On The Left: Listen To Nuns When It Comes To Health Care Article content

    One of the tragedies of the viciously politicized battle over health care reform is the defection of the nation's Roman Catholic bishops from a cause they have championed for decades. Indifferent to p...

    By E.J. DIONNE JR. - Posted 03/17/2010

  8. 8. On The Right: The Real Issue In Health Care: Who Decides? Article content

    The basic issue of health care reform is simple: Who decides? The U.S. medical system is an inefficient hybrid, with government paying nearly half of the bills and shaping private spending through the...

    By DOUG BANDOW - Posted 03/17/2010

  9. 9. Not Even A Vote?! Article content

    Health Reform: Using a parliamentary trick ironically known as the "self-executing rule," Democrats plan on passing their massive health bill without voting. In November, they'll learn just how...

    - Posted 03/16/2010

  10. 10. Perspective: Does Dodd's Plan End 'Too Big To Fail'? Article content

    Surprise, surprise. Sen. Chris Dodd's financial regulation proposal raises the possibility of substantial progress on the road to ending "too big to fail" (TBTF) and bailout nation for banks and other...

    By LARRY KUDLOW - Posted 03/16/2010

Showing 1 - 10 of 168