It's a cookbook!

It's a cookbook! Libelblogger Charles Johnson serves man.

Christmas is coming -- it's time to start thinking about a gift for that special someone! And there's plenty more besides the cookbook in this side-splitting new video from The Nose On Your Face (thanks to Kathy Shaidle).

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LOL It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

It WOULDN'T happen to a nicer guy.

Just in time for Christmas, and the next four to come. How thoughtful to save me from having to think for all those years.

It's a cookbook!

Robert Spencer, I love your humor in the face of insanity.

I wonder how many people who contributed to the real LGF Cookbook were subsequently banned?

I still have LGF on my portal page w/ the RSS feed headlines staring at me daily. While I rarely read the entries, it's striking how far to the left it's gotten, and how obsessed Johnson now is with bashing Creationists, Spencer, and Climate "Deniers" ... even before he 'parted' with the Right. Also, the so-called lizard comments are ever more fawning, increasingly rote, and painfully esoteric. I think now his fans are ironically referred to as 'stalkers'.

At least JW has a focus, a singular mission, and a modicum of independent thought ... best yet, I don't see the indiscriminate banning or the 'quitely removing links' to causes once espoused that has happened on Johnson's site. Hell, just the concept of lizards and hatchings is creepy!

So, whilst it would be better that the narcissistic Johnson be ignored, this calendar -- however bitter it projects its creators to be -- is pretty much accurate.

I still have LGF on my portal page w/ the RSS feed headlines staring at me daily. While I rarely read the entries, it's striking how far to the left it's gotten, and how obsessed Johnson now is with bashing Creationists, Spencer, and Climate "Deniers" ... even before he 'parted' with the Right. Also, the so-called lizard comments are ever more fawning, increasingly rote, and painfully esoteric. I think now his fans are ironically referred to as 'stalkers'.

At least JW has a focus, a singular mission, and a modicum of independent thought ... best yet, I don't see the indiscriminate banning or the 'quitely removing links' to causes once espoused that has happened on Johnson's site. Hell, just the concept of lizards and hatchings is creepy!

So, whilst it would be better that the narcissistic Johnson be ignored, this calendar -- however bitter it projects its creators to be -- is pretty much accurate.

Johnson reminds me of the Green Slime in Ghostbusters, not the Green Lizard. The guy is a controlling-insecure creep. That's always been my impression of him.

Send in the Ghostbusters.

Robert Spencer--you are right when it comes to jihad. I read you and the mysterious Hugh Fitczgerald whenever I can, and I often email the articles you put on line to myincreasingly less clueless friends.

Johsnon is right when it comes to climate change and the idocy of "climategate" and the downgrading orf science by so-called "ointelligent design" tought as scheince rather than as religion.

Robert: I have been reading your blogs for years--when it was two blogs--Dhimmi Watch and and Jihad Watch--you have enlightened me and given me sources of information priviously inaccessible. I love your gutsness and your dry dry dry sense of humor.

Both of you guys must stop this mindless "girl fighting"--"slap! slap! I hate you! I hate you!" I don't care which of you started it. It's demeaning. You guys deserve to have your heads knocked together.

As for the vidoe: it was not funny ,not clever, and just mean. Robert, take the high road, and stop this foolishness. I will say the same thing on my comments to LGF.


Are you the 'Frank' of old, or are you a new Frank?...
If you are the ole Frank...glad to see you...If you are a new Frank, glad to see you too...

I'm really happy that I don't know CJ, and he does not know me, unless he reads JW...I think I will keep it that way...

Ho Ho Ho!! ...that was hilarrrrious!

Has anyone noticed that the Contact form is now missing from his site? The upgrade is complete to the perfect echo chamber.

A coffee/laptop moment in the Un:dhimmi household this morning! I love the way Chucky's underlings fawn at his daily so-so-tographs.. I mean, I know a man should have a hobby and all..

Hey, the ponytail would make a great stocking stuffer ..ho ho ho.

Same Frank. I just punished JW for over a year by not posting here since I got blocked for a suggestive comment I made. But I have forgiven them.

As for Johnson, once when I posted here (before JW was sent to purgatory by my absence) a link came up and some poster (that I did not recognize) posted that LGF was accepting new posters. I got an invite. But actually it would be more of an honor to to attacked by LGF, or be banned from posting there. There is no way I would ever post there. Permission denied.

Johnson strikes me as a control-freak. He would make a good Muslim. He appears to have reversed Kierkegaard's stages of spiritual development. Trust me-that guy is a good person to avoid. He is very controlling (which is a cover for insecurity) and though I have never met him, he's also arrogant (again a cover for insecurity). (It's all one ratty cloth with him made of insecurity that is well hidden under various covers of arrogance, know-it-all-in-charge poses, etc.)

I've always gotten that impression of him. I'm surprised the Outdoor-Cats here did not see sooner.

"Johsnon is right when it comes to climate change and the idocy of "climategate" and the downgrading orf science by so-called "ointelligent design" tought as scheince rather than as religion."

Not sure if you are joking there or not. If not, you are quite incorrect. Climate change is indeed a joke at least to the extent that man is going to control it or destroy the earth, climategate was a miracle that has hopefully saved us from a bunch of idiots destroying the economies of the world with idiotic programs meant to control the climate. Maybe we will even get to continue using incandescent bulbs! And intelligent design, if that is what you are referring to is also quite interesting in that is shows that the more man learns about the world, the further into the details of molecular biology he goes, the more that it is revealed that there is a design to it, that it could not have happened by accident. The "religion" is Darwinian evolution being taught as science.

heh heh heh, perfect!
I wonder if TNOYF will have a virus attached to it's site soon?

The Twilight Zone. A reliable and timeless friend in the struggle against Totalitarianism:

To ThinkThrice---as for climate change, I prefer to read Scientirfic American and the resaerch of thousands of scientirists throughout the world along with the annals of the American Academy of Science and National Science Foundation--if you believe that all these sundry people and organizations are involved in some sort of leftist cabale--then you are willing to believe anything-- When it comes to the issue of climate change--anthropogenic climate change, that is---I prefer these sources, wheras you prefer sources such as Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, G. Gordon Liddy, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage, and now, apparently PJTV and Caroline Glick--But hey, that's just me.

As for intelligent design--this is a belief, not a sicentific hypothesis (it cannot be r3efuted, unless you actually interview the "Intelligence
behind the design and the Intellience says, yes, I designed it, or no, I sat on my hands. This is religion, not science, and it should not be taught as science. It should be part of religious studies class.

If Robert Spencer--and Caroline Glick--another name that I really respect in the area of Middle East politics--allow themselves to fall into the slime pit of climate denial (and intelligent design) then their entire realm of thought is put to doubt--if they are "wacked out" on one thing, what makes them not wacked out on other things? Thus, Robert and Caroline should stay clear of this mire--

Furthermore, Robert Spencer and Charles Johnson should cease and desist from their online "cat fighting." Besides being detrimental to their onlineit is very unmanly of them--it's like a scene of motorcycle babes fighting in a bar in a grade B exploitation movie. Enough already. Litigate or shut up.

To ThinkThrice---as for climate change, I prefer to read Scientirfic American and the resaerch of thousands of scientists throughout the world along with the annals of the American Academy of Science and National Science Foundation--if you believe that all these sundry people and organizations are involved in some sort of leftist cabale--then you are willing to believe anything-- When it comes to the issue of climate change--anthropogenic climate change, that is---I prefer scientific sources, wheras you prefer sources such as Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, G. Gordon Liddy, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage, and now, apparently PJTV and Caroline Glick--But hey, that's just me. As for al Gore, I've not seen his movie and find him a bore--but you don't have to be a Gore-ist to realize that there is indeed something to antrhopogenic climate change.

As for intelligent design--this is a belief, not a scentific hypothesis, because it cannot be refuted. You would have to find and interview the Intelligence
allegedly behind the design, and the Intelligence would have to say, yes, I designed it, or no, I sat on my hands. This is religion, not science, and it should not be taught as science. It should be part of religious studies class.

If Robert Spencer--and Caroline Glick--another name that I really respect in the area of Middle East politics--allow themselves to fall into the stupidville of climate denial (and intelligent design) then their entire realm of thought is put to doubt--if they are "wacked out" on one thing, what makes them not wacked out on other things? Thus, Robert and Caroline should stay clear of this mire--

Furthermore, Robert Spencer and Charles Johnson should cease and desist from their online "cat fighting." Besides being detrimental to their important work, it is unmanly of them--it's like a bar scene of motorcycle babes fighting in a grade C exploitation movie. Enough already. Litigate or shut up.

"If Robert Spencer--and Caroline Glick--another name that I really respect in the area of Middle East politics--allow themselves to fall into the slime pit of climate denial (and intelligent design)..."

I don't think either is final truth. Both are open to question. Are they not?

We should question "global warming", "global freezing", "intelligent design", "evolution" etc. No control-freaks, please-thank you. No one telling anyone to not question is good for diversity of thought. The people who question climate change (formerly known as "global warming") should question it.

Why not? Question.

We should question "global warming", "global freezing", "intelligent design", "evolution" etc. No control-freaks, please-thank you. No one telling anyone to not question is good for diversity of thought. The people who question climate change (formerly known as "global warming") should question it.

Why not? Question.

"To ThinkThrice---as for climate change, I prefer to read Scientirfic American and the resaerch of thousands of scientirists throughout the world along with the annals of the American Academy of Science and National Science Foundation..."=Potomac boob

Are you really that naive about the "objectivity" of "science"?

I wrote this comment elsewhere this morning, but it fits here, too.
I am amazed at the naive faith of our era re the "objectivity" of science, in spite of ample evidence (Nazi science, Soviet science, science proving cigarette smoking "healthy" etc.") that "science" is often a product of a political or sales agenda via "scientific journals" etc.

We live in an age in which "science" has become like the pre-enlightenment Church since science is now mostly supported-controlled by the power of the state's purse. The state's power is now often much greater than corporate power (though that is still very powerful) with "science".

We need a separation of science and the state. The direct funding of science by the state makes "science" subject to state power.

We should be as skeptical of the-state-and-corporate-great-danes meeting in copenhagen re their agreed upon "science" as the world should have been when the state-corporate-great-danes met in Hitler's Berlin, or Stalin's Moscow.

One of the great issues of the 21st century will be the seperation of science and the state. We need a first amendment style protection, everywhere on earth, in this.

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