Nigeria: Muslims set church filled with worshipers on fire

Showing respect for the People of the Book. "Nigeria: Religious Violence Kills 27," from AP, January 18 (thanks to Logan's Warning):

Angry Muslim youths set fire to a church filled with worshipers, starting a riot that killed at least 27 people and wounded more than 300 in Jos, in northern Nigeria, officials said Monday. Sani Mudi, a spokesman for the local imam, said 22 people died in fighting between Christians and Muslims after rioters set fire to a Catholic church on Sunday. Five others died Monday from their wounds....
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The fiendish profiteer muhammad POPULARIZED MOSQUE BURNING

It is a favourite activity of Muslims to burn down the mosques of other Muslims.

Well it is a sunna.

Some Muslims had built a mosque near Madina and had requested the prophet to come and pray there and bless their new mosque. However those Muslims were peaceful kind and hated violence. They had ignored the Prophet’s invitation to Jihad with a promise of booty ,captured women and guaranteed paradise .Poor suckers paid the price of avoiding bloodshed by meeting violent deaths themselves.. Prophet Mo had their mosque burned down while they were praying inside.. He justified his action by a communication from Allah (ayas 9:107-8) which claimed that those people were actually bad Muslims who had intended to harm Islam and disunite Muslims. Word of Allah was good enough, no proof was needed. Volunteers were more than happy to oblige. Here is from “Life of Rasulullah” by Ibn Khatir:

“Some Muslims had built a mosque (called Dirar Mosque) in a village about an hour from Madina. They asked Mohammed (PBUH) to visit their mosque and pray for them on his way to Jihad at Tabuk as it was on his way. He excused himself and said he will visit their mosque on his way back. However on his way back he ordered a group of Muslims lead by Malik Bin Salimi and Man Bin Ajli to go and burn down that mosque because Allah told him that those people were liars and disbelievers (aya 9.107)."

Quran 9:107-8:

“And as for those who put up a mosque by way of harming and disbelief, and to disunite the believers, and as an outpost for those who warred against Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) aforetime, they will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good. Allah bears witness that they are certainly liars.. Never set foot in it (hypocrite’s mosque)”.

Angry Muslim youths...

Are they ever not angry? Can nothing make them happy?

*** 8:39 ***

I've always wondered that. Recently, I saw some Arabians playing soccer in a city park against some Infidels (in this case a team made up of Mexicans). Curious, I stopped to watch. And I must admit they seemed happy, the Moslems were winning, and some them we're even cracking an occassional smile!

Until the Mexicans scored a goal and a very nasty argument broke out. I slowly pulled my car away, wary of stray bullets, from either sideline.

*** 8:65 ***

However those Muslims were peaceful kind and hated violence.

What kind of Moslems were those? Apostate Moslems is what kind. Mohammed was right to order their mosque burned to the ground, Allah brooks no civility, even from Moslems.

What do you expect? Jos is in Northern Mahoundian Nigeria that means it is waqf, it belongs to the umma. No churches, synagogues, Hindu or Buddhist temples can be tolerated. Islam is the religion of peace(TM).

Oh, it must be the "religion of peace".

And it's talent for violence.

The Muslim war on Christians is becoming more bellicose all the time—mob violence against Copts in Egypt, Christians shot down in Iraq, Christians murdered in Pakistan, and a Protestant church burned down in Algeria.

A few days ago, a poster here opined that attacks on Christian churches in the West were coming. Most people agreed with this disturbing prediction. It's already started—this, from Portugal:

Our Lady of Fatima Vandalized With pro-Islamic Graffiti

The Muslim war on Christians is becoming more bellicose all the time—mob violence against Copts in Egypt, Christians shot down in Iraq, Christians murdered in Pakistan, and a Protestant church burned down in Algeria.

In India they have a term for this: religious riots.

*** 9:123 ***

That's experience talking. Oh how one regrets what happened there to the Hindus, Sikhs, and Janes.

Angry Muslim youths set fire to a church filled with worshipers, starting a riot that killed at least 27 people and wounded more than 300...

Wait a minute - you can't say that! You have to say "dispossessed youth" or "militants". Some editor at AP is going to get an earful over this!

Feel the peace...

Please keep these stories of religious persecution in Muslim countries coming, Robert. The main stream media doesn't report it, and we need to be aware of the problem and pray for those suffering for their faith.

"...said 22 people died in fighting between Christians and Muslims after rioters set fire to a Catholic church on Sunday." -- Associated Press

Oh please, AP ....

Fighting "between" Christians and Muslims, eh? ...this was a Muslim MASSACRE!

Christians do not come armed and ready for battle during a church service. Sure, some Christians may have fought back, but purely out of self-defense and in response to this attack; so the only ones "fighting" were the Muslims that came prepared to commit murder with their gasoline, matches, and God only knows what else.

"...fighting between Christians and Muslims after rioters set fire to a Catholic church on Sunday..." -- from the article

Echoing champ, this should be corrected to read "...after MUSLIM rioters set fire to a Catholic church on Sunday, the Christian day of worship..."

As you say, attacks on churches in Britain are already underway. And not just on churches but anywhere that Infidels gather. Here's a couple of instances for you:

Tony Tooby, the Vicar of Girlington in Bradford, arrived at his church to find a gang of 50 young Muslims inside, wrecking the place and setting fires. When he tried to intervene the gang turned on him and chased him outside, where he managed to escape in his car under a barrage of thrown stones and racial abuse, though not before his rear window was smashed by a large rock.
Local mothers had to stop taking their little girls to Brownie meetings at the same Church because groups of young Muslim males would gather to shout racial abuse and obscenities at them as they walked by. Real princes, eh? Grown men shouting at little girls.

Another instance occurred at a pub in Glodwick, near to an infamous Muslim enclave and 'no-go' area for whites in Oldham, Lancashire. The somewhat hopefully named 'Live and Let Live' pub was stormed one evening by a large Muslim mob.
The BBC quoted landlord Paul Barrow as saying, "There was just a big gang of them. They all charged in, kicking us, punching us and then proceeded to attack all my customers with whatever they had in their hand - stools, bottles, glasses."
The same BBC report quoted one of the customers as saying, "A firebomb came in one of the windows at the front and set fire to the curtains and the floor. We all ran into the back frightened... There were ladies in their sixties. They were hysterical because they didn't know what was going on."
The frightened victims tried to get out through the fire exit, only to find that the Muslims had driven a car across the door to block their escape. Luckily however, the fire was tackled and they all survived. Luckily. This time.

More recently, in a series of anti-Christian attacks, Canon Michael Ainsworth was left with deep cuts, bruising and two black eyes in the grounds of his 18th century church in east London. Alan Green, Dean of Tower Hamlets, said, “He was kicked and punched in the head as he lay on the ground. I believe they shouted ‘you f****** priest!’ before they attacked him.”
Allan Ramanoop of the Parochial Church Council, said: “On one occasion, youths shouted: ‘This should not be a church! This should be a mosque! You should not be here!’ It’s terrible what they have done to Canon Ainsworth."

Terrible indeed.

Anger and destruction, it's just the way of the muslim.

They must be reading the wrong kind of literature.

The number of dead, at this point, is up to 192. I expect it to rise.

Hard Rain, thank you for that update. I had heard of the last ugly incident, but not the one at Bradford or the horrifying attack on the pub in Lancashire. With the fire exit deliberately blocked, it is clear that the attackers intended to murder the pub patrons.

God help us, things are further along than I had realized.

In a typical piece of spin, Al Jazeera reported this as being the Christians fault "Sunday's clashes reportedly erupted after Christian youths protested against the building of a mosque in the Christian-dominated Nassarawa Gwom district of the city"
No-one else reports anything about building a mosque - it seems to be an invention to motivate Muslims to attack.

The whole building and protest thing...even if it is true...the man who allegedly had the 'dispute' with the 'Christian' youth lived to tell the tale...the worshippers at St. Miochael's Church, Nassarawa, did not. So, what does a protest of a building have to do with slaughtering innocents as they worshipped? Even the so-called 'Alhaji' who had the dispute said they 'protested' and didn't attack.

I live in Jos and I can tell you for a fact that,as usual, the media plays this to their side. I am not a Muslim hater but please, why can't I go to church without fear? have they ever heard of attacks as they pray in their mosques on Friday? Have they?

They planned this thing deliberately, going as far as getting mercenaries with fake uniforms!!! So, if there were mercenaires with uniforms then how does that add up with the whole 'Christians started it by protest so we had to go kill 'em off in church to teach 'em a lesson' thing?

Please, its time we see the truth. These people are the same peopple that Abdulmutallab was bred from. The very same.

I live in Jos and I can tell you for a fact that,as usual, the media plays this to their side. I am not a Muslim hater but please, why can't I go to church without fear? have they ever heard of attacks as they pray in their mosques on Friday? Have they?

They planned this thing deliberately, going as far as getting mercenaries with fake uniforms!!! So, if there were mercenaires with uniforms then how does that add up with the whole 'Christians started it by protest so we had to go kill 'em off in church to teach 'em a lesson' thing?

Please, its time we see the truth. These people are the same peopple that Abdulmutallab was bred from. The very same.


Our thoughts and our prayers are with you and all our Christian brothers and sisters in Jos. Tell them that they are not forgotten. Tell them that all around the world we pray for them as we pray for all Christians who suffer under Muslim oppression and violence.
Let them know how their courage inspires us and that today we join hands with them across the world. Tell them that they are not alone. Tell them that today the eyes of the world are upon them and that our admiration and our love walks with them, and with you my sister.


The backlash will come and it will be bloody, nasty and take no prisoners. Enoch Powell was absolutely correct in his predictions. Sooner or later the indigenous people of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland will take up arms against the muslim scum who are intent on imposing thier will upon us and taking away our freedoms. The government won't be able to stop it niether will appeals to reason or to multiculturalism. The Liberals and Lefties who have committed gross acts of treason against the British people will also be in the firing line, that is if they can get out from underneath thier beds. Sooner or later the Muslims will irretrevably cross the line and then may Allah help them. Because no-one else will.

You have my deepest sympathy but you have no option but to fight back. If you do not you are finished.Perhaps if you do you will be finished also. However I personally would not submit to the Muslim yoke. If they get away with this outrage it will just encourage them to commit more, Christianity is a religion of peace, however when faced with an existential threat you have no option but to defend yourself, your family and your Christian community. I do not believe in the saying "vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord". If you do, then you will meet your maker sooner than you think. Legitimate self defence is no sin. The Muslims are intentionally using your own beliefs against you in the cowardly belief that you; by your own religion are precluded from striking back. I repeat, you face a threat to your freedom of belief, life, the lives of your family, friends and wider community. Do not believe for one moment that you can bargain or have a reasoned debate to ameliorate the situation you are in. The Muslims want only one thing, total power over you and your acceptance of it. Do not become, as others over the centuries have Dhimmis. May God bless you in your deliberations.

Yes, feel the peace.

Peace, as in a graveyard.

Alarmed, if you get this, I have a question for you regarding a "Meet your neighbor Muslim" event here in Minnesota. Can we correspond here?

[[ I know I posted this before about another article and I don't mean to be a spammer or troll, but I was hoping to get some kind of comment in reply. If I don't, I won't post it again.]]

So, what's the solution to this? Firebombing mosques? (Yes, I know that's NOT what happened in this instance.) I'm used to thinking like most Americans, that differences and problems can be negotiated about and there is no need for violence. (My view being a product of our civil society.) I also believe that there ARE evil, violent people in the world and when dealing with them, negotiations are fruitless and we are forced to use violent means to defend ourselves.

I'm still undecided however as whether we should or need to condemn all Muslims/Islam as Evil, or should the current strategy of 'finding the bad guys' amongst a relatively good mass of humans beings continue. (I've met and worked with muslims who acted like decent human beings and told me that they thought the terrorists were evil too.) I'm still in the later camp at this point but this website is starting to change my mind. I"m still not fully convinced that we need to have an all-out war on the religion of Islam itself. So I still don't know what the correct solution to all of this is.

[[ Since the time when I previously posted this, I've become about 95% convinced that Islam itself is evil. ]]

{I'd also like to say something about comments made about a previous article. The discussion started to become about bringing people along slowly to the viewpoint of this site. I think that's a good idea. One of the previous comments I made that was responded to made me feel like I was being attacked for not agreeing enough with all of you. Doing that, and also what seems like the pushing of a conservative agenda here, will only put people off. Just an observation.}

Most of us here are pretty well informed about the evil doctrines of Islam. We agree because of the facts.

Islam is evil because it is powered by Satan. Whether or not you believe that is up to you. But that is the truth. The truth is often not popular, but that doesn't detract from what is true.

Also, do not be put off by anyone here...who cares what others say or think of you? You are as valid as anyone else here, as are your opinions.

I expect to take heat from some of my remarks. Oh well. I don't really care. I tell the truth. And I do not lie.

They are now reporting 300 people dead. E.g. The Australian newspaper (via AFP) and Reuters. The AFP has the "building of a mosque" version of the trigger. Reuters has the home being rebuilt one. Reuters quotes Human Rights Watch saying 65 Christians have died. has the story of the man rebuilding his house in much more detail, and it seems to have the timing wrong - his experience seems to be of when the riots arrived in his area, not his house being the trigger of the riots.

Ray Gamma

Hi, hope you don't mind me pitching in too.

Like you I'm also new to posting here. I only started last month. I've found I sometimes get agreement from the others, sometimes they differ on certain points, sometimes we howl at each other and sometimes I get just plain ignored. That's all fine, it's the nature (and the beauty) of an open forum like this, so I agree with bronish, just be yourself and share your thoughts whenever you like. Expect nothing in return, you'll never be disappointed.

You know what? Sometimes I can be fired up with a new idea and I splurge it out here and think maybe somebody might pick up on it, only to find that no-one pays the slightest attention. I think one of the reasons is because the other posters here, who've been here for years, have already been through all that, and had the same thought and discussed it and moved on, maybe years ago. You see, that new thought was only new to me.
Another reason is because some use this site to vent. They're not into discussion, they just feel so strongly they just wanna blow, and that's fine too, because forums like this can be used for lots of different reasons, and there's room for everyone. It's not about how much we agree with each other, it's more like, 'here's my truth, now tell me yours.' So stick around and let us get to know you.

Ok, the big question is Islam. Well, I agree with bronish that Islam is an evil in this world. Like bronish I'm a christian (with a small 'c' you could say - simple faith, all very understated, all very British).
Now bronish may be right, but I personally don't see Islam as an expression of Satan. I think Islam in its ideology, structure and doctrines is an incredibly ingenious entirely man-made method of social control, designed to exert its influence all the way up from the individual human level to the large-scale national institutions such as the law courts and government. To me, in its very essence, Islam displays all the classic hallmarks of a cult, albeit a very cleverly designed and pernicious one, which perhaps is not surprising when one sees how many millions of minds have been working on it and developing it over 14 centuries. As in Islam we see many modern day cults with similar sets of highly detailed mind-controlling regulations on what to wear, what to eat, who's good, who's bad and so on. Take prayer for instance - this is such a cult giveaway. In order to keep the devotees mind on their loyalty to the cult they must be constantly reminded of that loyalty with frequent acts of devotion. Muslims pray five times a day.

Other comparisons are striking, such as the belief that they alone have the answer and everyone else is damned and the way Muslims react when challenged. Ever noticed how cult members often become aggressive or even violent when their beliefs are challenged? Even the establishment of suicide as an ultimate act of faith is common to both modern cult thinking and Islam.

For me, if you want to understand Islam, read up on Heaven's Gate, Aum Shinrikyo or the Branch Davidians. But I don't think David Koresh was the devil. I think he was a man with a mental illness, probably the same or similar mental illness as gripped Mohammed.

I know bronish sees this as Satanic evil, and to be sure it is highly dangerous, but to me it's just a very cleverly designed cult philosophy that's out for world domination. It's like a virus. When a virus invades a body it uses the resources of the body's cells to produce little copies of itself. That's all it does, replicating over and over again. Unless this process is halted it eventually reaches maximum amplification and the host dies. Victory for the virus, it moves on. That's how Islam is propagating itself in the West now, using lax immigration laws and super high birth-rates, heading for the ultimate goal, maximium amplification.

Some Muslims are murderous fiends, but many are totally peaceful, they're not killers, they don't need to be. They're heading for the same goal as the militants anyway, and they're just riding the wave. Their population is growing while ours is stagnating, they don't need to set off bombs. They need do nothing but be here. Time will win the war for them. The fact that the mass of Muslims here are peaceful does not remove the threat. In fact, their rapidly growing numbers represent the gravest threat of all.

In the end we have to ask ourselves is it ok to just stand by and watch this happening, or should we do something about it, and if so, what?

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