"The World Does not Need Spencer"

Today's Hate Mail Bag entry starts with a statement that is undeniably true -- "The World Does not Need Spencer" -- and follows it with a series of much more doubtful assertions. Finally, in a sterling example of projection, the author blames Zionism for the conflicts in the world. The jihad wars in the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Kashmir, Nigeria, etc. etc. etc., that have nothing remotely to do with Zionism, do not impress him, because he is -- like so many -- incapable of seeing Muslims or Islam as bearing any responsibility whatsoever for the aggression they perpetrate.

The World Does not Need Spencer

We Need a World without ZIONIST.

We Need a World without ZIONIST.

We Need a World without ZIONIST.

We Need a World without ZIONIST.
Zionism has turned the World into Violent and unjust place.
it has brought the Confrlict which the West imposed on the Muslims

So we need a World without Hate-Sponsor

Well, I am with him on that last sentence!

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He doesn't really mean, ZIONIST. No, he really means, JEWS. He knows it, and so do the other moslems.

On the contrary we need more people like Dr. Spencer .. This is a well respected man who is well liked by many Canadians and Americans, and many other countries, for his exceptional work. He does very well at showing the world how many problems there are with Islam extreamist and he does well with pissing them off with the truth....Keep up the good work Robert..

Those who walk the Earth with an Islamic paper bag over their collective heads: I never cease to be amazed. Maybe this guy doesn't need Spencer, being as he is - divorced from the truth and happy about it - but I need Spencer. I have learned so much about Islam and its horrible consequences from this man that I will be forever in his debt.

Those who embrace Islam voluntarily deserve what they get. My anger is not so much with them as it is with their Western enablers, those who refuse to see Islam for what it is, and who permit by virtue of that refusal the innocent to suffer. There will be a special place in the afterlife for those who paved the way for evil to flourish. Someone quite famous mentioned something about grinding stones and being tossed into the ocean as a preferred alternative because they prevented others from growing in their desired faith.

It would be an interesting exercise to poll the world's 1.2 billion Muslims in an atmosphere of true freedom. I understand this to be impossible, but let's imagine that it could take place, that each person born into Islam (as contrasted with those who voluntarily take up the Islamic yoke) could be asked if they wished to remain in the Islamic system; that any choice that they might make would be respected and have no adverse consequences. How many of those 1.2 billion souls would remain Muslim?

Islam sustains itself through force and violence, not through appeals to intellectual persuasion. This of course proves the brittle nature of Islam. It simply could not exist without brutality.

The world desparately needs Mr Spencer and many more people who know Islam and have the guts to expose its evil teachings..

I (we) love and respect Robert! ...and were it not for him and JW, then I might still be floating around in a fog about Muhammad's evil life and how evil Islam, too.

Oh, and while I'm at it, Sharia is evil as well.

Thank you, Robert! ...Hugz :)

Zionism is a political conviction and I'm a Zionist and proud of it. But when Mohammedans use that word, they mean "dirty Jew" just as the Nazis used to in Germany. Ssme old story.

Happy Chanukkah to all of you, to our wonderful community.

Oh, great. This guy's gone and gotten "What the World Needs Now" stuck in my head.

Yeah, I'm a tad biased, but I'd certainly say the world needs Spencer. It needs 100,000,000 like him. An army of articulate, patient, kind, and compassionate Islamorealists who are snappy dressers to boot.

If this hate-mailer has a problem with that notion, I might say: "it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you."

The Free World (West) needs RS as much as we need air and water.

End of story.

RS - Pay no attention to the islamic Barbarian.

the world does need RS and many more like him to expose islam
and it's evils; perhaps this hate mailer and others like him
will finally know islam that it is nothing more than the arab
supremacist ideology cloaked in religious holiness.
and; Jesus,Moses and other biblical personalities including God have absolutely nothing to do with allah,islam,mohammad and muslims.
and; I would like RS and others try harder to seperate islam
and muslims from Jesus,Moses and other biblical personalities.

" ... well liked by many Canadians and Americans ..."

I would add:

Almost all countries where people are fed up with the hateful ideology of islam and of their political, intellectual and community leaders who do not stand up to its adherents and proselytizers.

perhaps in a hateful world of islamists a Mr.Spencer would not be wanted.,but fortunately this world is full of people who want to keep their hard won freedoms, and so we say to islamist be gone!

"Today's Hate Mail Bag entry starts with a statement that is undeniably true -- "The World Does not Need Spencer""

I think we'll be the judge of that Mr.Spencer...

"The World Does not Need Spencer"

Oh yes we do!!!! If this world stops supporting Spencer....we're finished. He claims...

That the Koran preaches...

009.005 But when the forbidden months are past {when the 'treaties' expire, although they may break them at any time - if it benefits Islam} then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.

005.051 O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them for friendship is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

008.067 It is not fitting for a prophet that he should have prisoners of war [slay them first] until he hath thoroughly subdued the land. {Treason in all non-Muslim nations

009.029 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are of the People of the Book, {The Jews and Christians} Other non-Muslims are not so lucky] until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

033.061 They shall have a curse on them: whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy. {Genocidal teaching - no matter how you look at it!

002.216 Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing [war] which is good for you and that ye love a thing [peace] which is bad for you?

047.004 Therefore, when ye meet '''the Unbelievers''' in fight, smite at their necks. Behead them! and the Muslims are commanded to initiate the fight} 002.216 - 009.039 - throughout the earth} 004.101 - 004.100

Those are the teachings of the Koran.

For crying out loud ppl - what more do you need? How stupid do you have to be? (you be your own judge)

Thank you Robert. Please keep up the good fight.

"The World Does not Need Spencer"

Oh yes we do!!!! If this world stops supporting Spencer....we're finished. He claims...

That the Koran preaches...

009.005 But when the forbidden months are past {when the 'treaties' expire, although they may break them at any time - if it benefits Islam} then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war.

005.051 O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them for friendship is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

008.067 It is not fitting for a prophet that he should have prisoners of war [slay them first] until he hath thoroughly subdued the land. {Treason in all non-Muslim nations

009.029 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are of the People of the Book, {The Jews and Christians} Other non-Muslims are not so lucky] until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

033.061 They shall have a curse on them: whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy. {Genocidal teaching - no matter how you look at it!

002.216 Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing [war] which is good for you and that ye love a thing [peace] which is bad for you?

047.004 Therefore, when ye meet '''the Unbelievers''' in fight, smite at their necks. Behead them! and the Muslims are commanded to initiate the fight} 002.216 - 009.039 - throughout the earth} 004.101 - 004.100

Those are the teachings of the Koran.

For crying out loud ppl - what more do you need? How stupid do you have to be? (you be your own judge)

Thank you Robert. Please keep up the good fight.

Robert, where do i begin? I have been a a fan for several yrs. Your website "Jihad Watch" does not thrill me ...probably never will....but you do.

I have never known a person so passionate for certain truths....as you.

When i read your words (in your books) you reveal a spirit that ise to be very proud of.

I will not say the same of the website "Jihad Watch"....

which leads to me to ponder "where are you really coming from" Robert?

I wish I knew. But that's ok.....I.ve,...
the New Testament to show me. I'll just go with that....as i always have.

Dear Robert Spencer,
We need you dearly! Take comfort that you have the right enemies...I always look at who hates who...and then I know. So, keep up the good fight...you've got the right enemies!
Thanks so much for all you do.
Here is something that has become a cliche, but I like it anyway...
Not all Muslims are terrorists...but all terrorists are Muslims.

The "World" needs Spencer....... what it does not need are the millions of deranged lunatics who condemn him for his knowledge and professionalism.

I owe Mr. Spencer a debt of gratitude for his book about islam and the Crusades. I picked it up shortly after returning from Iraq while still recovering from combat injuries. His book reminded me of what we were taught in Catholic grade school (in the days before political correctness). It was unapologetic, bare-knuckles history lessons back then, and was taught without worrying about hurting anybody's feelings. Before Mr. Spencer's rather gentle, sometimes humorous reminder, I was as much at risk for becoming a dhimmi as any other US soldier, but everything I checked in that book proved to be accurate. It was a real wake-up.

Maybe the person who sent the original hate mail is right. Maybe the world DOESN'T need Mr. Spencer. All I know is that America DOES need him. As a soldier, America's welfare, security and future is ALL that I care about. I'm glad we have Mr. Spencer, and in whatever small part of God's ear that I have access to, Spencer's safety holds a prominent place in my prayers.

I owe Mr. Spencer a debt of gratitude for his book about islam and the Crusades. I picked it up shortly after returning from Iraq while still recovering from combat injuries. His book reminded me of what we were taught in Catholic grade school (in the days before political correctness). It was unapologetic, bare-knuckles history lessons back then, and was taught without worrying about hurting anybody's feelings. Before Mr. Spencer's rather gentle, sometimes humorous reminder, I was as much at risk for becoming a dhimmi as any other US soldier, but everything I checked in that book proved to be accurate. It was a real wake-up.

Maybe the person who sent the original hate mail is right. Maybe the world DOESN'T need Mr. Spencer. All I know is that America DOES need him. As a soldier, America's welfare, security and future is ALL that I care about. I'm glad we have Mr. Spencer, and in whatever small part of God's ear that I have access to, Spencer's safety holds a prominent place in my prayers.

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