Muslims kidnap Christian girl at University of Mosul

"A 'warning' to force the mass exodus of Christians."

"Christian student kidnapped by Islamic group in Mosul," from Asia News, December 30 (thanks to Weasel Zippers):

Mosul (AsiaNews) - A Christian girl was kidnapped by an Islamic group while at university. The girl, Sarah Edmond Youhanna, attended the first year of the faculty of education at the University of Mosul. The kidnapping occurred on 28 December. The kidnappers had telephoned the family of the girl and said they were members of an Islamic group. The police have opened an investigation and arrested some students. The event has spread an atmosphere of panic among the many Christian girls who attend the university. In the past, Islamist groups have attacked Christian college girls throwing acid on them because they were wearing makeup or not wearing the veil. Over the past two months in Mosul four churches and a convent of Dominican nuns have been targeted in attacks, several Christian and Muslim homes have been destroyed. Five Christians have been murdered, others are victims of kidnappings. According to the Christian authorities such attacks are targeted and are part of a project of "ethnic cleansing" against the Christian community throughout Iraq.

AsiaNews sources in a city confirm that all these attacks and kidnappings are a "warning" to force the mass exodus of Christians. "The families who have fled to the north, Kurdistan - has confirmed the source - have no work, nor life perspectives. The Christian community is destined to die. "

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Bring them to America ala humanitarian airlift, the same way Israel once rescued Ethiopia's Falashas. Bring them here, give them refugee status (if there was ever anyone who deserved such status, it is these poor souls).

Then, have DHS employ those who have command of English as translators of Arabic conversations and part of a deliberate policy to end our sad dependence on Arab-Muslim translators.

If any group in the Middle East has the right to hate America it would be the Iraqi Christians. The American government has empowered the various Muslim groups that are now killing and kidnapping Christians on a routine basis. (The US did the exact same thing in Kosovo.)

Meanwhile, in "moderate" Turkey: "Tensions Tighten Between Greek Orthodox Patriarch, Turkish Government". And the elites in the US and Europe still want to allow Turkey into the EU.

Good idea, Cornelius.

And what will happen to this poor Christian girl? Almost certainly, rape, then "marriage" to a Muslim man, with forced conversion somewhere along the way.

If she refuses, she will likely either be killed or will be encouraged to "commit suicide" after her rape.

How many Americans and other Westerners even know about these hideous kidnappings? And why don't they know?

l wonder what excuses for these attacks will Ron Paul attribute these to?

Agreed, Cornelius, and I would extend this to Iraqi Jews, if there are any left. The Christians are arguably the only Iraqis who can be trusted, especially given the horrible treatment they have received at the hands of Muslims. I hate to say it, but if things turn really sour in Iraq, as many predict will occur, there will probably be some kind of program where Iraqis who collaborated with the U.S., and their families, will be allowed to immigrate. It is likely the vast majority of these will be Muslims. And I fear that these people would be given preference to the Christians. Many of these may go on to become translators, but they cannot be completely trusted to be unbiased or accurate about matters that would tend to reflect badly on Islam - a very long list.

Well said, Cornelius and Eastview. These people have absolutely no future in Iraq nor any other moslem country, and I suspect that they would become grateful, peceable and industrious citizens of any one of our western democracies. I myself would be more than happy to contribute financially to facilitate any such program.
There are 57 islamic countries, not one of which is a true democracy, or in any way tolerant of diverse religious beliefs. Why do we continue to squander so many of our fine young people's lives on this fool's errand based on the absurd premise that we civilized countries can change these backward societies? No one has managed to do so during the last 1,400 years. When will we find the courage to notice the elephant in the room and proclaim loudly and clearly that islam is fundamentally evil and can never coexist with freedom?
Sooner or later the allies will withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan; whether we have sacrificed a hundred or a million of our soldiers, the result will be the same. We'll be leaving a country of moslems, who hate us and everything we stand for, and who will ruthlessly liquidate every scintilla of democracy, freedom and sexual equality we might have left behind. Once they have done so, they will happily resume living in the ninth century.
We have no business in their uncivilized countries, and they certainly have no right to infest our civilized countries. Let's bring our troops home so they can get on with the job of repatriating all these treacherous people we have so foolishly permitted to enter our free and tolerant nations. After having done so, we must make it abundantly clear to the moslems what will happen to them if they ever again perpetrate terrorist attacks against Israel
or any other democratic country.

Hire the Israeli Masaud to get the girls back.. They know how to reason with these fine folk. Acid in the face, have the Israeli hunt down the perps. Then re-educate these misunderstanders of islam with similar experiences. They don't know it hurts.
Then make them work at Walmart as greeters.

They don't understand Islam is a religion of peace. Here in America from the President on down believe this to be a legitimate religion.
Don't jump to conclusions, he tells us.


Wherever there are dhimmi populations, Muslims appear to regard themselves as divinely entitled to snatch, rape and 'convert' the dhimmi boys, girls and young women, whenever they please.

When there were still Jews in Iraq, Iraqi Muslims used to kidnap, rape and 'disappear' the Jewish girls.

One such girl was named Hannah Menashe, and she was seized and enslaved by the Muslim next door, just before she and her young Jewish husband and parents and brothers and sisters were due to make aliya to Israel. Her story has a happy ending of sorts; for, after enduring fifty years as a slave-'wife', subjected to god alone only knows what sort of horrible threats to compel her silence and keep her confined, she was able to break free upon the death of her kidnapper/ rapist/ slavemaster:,2506,L-3554723,00.html

One excerpt:

"Hannah’s fascinating story begins in the 1950s, when her Baghdad-native family – parents and seven siblings – decided to immigrate to Israel.

"Hannah, already married to a Jewish Iraqi, was also planning to make aliyah, when fate struck: A Muslim neighbor, who was aware of the family’s plans to immigrate, kidnapped the striking Hannah to keep her by his side. Her siblings only have a vague recollection of that horrible day. They went looking for Hannah, they say, but the earth had swallowed her."


"It turns out Hannah had been forced to become a Muslim and had raised her neighbor’s children for 50 years. No one in the Baghdad neighborhood knew about her secret or her Jewish roots, *and she was afraid her husband would kill her if she tried to contact her siblings* {my emphasis - dda}.

'When her husband died a year ago, the now 76-year-old Hannah escaped Baghdad under the guise of being a war refugee. She was able to reach Europe through an Arab country and decided to locate an Israeli embassy.'

And so, 55 years after having been kidnapped, enslaved, forcibly 'converted' to the hell-cult of Islam, at long, long last, she was going home, to Judaism, to Israel, and to the surviving members of her family.

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