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humanitarian law (IHL)

International Committee of the Red Cross
an independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of war and other situations of violence
Pakistan: ICRC continues operations for those affected by fighting
The ICRC is continuing to work closely with the Pakistan Red Crescent Society and other partners within the Movement to provide support for more than a quarter of a million people displaced by fighting. The organization continues to stress the importance of access to food and basic services both for the displaced and for those returning to their homes.
Gaza: half a year on, and the suffering continues
Photo collection. Israel launched a three-week military operation in Gaza in December 2008. Half a year on and the people of Gaza are still reeling from the effects of that attack. Homes remain destroyed, and access to public services, such as hospitals and water supply, limited.
New ICRC film - Gaza: paying the price
Afghanistan: a village in Bamiyan province vows to get clean water
Life is tough for people living in rural Afghanistan, including those in the beautiful but remote province of Bamiyan. The ICRC's Habibullah Hussaini met villagers who are determined to make a difference in their lives by improving their access to clean drinking water. See also: latest operational update  23-7-2009

More highlights
Iraq: prostheses and a motorcycle revive hope for Hassan
The ICRC's activities in favour of the displaced: 2008 overview
ICRC survey on the impact of armed conflict on civilians: views from Georgia
Democratic Republic of the Congo: mounting concern as civilians' plight worsens
Somalia: treating the war-wounded
US detention related to the fight against terrorism – the role of the ICRC

New publications and films Sign up for new releases
From the field film series - Gaza: paying the price
Civilians are counting the cost of the three-week conflict in January 2009, which claimed more than a thousand lives and dealt a heavy blow to the economy of Gaza. The international community pledged billions of dollars in aid, but restrictions on essential raw materials going into Gaza will have to be lifted if Palestinians are to rebuild their lives.  26-6-2009
International Review of the Red Cross - Special issue on direct participation in hostilities
Civilians are playing an increasingly decisive role in determining the outcome of wars. This has further blurred the fundamental civilian/combatant distinction that is the cornerstone of modern humanitarian law. The lawfulness of an attack on civilians depends on their own conduct in hostilities, and hinges on the principle of “direct participation in hostilities”. See also additional material on this topic.  3-7-2009
International humanitarian law: a universal code
This film looks in turns at the poor security conditions frequently confronting the civilian population, the fact that people often have to flee their homes, hostage-taking, the dangers posed by cluster munitions, and the work of preventing and punishing war crimes. It tells us the basic rules of the law and reminds us that respecting them is everyone's responsibility.  4-5-2009

Our world. Your move. Events across the globe.
The Our world. Your move. campaign is a call to action. Our world faces unprecedented challenges, ranging from conflict and mass displacement to climate change, migration and a global financial crisis. We have a collective responsibility to make our world a better place. It’s up to each of us to 'make a move' and do something to help others. See also: Events in Switzerland  5-5-2009
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