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March 19, 2010

Barack Obama and Tom Metzger on Race Mixing

by Bill Levinson

We recently visited Tom Metzger’s White Aryan Resistance Web site to examine its impressive collection of racist and anti-Semitic hate propaganda. Despite the pictures’ loathsome messages, they are actually well drawn and must be taken very seriously in terms of their ability to persuade the less intelligent elements of society; the elements to whom Joseph Goebbels said a good propagandist should appeal. One in particular came to our attention; it includes outlines of men and women of opposite colors with a red line through them, and it then advocates actual violence toward interracial couples (e.g. Damon and Jan in Chris Muir’s “Day by Day” comic strip).

Barack Obama admittedly never advocated violence toward interracial couples, but his Dreams From My Father (pp. 101-102 (paperback, ISBN 978-1-4000-8277-3) shows that he otherwise agrees with the White Aryan Resistance about miscegenation or race mixing: “Tim was not a conscious brother. Tim wore argyle sweaters and pressed jeans and talked like Beaver Cleaver. …His white girlfriend was probably waiting for him up in his room, listening to country music.” This comes from an individual who would not exist if a Black man had not had a Caucasian girlfriend. There is no accounting for the mental processes of racists like Metzger and people like Barack Obama who consort openly with racists such as Jeremiah Wright, a church that applauds a remark like “There were a whole lot of white people crying,” and most recently Al Sharpton, but these mental processes belong on the lunatic fringe and not in any position of public trust or responsibility.

Posted by Bill Levinson @ 2:03 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 5 Comments » | 125 views

The Palestinians’ Legitmate Homeland in the Arab World

Palestinians entitled to land five times the size of Israel (including so-called occupied territories)
by Bill Levinson

As reported by How About an Arab ‘Settlement’ Freeze? in today’s Wall Street Journal,

    Since 1948 upward of 800,000 Jews abandoned their homes and forfeited their goods in Egypt, Iraq, Morocco and Yemen. In addition to assets valued at hundreds of billions of dollars, the property deeds of Jews from Arab lands is estimated at a total area of 100,000 square miles, which is five times the size of the state of Israel, and more than Israel would include even if it were to stretch over all the disputed territories of the West Bank.

It’s fairly simple: Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, and Yemen stole 100,000 square miles from their Jewish residents, who relocated to Israel. Israel is therefore within its rights to annex the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and demand publicly that these Arab countries turn the Jewish-owned land (to which the Jews have the right to return according to the Arab position on the Palestinians) in question over to the Palestinians in exchange. End of story.

Posted by Bill Levinson @ 1:39 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 4 Comments » | 103 views

March 18, 2010

Bibi wins - Obambi loses

Obama-Israel negotiating agreement: don’t ask, don’t tell on settlements

United in disagreement: The peace process is dead

Posted by Ted Belman @ 11:23 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 23 Comments » | 212 views

U.S. Code Title 18 (Crimes), “Fraud and related activity in connection with computers”

by Bill Levinson

Includes hacking. Up to five years’ jail. Enough said.

Posted by Bill Levinson @ 10:33 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | No Comments » | 103 views

Canadian General and Ambassador on Kosovo

This is two years old. MacKenzie said NATO was wrong

Abassador James Bisset adds his voice

“Americans saw an opportunity to help the Muslims after the Gulf War”

Posted by Ted Belman @ 8:38 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 3 Comments » | 117 views

Obama Partners Openly with Racist and Anti-Semite

Barack Obama’s deliberate, willful, and racist contempt for white people and especially Jews
by Bill Levinson

The front page feature of today’s Wall Street Journal, “Obama’s
New Partner: Al Sharpton,”
tells us everything we need to know
about Barack Obama’s character, integrity, and fitness for public
office. Al Sharpton has no more place in or near the Oval Office than
David Duke of the Ku Klux Klan or Tom Metzger of the White Aryan
Resistance. Obama’s decision to partner with this individual is,
however, totally consistent with the racist content in Dreams From
My Father
, membership in a racist (as shown by its standing ovation
for Michael Pfleger’s “There were a whole lot of white people crying”)
church, Jeremiah Wright’s blood libels of both the United States and
Israel, and 9/11 denier Van Jones.

(Read more…)

Posted by Bill Levinson @ 2:08 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 16 Comments » | 745 views

March 17, 2010

Report: US shipping arms ahead of strike on Iran

YNET took down the article below before I posted it. Googling turned up the Seminal article and it links to the original article. Both those articles speculated only on American intentions.

The Seminal

Scottish newspaper says US transferred ammunition containers with ‘bunker-buster’ bombs to Diego Garcia in Indian Ocean. Expert: They are gearing up totally for the destruction of Iran

Ynet 03.17.10, 08:50 / Israel News

Hundreds of powerful US “bunker-buster” bombs are being shipped from California to the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean ahead of a possible attack on Iran, The Herald reported Wednesday.

The Scottish newspaper said the American government signed a contract in January to transport 10 ammunition containers to the island. According to a cargo manifest from the US navy, this included 387 “Blu” bombs used for blasting hardened or underground structures, The Herald reported.
(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 5:09 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 38 Comments » | 588 views

Obama will not weaken Netanyahu Gov’t

By Ted Belman

According to Jeffery Goldberg writing in the Atlantic, What Obama is Actually Trying to Do in Israel this kerfuffle is all about Obama’s attempt to weaken Netanyahu’s government to force him to take in Kadima.

    I’ve been on the phone with many of the usual suspects (White House and otherwise), and I think it’s fair to say that Obama is not trying to destroy America’s relations with Israel; he’s trying to organize Tzipi Livni’s campaign for prime minister, or at least for her inclusion in a broad-based centrist government. I’m not actually suggesting that the White House is directly meddling in internal Israeli politics, but it’s clear to everyone — at the White House, at the State Department, at Goldblog — that no progress will be made on any front if Avigdor Lieberman’s far-right party, Yisrael Beiteinu, and Eli Yishai’s fundamentalist Shas Party, remain in Netanyahu’s surpassingly fragile coalition.

(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 8:18 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 10 Comments » | 483 views

CUFI supports Israel starts email campaign


While Vice President Biden was in Israel last week, Israel’s Interior Minister announced that permits would be issued for new homes in a Jewish neighborhood of East Jerusalem. Since the Obama Administration is opposed to such construction, many complained that the timing was a slight to the Vice President. But by all accounts Prime Minister Netanyahu had nothing to do with the timing of this announcement. He and Israel’s other top leaders immediately and profusely apologized for it. Democracy is sometimes messy.
(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 7:54 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 47 Comments » | 515 views

March 16, 2010

Petraeus has history of being anti-Israel

[Petraeus also on record as against torture and Gitmo.}

General Petraeus’ Disturbing Statement About Hezbollah

Pyjamas Media - June 2009

[..] Petraeus is a respected man, whose opinions are highly valued and held in high esteem — which makes his recent comment about the terrorist group Hezbollah all the more surprising. Just prior to the Lebanese elections — elections that Hezbollah lost, thank goodness — Gen. Petraeus spoke with the Arabic-language al-Hayat newspaper, published by the Lebanese Daily Star, and blamed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the existence of Hezbollah. “Hezbollah’s justifications for existence will become void,” Petraeus said, “if the Palestinian cause is resolved.”
(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 10:56 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 15 Comments » | 529 views

Palin to Obama: “Push the reset button with Israel”

By Ted Belman

When Ahmedinejad came to NY in ‘08 Sarah Palin had accepted an invitation to deliver this speech, Palin on Ahmadinejad: ‘He Must Be Stopped’ before the Democratic Jews had the invitation revoked.

Now her aide has issued this statement in her name.

    The Obama Administration reaches out to some of the world’s worst regimes in the name of their engagement policy. America and our allies watch as sanctions are eased on Cuba. Letters are written to Iran’s mullahs only to see that regime start killing protesters in the streets of Tehran. Envoys are sent to North Korea as they continue to defy the world’s demand to give up their nuclear weapons. The Burmese military junta’s representative is allowed to travel to our nation’s capital. The President’s envoy for Sudan talks about giving that genocidal regime “gold stars,” while the President shakes hands with Venezuela’s tyrannical leader. In the midst of all this embracing of enemies, where does the Obama Administration choose to escalate a minor incident into a major diplomatic confrontation? With Iran, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea or Burma? No. With our treasured ally, Israel.

(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 7:12 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 21 Comments » | 543 views

Obama has shot himself in the foot

Obama to Israel: ‘Drop Dead’
By Richard Baehr

Explaining the U.S.-Israel Crisis
By Professor Barry Rubin

Behind Obama’s Dangerous Overreaction on Israel
By Anne Bayefsky

Obama and Israel: Not Smart
John Podhoretz

Biden’s Israel Visit and Its Aftermath: The Importance of Maintaining Strategic Direction in U.S. Middle East Policy
By Robert Satloff

Posted by Ted Belman @ 6:40 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 1 Comment » | 203 views

This is bullshit

I met and interviewed Javedanvar, a leftist Iranian Jew two years ago and we had strong disagreements. I reported on the Petraeus matter yesterday in Blame the Jews .

The proposition put forward by Petraeus is that continued expansion is putting American lives at stake. I for one can’t see the connection but even if it were true, the least I would expect from an ally is that it should hang tough rather than sacrifice Israel’s national interest. How many times did American actions cost Israeli lives. Many.

Javendar says “Regional players such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE are not going to take America’s promises to stand up to Iran seriously when Obama cannot even convince his best friend in the region to assist him.” If ever there was a non-sequitor, this is one. Everyone knows that Israel is ready to assist in attacking Iran even going it alone. So the ability for Obama to force Israel to stop building has nothing to do with Iran.

Israel must help US tackle Iran

Israeli settlement-building is undermining the security of US forces, limiting its ability to deal with the Iranian nuclear threat

Meir Javedanfar,,

For some in Israel, the issues of Jewish settlements and Iran’s nuclear programme are not connected. But for the United States, they are becoming more and more intertwined.

The factor that links them together is American concerns about casualties in the region.

According to Mark Perry writing in Foreign Policy, one of the main parties in Washington calling for Barack Obama to put his foot down against Israel’s settlement expansion, even before Vice-president Joe Biden’s recent call, has been General David Petraeus. In the Pentagon’s view, the Obama administration’s inability to stop the expansion of settlements is eroding America’s military posture in the Middle East. Such erosion could embolden Muslim extremists to increase their attacks on US forces in the region.
(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 3:04 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 26 Comments » | 398 views

Obama has crossed the line

by Isi Leibler

The bureaucratic fashla [blunder] of our dysfunctional government to forestall the announcement of a new housing project in Jerusalem during the visit of US Vice President Joe Biden provided a pretext for the Obama administration to launch one of the harshest condemnations ever leveled against us by a US government. But while the timing of the announcement was appalling, it involved no breach of undertaking.

In fact, the Obama administration had previously publicly praised the Israeli government for making a “major concession” by imposing a settlement freeze which explicitly excluded Jerusalem. (Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 2:43 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 1 Comment » | 371 views

March 15, 2010

Netanyahu bows to US demand for Jerusalem building freeze

This article dated Mar 15th says otherwise.
‘Jerusalem construction will go on’

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report March 14, 2010,

Already Friday, March 12, Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu gave in to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s peremptory demand for a moratorium on construction in East Jerusalem for the duration of indirect talks with the Palestinians.

This was in addition to the freeze he accepted earlier on settlement construction on the West Bank.
(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 6:00 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 5 Comments » | 765 views

US will raise the heat until Israel toes the line on Iran

DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis March 14, 2010, 10:39 PM (GMT+02:00)

While exploiting Israel’s ill-timed announcement of 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem for concessions to the Palestinians, Washington will keep the hullabaloo against Israel at top pitch until the Netanyahu government toes the line on Iran, debkafile’s Washington sources report. This issue goes way beyond a campaign to unseat Netanyahu, in which Washington and Israeli elements have happily joined forces. The Obama administration is at odds on its Iran stance not only with Israel but Saudi Arabia, too, as well as the moderate Arab regimes of the Middle East, none of whom buy its new line.

Had Netanyahu’s political reflexes been sharper, he could have removed the immediate pretext for the crisis, the Jerusalem housing announcement during vice president Joe Biden’s visit, by firing a couple of bureaucrats and apologizing on the spot. But that would not have averted the crisis.
(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 5:56 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 2 Comments » | 353 views

Obama in more trouble than Netanyahu over Iran

Could it be that this kerfuffle is not over negotiations but over Iran. Perhaps Obama is looking for a way to prevent Israel from bombing Iran?

Both Bush and Obama have played footsies with Iran in the hope of getting her cooperation in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The price tag is obviously, letting Iran get the bomb. But then Iran’s cooperation will end.

By Spengler, ASIA TIMES

The chess-masters of Tehran have played a single combination for the past five years: threaten America’s flanks in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to gain control of the center of the board, that is, by pushing on with a nuclear program that many suspect is designed to acquire nuclear weapons.

Iran has sufficient assets in the territory of its troubled neighbors to make a shambles of America’s Potemkin village. Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki may be able to govern Iraq with a third of the seats contested in the March 7 parliamentary elections, provided that Iran’s allies such as Shi’ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr permit him to do so. And the appearance of Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad in Kabul on March 10 to declare his solidarity with Afghanistan’s beleaguered President Hamid Karzai planted Iran’s flag in the midst of Afghan politics.
(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 5:27 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 10 Comments » | 531 views

Obama v Israel

Barack Hussein Obama vs Israel

By Sultan Knish

The manifold organs of the ObamaMedia are abuzz with outrage over what they are calling Israel’s “insult” to the United States. But what was the nature of this awful and outrageous insult? Did Israeli officials pull off V.P. Biden’s rug to show off his bald head underneath. Did they ask him why the suit of his pants is so shiny. Did they make him sit at the kiddie table?

More to the point did Israeli TV air calls for a Jihad against America, as Palestinian Arab TV did? Did Israel name a square after the murderer of an American photographer, as the Palestinian Authority did? Did an Israeli Anchorman do a skit in blackface during Obama’s visit, as a Turkish anchorman did during Obama’s visit to Turkey? Are Israeli religious institutions issuing Fatwahs against America, as Al Azhar University, which Obama visited and spoke at, has done? Are Israeli leaders funding terrorism against America, as the Saudi King, before whom Obama bowed, does?

No, none of those incidents were described as insults. Nothing that Muslim countries did to mock, humiliate and murder Americans were even noticed at all. None of them produced furious condemnations from the White House or two hours of Hillary Clinton screeching on the phone at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. So what did Israel do that was so awful, so horrible and terrible? It built houses. Yes, civilian houses. Not army bases or nuclear missiles or walls. Houses.

(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 3:27 pm ET | Plink | Trackback | 11 Comments » | 614 views

In support of Israel

It Gets Worse

Jennifer Rubin - 03.14.2010 - 1:29 PM

The White House is, as this report suggests, upping the ante with continued criticism of Israel. Taking to the morning talk shows, David Axelrod — a political operative who now seems at the center of foreign-policy formulation (more on this later) — went on the Fox, ABC, and NBC Sunday talk shows to repeat how insulted the Obami were over Israeli building in Jerusalem and what an affront this was to them. And what is the affront? Well, for some context, this report is enlightening:

The Likud Party’s Danny Dadon, deputy speaker of the Knesset, called Clinton’s “meddling in internal Israeli decisions regarding the development” of Jerusalem “uninvited and unhelpful. In fact it is sheer chutzpah.”

“I cannot remember another time that a senior American official deemed it ‘insulting’ when a sovereign nation announced urban zoning decisions regarding its primary city,” Danon said.

(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 10:22 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 17 Comments » | 479 views

More setting the record straight

[Just when I thought I had it right, i.e. that that east Jerusalem meant all lands east of the armistice line, Charles Oren writes to tell me I still don't understand.]

By Charles Oren

Jerusalem was a divided city until ‘67 with No-Man’s land running approximately N-S along what is now Route 1 and then south along the Old City wall and along the valley to UN HQ in Government House.

Arab snipers frequently fired into Jewish Jerusalem. But not all the area East of the green line was populated !

And remember that the first houses outside the Old City walls were built by Sir Moses Montefiore.

The windmill was built in 1857. Jews have been the largest group in Jerusalem since then.
(Read more…)

Posted by Ted Belman @ 10:07 am ET | Plink | Trackback | 2 Comments » | 330 views

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