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JavaScript Kit- What's New?

JSON object reference

With JSON being all the rage, JavaScript has implemented a native JSON object to stringify and parse JSON data. This new reference describes this object.

Plus Size Image Viewer

Plus Size Image Viewer automatically adds a caption beneath certain images that when clicked on launches a "plus size" version of the image. The enlarged image can be a different image from the original, so the former is loaded only on demand when requested.

The onmousewheel event of JavaScript

The onmousewheel event fires whenever the user moves the mouse wheel either upwards or downwards, and can provide yet another way for users to interact with your JavaScript. In this tutorial, lets see how to take advantage of onmousewheel across browsers.

JavaScript Events

This new addition to the JavaScript Reference makes it easy to look up any of the available event handlers in JavaScript and what they do.

Custom Attributes in HTML 5

HTML 5 supports a new "data" attribute you can add inside elements to store arbitrary bits of information, to be later parsed using JavaScript for example. This tutorial shows you how to utilize this new attribute.

Getting global and external style sheet values in DHTML

This useful tutorial looks at how to use DHTML to retrieve inherited CSS property values from global and external Style Sheets.

Handling runtime errors in JavaScript using try/catch/finally

The try/catch/finally statement of JavaScript lets you dip your toes into error prune territory and "reroute" when a runtime error has occurred. Learn all about this often misunderstood statement in this tutorial.

Creating a flashy image slideshow with IE Transitions

IE transitions is a collection of prebuilt visual effects in IE that can be applied during content state changes. A step by step tutorial on creating a cross browser image slideshow that's enhanced visually in IE thanks to Transitions.

JavaScript SELECT/OPTION objects reference updated

Two of the most confusing objects in JavaScript to grasp, we've just updated the SELECT and OPTION reference page with more in depth explanations.

Overview of CSS3 Structural pseudo-classes

There are some new classes this Fall, CSS3 Structural pseudo-classes that is. Learn about how they let you select and style child elements of a container based on a variety of generic criteria such as the odd and even rows of a table.

W3C CSS Selectors API- The querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods

The querySelector() and querySelectorAll() methods let you enter a CSS selector as a parameter and return the selected elements as DOM elements. Think of them as document.getElementById() on steriods.

Performing GET and POST requests using Ajax

Ajax, once stripped of all its fanciness, basically describes just two things- performing "GET" and "POST" requests asynchronously. This tutorial explains Ajax frankly and gently, while also covering the important topics of fetching XML and JSON files using Ajax.

JavaScript Reference- Keyboard/ Mouse Buttons Events

The latest update to our JS Reference takes a hard look at keyboard and mouse button events in JavaScript, including the unicode value of each key.

Dynamically loading an external JavaScript or CSS file

External JavaScript or CSS files do not always have to be synchronously loaded as part of the page, but dynamically as well. In this tutorial, we'll see how to load, remove, and replace external JavaScript and CSS files on demand and asynchronously. It the era of Ajax, it's a handy thing to know.

Sorting an JavaScript array using array.sort()

See how to harness the sort() method of JavaScript to sort an array alphabetically, numerically, or even shuffle the array elements.
More Additions

Displaying RSS feeds easily using Google Ajax Feed API

Displaying RSS feeds from other sites on your own is a nice way to show constantly updated content automatically. In this tutorial, we show you how to use Google Ajax Feed API to display RSS feeds from other sites on your own easily and without hosting the files on your own server.

Using object detection to sniff out different browsers

With the introduction of so many new browsers recently, from IE7, Firefox2, to Opera9, it's time to update our tutorial on using object detection to sniff out these new browsers as well!

CSS Hacks- the good, the bad, and the ugly

David provides a detailed look at your various options when it comes to CSS hacks to fix those browser inconsistency woes, even in IE7. The good and the bad aren't the only players in town!

JavaScript and memory leaks

If you're not careful, your JavaScript code may leak memory and sometimes even bring the visitor's browser to its knees. This tutorial looks at different leak patterns in JavaScript and how to fix them.

Introduction to the TreeWalker object of DOM

The TreeWalker object is a powerful DOM2 object that lets you easily filter through and create custom collections out of nodes in the document. This is a comprehensive tutorial on how to utilize this object.

RSS Ajax JavaScript ticker

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to combine RSS, Ajax, and JavaScript to create a live RSS ticker.

Including the contents of an external page using Ajax

This tutorial looks at how to use Ajax to dynamically include the contents of an external page onto the current one automatically each time the page is requested. Think of it as SSI client side!

External JavaScript and PHP

External JavaScript can reference not just .js files, but PHP scripts as well. See how this is done, and the wonderful possibilities linking PHP to JavaScript bring.
"Learning jQuery (Packt Publishing)" book review We review "Learning jQuery", a book aimed at introducing new comers to the jQuery framework.
CSS Vertical List Menu
This is a lean CSS vertical menu with support for 1 level of nested lists, displayed as a "drop down".
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