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Diplomatic Folly

Submitted by jamesbiga on Thu, 2010-03-18 21:28. :: | |

The Definition of Israel Apartheid Week

Submitted by Chumi on Thu, 2010-03-18 19:48. ::

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The Definition of Israel Apartheid Week:
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The Great Debate over America: Promise Achieved or Promise Broken?

Submitted by gsdmorris on Thu, 2010-03-18 19:43. ::

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Barry Rubin

My son made a casual remark that showed me the whole basis of the debate over America today. His teacher had told the class that while in the Declaration of Independence said, “All men are created equal,” but that this promise has not been kept, because of the treatment by America of African-Americans, Native Americans, and others.
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Health-care sleight of hand

Submitted by gsdmorris on Thu, 2010-03-18 19:41. ::

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Health-care sleight of hand

By Howard Kurtz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 17, 2010; 10:19 AM

How predictable: There they go again.
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Submitted by gsdmorris on Thu, 2010-03-18 19:31. ::

J Street urges support for Obama against Israel

Submitted by Israel Matzav on Thu, 2010-03-18 18:50. ::

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But of course. J Street, the pro-Israel pro-peace Obama lobby is urging American Jews to support Obama over Israel. The pro-Israel, pro-peace movement is stepping up strong. Earlier this week, J Street leadership delivered over 18,000 signatures to White House officials demonstrating that large numbers of pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans agree with the Vice President when he says "sometimes only a

Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations and the Jblogosphere

Submitted by cosmicx on Thu, 2010-03-18 18:49. ::

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My fellow jbloggers have their say:JoeSettler:Obama is taking on a people that built an exact duplicate of 770 in Israel. Does he really think they're going to let a Cossack like him raid their neighborhood.I think that JoeSettler owes the Cossacks an apology for comparing them with Obama.Rafi:On the other hand, I would not put it past Bibi to have arranged this whole crisis just in order to get

The King David Hotel

Submitted by cosmicx on Thu, 2010-03-18 18:48. ::

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The King David hotel is the hotel that celebrities and high ranking politicians stay at when they visit Jerusalem. I was downtown and took some pics.Here's a pic of the entrance:The back side:I wonder what King David would say about the hotel that uses his name.

Israel's side of the story

Submitted by Israel Matzav on Thu, 2010-03-18 17:16. ::

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You've heard America's side of the story from Tom Friedman and Martin Indyk. Now, please hear Israel's side of the story from David Hazony. Israelis are not taking American friendship for granted. They are begging for it.Israelis are a sentimental lot. Egypt’s Anwar Sadat laid the groundwork for peace just by agreeing to come to Jerusalem and addressing the Knesset — thus showing Israelis his