Qur'an is on trial in the Wilders case

Oriana Fallaci also compared the Qur'an to Mein Kampf, as I wrote about in a 2005 article. The Wilders case could backfire badly on the smooth Islamic supremacist thugs of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and their Dutch dhimmi puppets. They are hoping to silence criticism of Islam, and yet the trial could show the world the contents of the Qur'an that encourage violence and supremacism -- exactly the portions that they are trying so hard to cover up.

"Stop the Trial of Geert Wilders: A Dutch court is forced to compare Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' and the Quran," by Leon De Winter in the Wall Street Journal, January 26 (thanks to all who sent this in):

[...] More importantly, Mr. Wilders's prosecution may in the end inadvertently create a crisis between the Netherlands and the Islamic world. On trial is not so much Geert Wilders, but the Holy Book of Islam. On Jan. 20, the first day of the case, Mr. Wilders's defense team presented the court with a list of expert witnesses. It is indicative of his strategy. The expert witnesses, a group of internationally renowned academics on the one hand and, on the other, radical Islamists (among them Mohammed Bouyeri, the killer of Theo van Gogh, and the influential Iranian Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, an outspoken anti-Semite and religious mentor of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinedjad), are requested to testify about the Quran's message and Mr. Wilders's comparison of the Quran to "Mein Kampf." As Mr. Wilders stated on the first and, so far only, session in court, if his statements about the Quran and "Mein Kampf" are correct, he cannot be convicted for telling the truth. So Mr. Wilders's defense team will concentrate on the extreme and violent paragraphs in the Quran, and compare them to paragraphs in "Mein Kampf."

The prosecution did not object to calling the witnesses for the purpose of shedding light on the Quran and "Mein Kampf" and only objected to the high number of witnesses named (17). The court will thus most likely allow most witnesses on the list to testify. Without doubt, there are many anti-Jewish remarks in the Quran. According to some researchers, there may be more of these in the Quran than in "Mein Kampf." So it is quite conceivable that the court will judge that Geert Wilders was within his right to compare the Quran to "Mein Kampf." Anything is possible in this absurd trial....

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If, by the end of the trial, the Qur'an is clearly shown to be a book full of hatred and errors of all kinds, then the main plank for jihad will be severely loosened, if not kicked away. The usual comments that X did what they did because the Qur'an mandates it can then be met with; "What! That shoddy piece of writing full of errors. You're actually stupid enough follow the ramblings of a 7th. Century megalomaniac? You're crazy!"
Taking the Qur'an apart for all the world to see is the most effective way to 'defuse' Islam.

I think that it is a fair comparison. You could equally compare the Qur'an to the Communist Manifesto. They are totalitarian world views that discriminate.

Hitler discriminates on race, Marx discriminates on class and Mahound discriminates on the basis of religion. They all end in the genocide of those that they seek to oppress and the enslavement of those that they seek to represent. They don't end well. All are equally as evil.

Any society that tries to quash criticism of these three ideologies is severely misguided and destined to repeat the failures of the past.

It's the Calcutta Quran Petition redux.

The Holy Koran, the titular foundation of the Religion of Peace, on trial for hate crimes.

It just keeps getting better every day!

It must be frustrating for the OIC, these kuffar courts, and all. Their normal course of action doesn't work out so well without kangaroo courts.


As its says in the Qur'an, Islam's stated objectives are world-wide domination by Islam and Sharia. It would be good if the court proceedings offer the opportunity to expose this to the world in general.

All of the JW favourites could be included by careful reference to the Qur'an and Sunnah. The questions and answers could be amazing.

For example: Q) "It's a religion" - A) "No it's not, it's a totalitarian ideology with a prophet attached"

Q) "It's a religion of peace" - A) "No it's not, it's an ideology of war, it says so in the Qur'an ('here', 'here' and 'here').

Q) "Innocent people - who are they then, exactly?" - A) "Err, only Muslims actually"

The arguments for jihaddists and creeping-Sharia artists then becomes, "Oh, you're basing that demand on the Qur'an are you? But that's been shown in court by "learned scholars" to be totally discredited".

Could make debates with CAIR (and its European ilk) so much more fun if most of the apologists' arguments are gone.

Take Islam down and bury it, it will be one of the greatest benefits society could have.

The courts dismissed the Calcutta Quran Petition after admitting it, because the judge was thoroughly intimidated and brow-beaten by everyone - Muslims, leftists, politicians media etc for even daring to admit the petition which was likely to create a "law & order" problem.

For the Indians it was probably thought best to keep their heads buried in the sand for as long as they could.

This is a crazy world, people claiming to stand for freedom and human rights, defend a racist, anti-Semitic book on behalf of some obscure "religious sensitivities". This racist anti-humane book is declared to be the inalterable word of Allah, a petty moon deity. I only hope that Geert Wilders will overcome all this irrationality.

I agree that this trial will backfire. The more the islamist thugs and their Western leftist dhimmis try to cover up the inherent evil in islam by persecuting Wilders the more people will hear this message.

The storm is brewing

I agree that this trial will backfire. The more the islamist thugs and their Western leftist dhimmis try to cover up the inherent evil in islam by persecuting Wilders the more people will hear this message.

The storm is brewing

The mullahs will expose their Jew hatred and hatred of all 'others' in this trial. They will be observed. The hateful messages of Islam will be observed. Their taqiyya will be observed. It will be too easy to pin them down. They have already put all their hate speech down in writing in their books, articles, sermons and university theses. There is now no way to wriggle out of the trap they created for themselves. World public opinion has already tried political Islam and found it a violent cult of death. This trial will simply confirm the perceptions...chapter and verse!

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