CAIR official refuses to condemn Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist organizations CAIR keeps pounding away at an increasingly contrite-sounding Dennis Prager. "Controversy follows Dennis Prager to Yorba Linda," by Christopher Goffard in the Los Angeles Times, with thanks to all who sent this in:

When talk-show host Dennis Prager wrote a column in November decrying a congressman-elect's decision to take his oath of office on the Koran rather than the Bible, he argued that it would "embolden Islamic extremists and make new ones."

In a column for, Prager wrote that Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), the first Muslim elected to Congress, "should not be allowed" to swear on the Koran because "the act undermines American civilization."

Soon, the Los Angeles radio host was at the center of the biggest controversy he has faced during decades in public life. Op-ed pages around the country rushed to pillory him. The Anti-Defamation League condemned his remarks. Former New York Mayor Ed Koch characterized him as a bigot and called for his ouster as a member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council.

Now, the tumult is extending to Prager's scheduled appearance at the North County Chabad Center in Yorba Linda, where he will speak tonight on "Islam, Iran, the West and Israel."

The Southern California office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations is calling him an "Islamophobic speaker," while the director of the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California has said he "seeks the marginalization of American Muslims."...

Rabbi David Eliezrie, who heads the Yorba Linda congregation, said the criticism of Prager in a press release issued Monday by the Islamic relations group was "outrageous" and "akin to a blood libel."

"I think CAIR in this case has smeared a wonderful Jewish leader, somebody respected by Jews all over the country, in a despicable fashion," Eliezrie said....

"If they were interested in dialogue with the Jewish community, they would have sent me a gentle letter" or placed a phone call, Eliezrie said. He added the group was trying to bully into silence those who disagreed with its positions.

"I have great skepticism of CAIR," Eliezrie said. "I haven't seen them condemn specific groups who are involved in terror in the Middle East, and that to me is very scary."

The council describes itself as a mainstream civil-rights organization. In an interview with The Times, the group's Southern California spokeswoman Munira Syeda generically condemned "terrorist actions" but declined to condemn Hamas or Hezbollah as terrorist organizations. "I don't understand what the relevance is," Syeda said.

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"The council describes itself as a mainstream civil-rights organization. In an interview with The Times, the group's Southern California spokeswoman Munira Syeda generically condemned "terrorist actions" but declined to condemn Hamas or Hezbollah as terrorist organizations. "I don't understand what the relevance is," Syeda said.

And that's why it should be banned as a group favoring enemies of the US-if you favor such enemies, then you ARE an enemy.

"CAIR official refuses to condemn Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist organizations", or itself, or anything that accepts that every verse of the Quran applies.

CAIR have managed to achieve what the KKK could only have dreamed.

Islamophobic speaker --Prager? hahahha. He is the most even headed speaker Ive ever heard and many times I dont agree with him and I HATE Islam. nope he is not islamophobe--what he is, is somebody who has "his eyes wide F***ing open" as the Samual L Jackson character said in Pulp fiction.

CAIR refuses to condemn terrorist orgs --what a surprise. Those scumbags think they can lie and intimadate their way into American mainstream but they will go the way of Nation of Islam which is listed as a hate group right up there with the KKK on every hat group stats site Ive ever seen. Soon sooooon CAIR will be caught with its had in the proverbial cookie jar. Some secret govt org will spy on them, get all sorts of damming evidence and then they will all be hauled off in police vans. One dirty bomb in Arizona, a few CAIR officials who gloat they knew about it, a well placed microphone and camera in their offices.... game over.

This is what I want for next Christmas.

correction: One dirty plot UNCOVERED in Arizona

I dont want any Americans hurt --God please save the hurt for Iran.

Concerned Canadian

Hi ! Im a Canadian too --in Toronto. Anyway you are right on. They did something kkk or Nation of Islam could never do. But its only a matter of time before their true hate shows through in such a way nobody will be able to deny it. They are after all ...believing muslims who serve a bloodthirsty god who knows no satisfaction.

The reason the things CAIR say is so outrageous is because they don't have the mental faculty to understand that Americans have the perception to see through their lies unlike the Muslims in Islamistan who still believe the earth is flat and will eat any hogwash you feed them.

Threatening where they are allowed to anyone who dares to discuss certain home truths, and who may even be dangerously well-informed about Islam, even to the point of shouting them down, intimidating them, threatening them, or assaulting them or those who support them.

This has a precedent. It is the Brownshirts. The Storm Troopers. Fascism, nothing but fascism, all the way.

This statement about CAIR unwilling to declare or condemn obvious terror groups as criminal organizations SHOWS AND PROVES AGAIN THAT NO MUSLIM ANYWHERE IN THE FREE WORLD CAN BE TRUSTED TO LIVE WITH US!!


A petitions needs to be started to outlaw islam in America and to be reclassified as a hostile political, cult posing as a religion whose intent is to only overthrow ALL non-islamic nations.


PS: Hungarian Crusader--AMEN TO THAT!!!!!!!

Deliver us all from Islam!

In Total Fidelity with Dennis Prager. His expose' of the worlds most Bigoted, Divisive and Intolerent Cult is what the world needs more of. Deliver us from Islam, Peace on Earth.

To Robert Spencer. Thank you for your exposing to me and fellow infidels the Truth about Muhammond. Things are much more clear when the truth is gathered. For your years of inquisition Thank You, For laying it bare Thank You, Do continue please.

This is all about furthering the ridiculous and unconstitutional speech curtailment laws we've already stupidly allowed into the American lawbooks.
"Bigot, Islamophobe, condemned remarks"...characteristic buzzwords of the attack on speech.
We need to fight any and all attempts to define or penalize what we say.
We accept that we will hear inflamatory and hateful things we may not like.
That's how the founders wanted it and they would s*** their pants upon learning what we contemplate today.

When CAIR officials speak, just pretend you are hearing Ahmedinejad speaking...

....Of course, you should be able to recognize BS when you hear it....

Boy, CAIR's a brain-washed organization; I've got photos of the carnage the Hesbo's caused to Israel with their missle lobbing, killing a woman in her house. Obviously, that is a terrorist attack, but CAIR won't answer to that. Instead, they'd rather connect the dots to something Israel did back in prehistoric times.

A major problem is that the majority of decent people cannot bring themselves to believe that an organisation which outwardly pretends to be a religion, and consequently preaches peace and reconciliation, is in fact a fascist political cult determined to impose its 'beliefs' and social structure on everyone else, that is those it does not first incapacitate and murder. The challenge for us is to enlighten our fellow citizens to the aims of Islam so that they only support those politicians prepared to repel the Islamic hordes wherever they are. The citizenry must be educated to understand that all Muslime are allowed to lie, cheat, corrupt, injure and murder in the pursuit of the obliteration of the kuffah.