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Feel free to contact me at hellokittyhell @ unless you are going to ask where you can find some Hello Kitty item on this site -- in that case, don't bother because it ain't going to happen.

And if you are even thinking about whining about it, read my special message to Hello Kitty whiners.

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Hello Kitty Canned Pasta With Sauce

One would think that the mere fact that Hello Kitty pasta exists would be enough to satisfy the evil feline in the area of pasta, but that would be greatly underestimating the desire of Hello Kitty to take over the world. So the next obvious step was for the people at Sanrio to help develop Hello Kitty canned pasta:

hello kitty canned pasta

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Halloween Cupcakes

All I can say is that I am damn glad that Halloween is over…

hello kitty Halloween cupcake

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Dissection

Most people put Hello Kitty and Halloween together to create some of the most awful combinations possible, but every once in awhile someone comes up with a quality idea on how to treat the evil feline at the end of October. Jason Freeny (of Hello Kitty anatomy fame) decided that Halloween 2010 should be dedicated to the dissection of the official Balzac Hello Kitty Skeleton Costume vinyl figure:

hello kitty dissected

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Reebok Plush Shoes

Every time it gets to the point where I believe that things can never get worse, the evil feline makes sure to let me know that Hello Kitty Hell can always get worse. It is distressing (and more than a little disturbing) that I still have people asking me where they can find Hello Kitty Converse shoes 4 years after first posting about them (not to mention Hello Kitty fanatics wishing me dead for refusing to tell them where my wife got them).

Once the people at Sanrio saw all the fuss these were causing, they decided that Hello Kitty x shoes was an impossible to lose combination which lead to unfortunate creations such as Hello Kitty Asics shoes, Hello Kitty Reebok shoes and Hello Kitty Nike shoes (not to mention Hello Kitty bowling shoes and Hello Kitty heels)

Any normal person would imagine that Sanrio had fully exploited this combo, but it now appears that they have just started by adding another horrifying aspect to the mix. Instead of leaving bad enough alone at Hello Kitty x Reebok, the powers driving Hello Kitty Hell decided that to really torture most of us, a Hello Kitty x Reebok x plush combination was somehow a good idea:

hello kitty plush Reebok shoes

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Popularity: 2% [?]

Hello Kitty Moped

Simply knowing that there are Hello Kitty scooters (as well as Hello Kitty motorcycles and Hello Kitty helmets), was there ever really a doubt that a Hello Kitty moped existed?

hello kitty moped

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Pumpkin Horror

Let the Hello Kitty Halloween deluge begin. It wasn’t even a possibility that the Halloween horror would stop with the Hello Kitty Halloween nails. Even though there have been plenty of Hello Kitty pumpkins (oh, yes, there are more) sent in, Hello Kitty fanatics only care about their own (and somehow feel it is important to tell me in great detail about how great their particular Hello Kitty pumpkin is as if I would be the one human being in the world that would care in even the least little bit…) This is certainly not a good omen with two weeks still to go:

hello kitty pumpkin Dracula

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Halloween Nails

You know it’s going to be an extraordinarily terrible holiday season when it begins with Hello Kitty nails being made worse than all the examples already out there (something that any normal person would assume would be impossible). Then again, one thing I have learned over the years is to never underestimate how bad Hello Kitty can make things, especially when you believe you have seen the worst. Thus, it should be of little surprise that someone thought that Hello Kitty Halloween nails would be a good idea:

hello kitty Halloween nails

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Breast Cancer Tattoo

I want to first make it clear that I have nothing against breast cancer campaigns, but I do have to say that these campaigns have gotten way out of hand when someone thinks that it is a good idea to get a Hello Kitty tattoo with a breast cancer pink ribbon as the bow:

hello kitty breast cancer tattoo

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Silly Bandz

I have no idea what the purpose of silly bandz are, so I guess it makes perfect sense that the evil feline would want to align herself with them:

hello kitty silly bandz

I thought, for a brief second, that I did know their purpose. But for some unfathomable reason, my wife was not pleased (on the couch in the Hello Kitty sleeping bag not pleased) with me when I started shooting Hello Kitty silly bandz around the house like regular rubber bands at her Hello Kitty collection. Lesson learned…now that I know the punishment, I also know that if I decide to shoot at Hello Kitty again, I should choose something that will actually do some damage

Sent in by Emi

Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Finger Tattoo

There are far too many Hello Kitty tattoos out there, but at least this one doesn’t hide exactly how the evil feline feels about you:

hello kitty finger

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Rie Miyazawa Broadway

This is exactly how my wife thinks all women should dress (seriously) and why she looks forward to Halloween so much. It certainly doesn’t help that she is a huge Rie Miyazawa fan as well which means I have to watch this commercial over and over and over again.

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Beach Balls

One would hope that it would be possible to escape the evil feline every now and again, but Hello Kitty always does her best to make sure that isn’t possible. Even a trip to the local beach is wrought with the risk of coming across a 26 foot tall Hello Kitty balloon (with all her character friends as giant beach ball floating in the water) to guarantee that a perfectly good day at the beach will be ruined:

Hello Kitty beach balls

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Devil Worship

Apparently there is a rumor going around that Hello Kitty was created as a result of a pact with the devil. While I would like to claim that this idea was mine (hey, I live in Hello Kitty Hell), it turns out that this episode is far more sinister:

The story is how Hello Kitty came to be…that a mother or father, depending on the version of the story had a child that had cancer. The parent made a pact with the devil that if the child was cured they would create a character in the devil’s honor that would be adored worldwide. There are different variations but they all boil down to the point that Hello Kitty is evil and that God fearing people should stay away from any HK products as they are affiliated with the Devil and Devil worship.

While this is not technically true, it’s hard to dismiss completely since Sanrio likes to use the devil theme on many of their products:

hello kitty devil bra and panty set

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Peace

What does the evil feline do when she has plastered herself on a Keltec pistol? You get the fanatics to make it appear that it is all about peace and love (while you continue to add to your stockpile of Hello Kitty weapons so that you can eventually take over the world)

hello kitty peace

Sent in by kwikrnu

Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Pillow Case

Apparently (who could have imagined?) there is someone with even more hostility toward the evil feline than I have:

hello kitty pillow case

Sent in by Minnie V.

Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Office Cubicle

You either had to have done something amazingly horrible in a past life or pissed off your co-workers to no end to deserve to have something like this done to your office cubicle. Either way, it is a good sign that it’s time to find a new job. I think this might even qualify as torture under the Geneva convention.

hello kitty cubicle

Sent in by Jose who says, “So a couple of years ago, one of my co-workers brought his lunch that his fiancee had packed in a hello kitty bag because they ran out of regular ones. We (of course) proceeded to mock him mercilessly for a few weeks about it. When he finally got married and went on his honeymoon, this is what we did to his cubicle. It took 5 of us a few hours to do it, and probably even used some pictures from your site.”

Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Cthulhu Tattoo

H. P. Lovecraft is likely turning in his grave (and stunned that his creation could be made so much more horrific). It is already well known that there should be a law forbidding Hello Kitty tattoo combinations. The Hello Kitty Cthulhu tattoo simply furthers this fact…

hello kitty Cthulhu tattoo

Left by Jenna on facebook

Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Waffle

When you live in Hello Kitty Hell, it is always extremely frightening to actually get up and walk to the table for breakfast. This is because you could very well wake up to something like Hello Kitty waffles which pretty much guarantees massive amounts of traumatic stress the rest of the day:

hello kitty waffle

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Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Grim Reaper Tattoo

It is never a good idea to get a Hello Kitty tattoo, but I guess if you are going to get one, exposing the true side of the evil feline is the way to go. Now you know exactly what you will see when your time is up…

hello kitty grim reaper tattoo

Sent in by christine

Popularity: 1% [?]

Hello Kitty Colt Gun

I think it goes without saying that Hello Kitty has never found a gun she didn’t like. With the number of Hello Kitty guns in existence, the question really should be whether there is a gun model that the evil feline hasn’t put her paws around? You can mark the Colt pistol off the list and add it to her ever expanding armory:

hello kitty colt gun

Sent in by Ashley

Popularity: 1% [?]