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Monday, March 22, 2010   14:50 GMT    
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CHINA: State Media Pushing for a Global Voice

Mitch Moxley

BEIJING - Expanded overseas bureaus, more Chinese and foreign-language editorial products reaching global audiences and now, a reformatting of the country’s most widely read English-language newspaper. These are signs of the expansion of China’s state media, one that President Hu Jintao has described as an "increasingly fierce struggle in the domain of news and opinion".
POLITICS-SRI LANKA: Scepticism Greets Human Rights Plan
Feizal Samath
COLOMBO - Pressured by the west and international groups over its human right record, the Sri Lankan government is close to finalising a roadmap on safeguarding civil and political liberties.
EAST AFRICA: Impatient EU Pushes for Progress on EPA Trade Deal
Adam Robert Green
BRUSSELS - The European Commission (EC) is increasing the pressure on the East African Community (EAC) to sign the free trade deal known as an economic partnership agreement with the EU.
Women in the News: The Gender Wire
Afghan Divide
Global Issues
CHINA: State Media Pushing for a Global Voice
Expanded overseas bureaus, more Chinese and foreign-language editorial products reaching global audiences and now, a reformatting of the country’s most widely read English-language newspaper. These are signs of the expansion of China’s state media, one that President Hu Jintao has described as an "increasingly fierce struggle in the domain of news and opinion".
CLIMATE CHANGE: A Year On, Little Change in Political Climate
Q&A: Sri Lanka Remains Defiant of U.N. Chief
EAST AFRICA: Impatient EU Pushes for Progress on EPA Trade Deal
The European Commission (EC) is increasing the pressure on the East African Community (EAC) to sign the free trade deal known as an economic partnership agreement with the EU.
POLITICS-SUDAN: African Leaders Call for Peaceful Elections
NIGERIA: Acting President Consolidates Power Amid Unrest
Asia - Pacific
POLITICS-SRI LANKA: Scepticism Greets Human Rights Plan
Pressured by the west and international groups over its human right record, the Sri Lankan government is close to finalising a roadmap on safeguarding civil and political liberties.
CHINA: State Media Pushing for a Global Voice
RIGHTS: JSOC Interests Snag Plan to Free Afghan Detainees
EAST AFRICA: Impatient EU Pushes for Progress on EPA Trade Deal
The European Commission (EC) is increasing the pressure on the East African Community (EAC) to sign the free trade deal known as an economic partnership agreement with the EU.
ECONOMY: Greek Crisis Impacts the Balkans
DEVELOPMENT: 'Aid Industry is Part of the Problem'
Latin America
LATIN AMERICA: Still a Long Way to Go, for Black Women
At the age of 17, Meybelin Bernárdez is clear about the future: "When I finish my studies, I'll return to help my community get on its feet," the young Garifuna woman from Honduras, who is studying medicine in Cuba, says without hesitation.
MEXICO: Kidnapping - A Growing Risk for Central American Migrants
GUATEMALA: Ok for Ex-President's Extradition to US Just One Step
Middle East & Mediterranean
IRAQ: Seculars Gain as Religious Parties Lose Ground
Iraq's largest secular bloc appears to be the biggest surprise of the parliamentary elections at a time when some of the most well-known religious groups and figures have sustained great losses, preliminary election results so far indicate.
MIDEAST: 'Day of Rage' Engulfs Palestine
WORLD CUP: But South Africa Will Win
North America
RIGHTS: JSOC Interests Snag Plan to Free Afghan Detainees
An initiative to revise the procedures for reviewing the cases of detainees in order to free marginal insurgents and innocent Afghans has run afoul of the interests of officers of the powerful Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in defending their role in earlier detention decisions.
U.S.: Families Sue Over Guantanamo Deaths
NIGERIA: Acting President Consolidates Power Amid Unrest
CLIMATE CHANGE: A Year On, Little Change in Political Climate
This time last year, United States federal legislation on climate change was starting to take shape, seemingly more pressing matters were taking up the bulk of U.S. policymakers' time, and a major climate conference was looming at the end of the year.
KENYA: Trying to Rebuild Communities After Floods
NEPAL: Crippling Power Outages Throw Life Out of Gear
Human Rights
POLITICS-SRI LANKA: Scepticism Greets Human Rights Plan
Pressured by the west and international groups over its human right record, the Sri Lankan government is close to finalising a roadmap on safeguarding civil and political liberties.
CHINA: State Media Pushing for a Global Voice
RIGHTS: JSOC Interests Snag Plan to Free Afghan Detainees
KENYA: Trying to Rebuild Communities After Floods
After torrential rains and floods claimed lives in Kenya’s North Rift region, hundreds of displaced people are now in dire need of relief aid.
KENYA: State Insists Counterfeit Law’s No Threat to Right to Life
WEST AFRICA: Stopping the Polio Virus
Civil Society
MEXICO: Kidnapping - A Growing Risk for Central American Migrants
The increase in kidnappings of Central American migrants crossing Mexico on their way to the United States will be brought up at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) current session next Monday.
DEVELOPMENT: 'Aid Industry is Part of the Problem'
PERU: Priest on Campaign Trail Defrocked

News in RSS
Q&A: "Military Commissions Are a Second-Class Justice System"
RIGHTS: JSOC Interests Snag Plan to Free Afghan Detainees
POLITICS-NEPAL: Statesman’s Death Leaves Worries About Peace Process
POLITICS-SUDAN: African Leaders Call for Peaceful Elections
ECONOMY: Greek Crisis Impacts the Balkans
U.S.: Families Sue Over Guantanamo Deaths
NIGERIA: Acting President Consolidates Power Amid Unrest
CLIMATE CHANGE: A Year On, Little Change in Political Climate
LATIN AMERICA: Still a Long Way to Go for Black Women
ZAMBIA: School Policy for Teen Mothers a Partial Success
KENYA: Trying to Rebuild Communities After Floods
IRAN: New Budget May Add to Uncertainties, Political Strains
All Headlines >>
UNITED NATIONS: Inside the Glass House
Holy Land/Unholy War
MIDEAST: 'Day of Rage' Engulfs Palestine
MIDEAST: Israel-U.S. Tensions Continue to Percolate
MIDEAST: Israeli Raids Target Children
MIDEAST: U.S.-Israeli Tensions Escalating Quickly
MIDEAST: An Unlikely Collision Takes Place
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Most popular stories this week
 Q&A: Sri Lanka Remains Defiant of U.N. Chief
 DEVELOPMENT: Bad Water More Deadly Than War
 MIDEAST: Israeli Raids Target Children
 CLIMATE CHANGE: In Canada, No News is Bad News
 RIGHTS-BAHRAIN: Weak Laws Let Rapists Off the Hook
 AFRICA: Corruption Carries High Cost, World Bank Says
 MIDEAST: 'Day of Rage' Engulfs Palestine
 LATIN AMERICA: NGOs Demand Transparency, Reforms in IDB
 SOUTHERN AFRICA: Unexpected Low Custom Revenue Causes Budget Shortfalls
 NAMIBIA: "If You Kiss for Five Minutes You Get It"
Q&A one-on-one with IPS
Sri Lanka Remains Defiant of U.N. Chief
  Thalif Deen interviews DR. PALITHA KOHONA, Sri Lanka's Permanent U.N. Representative
Tapping Women's Enterprise to Topple Rural Poverty
  Paul Virgo interviews YUKIKO OMURA, new vice president of the International Fund for Agricultural Development
Wanted in Latin America
  Daniela Estrada interviews JUAN TRÍMBOLI of Consumers International
Equality Is Feminism
  Sabina Zaccaro interviews Nobel Peace Laureate SHIRIN EBADI*
'Israeli Siege Causing De-development of Gaza'
  David Cronin interviews MAHMOUD ABU RAHMA, Gazan human rights worker
IRAQ - Beyond the Green Zone
IRAQ: Seculars Gain as Religious Parties Lose Ground
POLITICS: The Pentagon's Propaganda Networks – Part 2
CULTURE: Poor Patronage Killing Arab Cinema
IRAQ: Women Miss Saddam
IRAQ: Elections Bring Joy and Uncertainty
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Confronting Climate Change
CLIMATE CHANGE: A Year On, Little Change in Political Climate
KENYA: Trying to Rebuild Communities After Floods
CLIMATE CHANGE-BRAZIL: The Threat Posed by Livestock
CLIMATE CHANGE: The U.N.'s Boys' Club
ENERGY-LATIN AMERICA: Moving Towards Renewables
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Crisis and Children
Sexual Diversity and Gender Identty
Nuclear Ambirions
Letter from South-East Asia
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U.S. Elections 2008
Analysis - IPS Inter Press Service
New Budget May Add to Uncertainties, Political Strains
Analysis by Farideh Farhi*
HONOLULU, Hawaii, Mar 19 (IPS) - Iran's 347-billion-dollar budget for the 2010-11 fiscal year, finally approved by the Guardian Council in Tehran Tuesday - just days before its scheduled implementation on the Iranian New Year Mar. 21 - appears likely to add to the tensions and uncertainty that have bedeviled the country since the disputed June 2009 elections.
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Honduras Isolated
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