Imperial History of the Middle East

5000 years of history in 90 seconds.

See if you can spot when a palestinian state existed.

(hat tip: Jewgle Perth)

Filed Under: General


About the Author: An Australian immigrant to Israel, Aussie Dave has been blogging since early 2003.

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  1. [...] Imperial History of the Middle East : Israellycool [...]


    I wonder how things would be today if they had managed to defeat the Mamluks and ride into the Land of Israel…

  3. Hetallica says:

    Looks like the Kingdom of Egypt had it first — so, does that mean Israel should secede to Egypt?

  4. Julia says:

    Claiming that a Palestinian state shouldn't exist because it never existed before is a terrible argument. Pretty much every state in the world today is artificial and was created through violence and coercion. We should be asking why states exist in the first place, and why they always seem to be created by the ruling elite as a way of protecting their property. I personally don't think any state should exist. If it were up to me I would want the Middle East to be like what it was like during the Ottoman Period where all the people in Jerusalem handled their affairs, all the people in Damascus handled their affairs, all the Greeks did their stuff, all the Armenians did their stuff, etc. States are highly unjust institutions. Study anarchist philosophy (like Proudhon) to get a better idea.

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