Welcome to Jihad Watch

What am I going to do at Jihad Watch? Very simple: watch jihad. Jihad Watch is not just a blog, or a website, but an organization. It is being formed in order to bring attention to the activities of jihadists in the United States and around the world.

Why does jihad need watching? Consider this juxtaposition:

"Murder has no place in any religious tradition and must find no home in Indonesia. . . . President Megawati has confronted this evil directly. Under her leadership Indonesia is hunting and finding dangerous killers. America appreciates Indonesia's strong cooperation in the war on terror." -- George W. Bush, October 22, 2003


Villagers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, are once again fleeing for their lives. They are reacting to recent attacks on four villages in the Poso district by bands of masked raiders armed with automatic weapons. Even the deployment of extra armed forces to secure the area has had little effect upon the worried inhabitants.

"People are too scared to remain in their isolated villages," said Mona Saroinsong, coordinator of the Crisis Center of the Protestant Church in North Sulawesi. "They have been walking through the jungle to the coast or making for Tentena, the nearest Christian town. When I questioned them, they said they did not trust the authorities to protect them.'"...

Saatu, Pantangolemba and Pinedapa all had large Christian populations. The attackers sought out the homes of known Christians and forced them into the street where they were shot. Police reported that nine people lost their lives and 11 more were hospitalized....

Some Christian men have agreed to return to their villages, which are now under heavy police protection, but have left their women and children elsewhere, fearing new attacks. Especially vulnerable are villages such as Malewa and Galuga, where Christians have resettled.

In Lembomawo village near Poso, the police advised the Christians to
evacuate their women and children after receiving several reports of
strangers gathering behind the village....

"There is growing chaos and unabated fear spreading throughout the Christian community. Please continue to petition the Indonesian government to do something about the root cause of the violence -- rather than patch over the cracks -- and make both sides adhere to the Malino agreement. Please keep praying for us here." -- Compass Direct, October 21, 2003

The persecution of Christians is not usually considered terror, although it targets innocent civilians no less unmistakably than Osama bin Laden did on 9/11/01. This persecution is jihad -- the same jihad that is being fought today by terrorists worldwide. Wishful thinking has gone far enough, and ultimately will get us nowhere.

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This web site is an excellent idea. It's time to put jihadists and all of their apologists under the microscope.

Welcome to the Blogosphere!

If you don't already know it, have a look at http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/ .

Let the e-Jihad-DOS attacks begin!

No seriously, this is a great idea.
Many wishes to a long and successful career of bloggage!

Is any one else having trouble getting the posted comments to appear? On my computer it takes almost a minute.

I'm not a Christian but I still think this is a very good idea.

Thank you for setting up this site. I read your book and it scared the out of me. I'm giving 14 copies to friends & family for Christmas. They all need to wake up, too.

Many think that the Jihad is about the conquest of infidel territory. It is that, but more importantly, Islam needs to conquer the spiritual and intellectual territory of the infidel. To impose Sharia over the Constitution of the US, to get humble acknowledgement from Christianity that Islam is its superior. In other words to get us to accept their view of reality as they believe that their view is divine.

If they can get us to concede these, then a physical jihad is un-neccesary as they would have won anyway.

Have read "Islam Unveiled". All good luck to you in your blog and website.

Name: Bill from Maryland


God bless you, dearest and most valiant friend, for your vigorous strivings at this historical moment within "the enchanted kingdom of ROPMA - (Religion-of-Peace-My-Ass)."

I am your biggest fan in Maryland, telling friends and acquaintances continually about your superb work, which I love beyond telling.

I have recently purchased your book, ISLAM UNVEILED, and have read it thoroughly, marking it up in detail as I read along.

It's the start of a great education in facts - for anyone.

I've purchased ONWARD MUSLIM SOLDIERS and simply cannot wait to dig in, but am giving myself a momentary breather by reading "Righteous Victims" by Benny Morris.

I'm giving myself a great education by reading all the best OTHER books, too: Empires of the Sand/Karsh; Sword of the Prophet/Trifkovic; Unveiling Islam/Caner; plus Oriana Fallaci's and Dore Gold’s and Naipaul's books, Ibn Warraq, etc.).

But your work and your books EXCEED the others is by far.

(To all: I do not know “Sir Robert” and have never met him.)

I feel lucky to have stumbled upon your new site - via Little Green Footballs.

For one, I am eager beyond words to see the promise that JIHAD WATCH unfolds as it moves forward.

You are doing such centrally important work; thank you for your singular courage and the inspiration by means of which you are doing it.

You are a needed man at a needed time. -- My truest prayers are with you, friend.

Laurel, MD

Thanks for all you do to bring this taboo subject out into the light.

Thank you. This site is long overdue. Now you just have to get the word out and hopefully the inbound links will follow.

Indeed --these contradictions need to be brought out. When the attacks occurred recently in Poso, they were referred to as unknown "mystery gunmen" despite the fact that all were from the nearby area, that they were all Muslim and the victims were all Christian. This, no doubt has resulted from the recent commitment --articulated recently by President Megawati that they needed to do more to "present" Islam with a better image.

Not, mind you "be better or improve behavior to be more peaceful" but make efforts to give it a better appearance.

Additionally, the largest Muslim party in Indonesia, MUK --had earlier this year demanded that those arrested stopped being identified as Muslims and being called terrorists. So apparently and very likely with government orders, the attackers were "mystery gunmen."

Yesterday this article appeared: The respected Tempo news magazine yesterday quoted an unidentified JI leader as saying the latest killings in Poso were "for the anniversary for the Bali bombs". Shawn Donnan, Jakarta http://news.ft.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=FT.com/StoryFT/FullStory&c=StoryFT&cid=1066565416503

Sorry for the long post --but the Christian killing has been going on there for years and years. And they cannot blame it on any US president, foreign policy or anyone other than Islamic terrorists. Since they only have about 30 Jews in Indonesia left (from approximately 300,000 I seem to recall)Chrisitans of who are still only 8 percent of the population have been the target.


Good luck, and good hunting.

May the LORD bless you in your endeavors to expose the dangers we are facing. It is time for the denial and head in the sand to come to an end.
Islam is our enemy, Islam has always been our enemy and Islam will always be our enemy.
The only way it will never be our enemy is for the Koran to be totally re-written or to be vanquished globally. Personally I don't think the first option will ever take place.

This is a great resource. With all the recommendations...I feel like I need to run out and get the new book. Keep it up.

Wonderful new site. I look forward to continuing my education here.

Thanks so much, I'll spread the word!

All systems go, Robert.

Welcome to the blogoshpere!

Will visit regularly.

I read "Islam Unveiled" and "Onward Muslim Soldiers" and learned a great deal from them. Your new Website was promptly added to my "BOOKMARKS" and will be visited daily along with LGF, NRO, and Den Beste. Jihad Watch is going to be one damned interesting place to visit.

Good Luck.

I wish this blog success.

Excellent sir. Judging by the quality of your books, you'll be linked profusely by me. I look forward to listening to you.

you rule--conquer the murderous allahbot revelation-heads with aristotelian logic and history-- smash them mentally--er...physically wouldn't hurt either--bon chance bobby!!

Something like this was so needed in todays world. Good luck in your expostion of the true nature of this pack of desert superstitions.

Great to have you on board in the blogosphere! I'm adding you to my blogroll.

Just to wish you well and strength to keep fighting the good fight like the other commenters.

When I was a child growing up I always expected to eventually be in a war against the Russians.

Now here it is, 26 years later and it looks as though my initial thoughts were only 1/2 right.

The enemy I thought I'd have to fight, communism, is now pretty much out of action (at least for the time being).

Now it appears that radical Islam is going to be the true enemy.

The difference between Communist tyranny and Islamic tyranny is that for the most part Communist soldiers had little choice and the new Muslim soldiers volunteer willingly.

I do not like that difference, not at all.

And if these fanatics get their hands hands on the Bomb...

Wayne, for about 2 years now I've been of the opinion that God sent us the communists just to toughen us up for the real show.

If Jihad Watch is an organization, can we join? What can we do to help?

Jennifer Martinez sends

Jennifer, thank you for the question. Jihad Watch is indeed an organization, but it is very new and much of this is still being hammered out. Please stay tuned and I hope we will have news about this soon. Best, Robert

When I first read, Islam Unveiled, I realized there was a lot that I was not aware of regarding the "religion of peace."

When I was finished reading, Islam Unveiled, I found myself wishing that every free person in the world could read your book.

Since that is not possible, then I'm happy to see you're moving forward with using the most powerful medium on this planet -- the web to educate more of free living people.

Keep the faith and courage to do as you do.
