Caption This
By Aussie Dave on March 04, 2010  |  Comments 10

Caption This

Queen Elizabeth II dines with South African President Jacob Zuma.

Update: My contribution:

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Aussie Dave Gets Threatened With Death
By Aussie Dave on March 02, 2010  |  Comments 34

Aussie Dave Gets Threatened With Death

At the Facebook group dedicated to the palestinian Avatards, someone took exception to my post pointing out some anti-Semitism displayed in the messages.
And by “took exception”, I mean “threatened to kill me.”

For the record, not one member of the group spoke out to condemn the death threat. In fact, the only response I received was [...]

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Purim Fool
By Aussie Dave on February 28, 2010  |  Comments 26

Purim Fool

On Purim, Israeli news sites take part in the festivities and post nonsensical stories in line with the jovial nature of the day.
One such story is this one from Ha’aretz, in which it was “reported” that the Israeli government is set to approve sponsorship messages on the Western Wall.
Most people go to the Western Wall [...]

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By Aussie Dave on February 17, 2010  |  Comments 4


A few days ago, I posted about a Facebook group in support of ISM terror enabler Bridget Chappell, which cast a light on her support for terrorist activities and hatred for Israel. It also showed how she lied about her name, as she was posting under the name Brigette Dostojevkij.

I think we can safely assume [...]

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By Aussie Dave on February 13, 2010  |  Comments 20


On Friday, palestinian protesters decided to try a new tactic against Israel: they painted themselves blue and posed as characters from the hit film “Avatar.”
The demonstrators also donned long hair and loincloths Friday for the weekly protest against the barrier near the village of Bilin.
They equated their struggle to the intergalactic one portrayed in the [...]

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Photo of the Day

Photo of the Day

Have you heard of bad hair days?
Looks like Hillary’s having one of those..and then some.
“I told you I’d shoot but you didn’t believe me. Why didn’t you believe me!?”

The Day In Israel: Thursday Mar 18th, 2010

The Day In Israel: Thursday Mar 18th, 2010

In his first interview with Fox News, US President Barack Obama has denied there is a crisis in US-Israel relations.

Updates (Israel time; most recent at top)
10:08PM: Yet more media bias?
Which begs the question: how does the AFP stringer know that this is a fake rocket? After all, the guy carrying it is a real Hamas [...]

Imperial History of the Middle East

Imperial History of the Middle East

5000 years of history in 90 seconds.
See if you can spot when a palestinian state existed.

(hat tip: Jewgle Perth)

The Day In Israel: Wednesday Mar 17th, 2010

The Day In Israel: Wednesday Mar 17th, 2010

The US is waiting for Israel’s response to demands raised by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including the cancellation of the Ramat Shlomo construction project in East Jerusalem, yet more goodwill gestures toward the palestinians, and a public declaration by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of his willingness to discuss the conflict’s core issues in the [...]



Just when you thought Roseanne Barr dressed as Hitler was as disturbing as you could get, along comes someone to outdo it.

And there’s more, such as baby Idi, baby Khomeini, baby Mussolini, and baby Saddam (no baby Arafat though).
Leaving aside whether or not this is art (in my mind, the answer is clear), this is [...]

The Day In Israel: Tuesday Mar 16th, 2010

The Day In Israel: Tuesday Mar 16th, 2010

Police are bracing themselves for violence after Hamas announced a “day of rage” in response to Israel’s latest outrageous outrage – the dedication of the restored Hurva synagogue, which was destroyed by the Arab Legion in the War of Independence.
Large forces will continue to be deployed throughout the city, with 3,000 police and border [...]

The Day In Israel: Monday Mar 15th, 2010

The Day In Israel: Monday Mar 15th, 2010

After waking up this morning, I was greeted with this sobering report:
‘U.S.-Israel relations at their worst in 35 years’
Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, has told the country’s diplomats there that U.S.-Israeli relations face their worst crisis in 35 years, despite attempts by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office to project a sense [...]

The Day In Israel: Sunday Mar 14th, 2010

The Day In Israel: Sunday Mar 14th, 2010

US President Barack Obama has issued a stern ultimatum to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
A widely predicted crisis between Israel and the United States upon Benjamin Netanyahu taking office as prime minister finally erupted this weekend.
U.S. President Barack Obama did not hold back in condemning the humiliation caused to Joe Biden with the Israeli announcement [...]

Spiccolier Than Thou

Spiccolier Than Thou

Hollywood numbskull Sean Penn has defended Hugo Chavez.
Actor Sean Penn, who in separate TV interviews last week slammed critics of his visits to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his earthquake aid to Haiti, has gotten some support from the South American leader.
Chavez Thursday said he is grateful that the Oscar-winning actor has defended him against [...]

Dream Product Placement

Dream Product Placement

Click to enlarge.