Concert: The Maqam Project

  • 22/03/2010
In order to develop public understandings about the "maqam" system in Middle Eastern and other modal music, 2010 will see a series of concerts and seminars organised under the rubric of "The Maqam Project @ SOAS". View Article

United Kingdom Foreign & Commonwealth Office Annual Report on Human Rights 2009

  • 21/03/2010
David Miliband delivered a speech at Lancaster House this afternoon to introduce the Annual Report on Human Rights. View Article

Newroz Festival by Peeramerd

  • (Translated) - By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli
  • 21/03/2010
Newroz is here ! Today’s New Year’s Day Festival of Kurds that brings rapture & joy View Article

Open letter regarding the Iraqi election in UK

  • Iraqi Association in Britain
  • 20/03/2010
Open Letter to: United Nations, European Parliament, British Foreign Office, Independent High Electoral Commission. View Article

Outer of Country Voting Fiasco

  • Iraqi Association-London
  • 18/03/2010
Election is often viewed as a crucial peace-building tool in post-conflict countries. This is the third time for expat Iraqis in Britain to participate in the Iraqi election View Article

2009 Human Rights Report: Iraq

  • Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
  • 18/03/2010
Iraq, with a population of approximately 29 million, is a republic with a freely elected government led by Prime Minister Nouri Jawad al-Maliki. View Article

Gulen and academic research: Propaganda tour to Turkey and for the Gulen Movement

  • - By Aland Mizell
  • 17/03/2010
Fethullah Gulen’s website, this year the University of Potsdam's Institute of Religion and the Forum for Intercultural Dialogue Berlin organized an international conference on "Muslims between Tradition and Modernity. View Article

22 Kurdish asylum seekers sent protest letter to KRG

  • 17/03/2010
Twenty two Kurdish asylum seekers have sent a letter of protest on their deportation from the UK to both the President of Kurdistan and the President of Iraq. View Article

Election Protest: Gorran Movement, Islamic League and Kurdistan Islamic Union

  • 17/03/2010
The local Kurdish newspaper Awena interviewed the leaders of these groups and parties and they confirmed the facts and the case of fraud in the election. View Article

Voting process unfair at best

  • - By Ardalan Hardi
  • 16/03/2010
In previous elections all we had to provide was an American passport showing our original place of birth which verified we were from Iraq and we could cast our vote. View Article

Mounting claims of cheating in Iraqi elections

  • 14/03/2010
As the final results of the Iraqi election emerge, mounting claims of fraud and ballot-rigging are being aired. Commenting on the latest claims, Struan Stevenson MEP, President of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Iraq said: View Article

Event: In commemoration of Halabja, Lecture and Exhibition at the University of Exeter

  • 12/03/2010
The Kurdish Society at the University of Exeter presents a lecture in the commemoration of chemical attack on the Kurdish city of Halabja by the regime of Saddam Hussein in 1988. View Article

Election Commission role attacked

  • IWPR
  • 12/03/2010
But it insists its neutral, professional and will investigate all complaints thoroughly. View Article

Everyday demands drown out sectarianism

  • IWPR
  • 12/03/2010
Iraqis say they spurned sectarian rivalries to vote for better services, an IWPR straw poll reveals. View Article

The Change Movement in a wider context

  • - By Mardin Ibrahim
  • 12/03/2010
In order to analyse the rise of the Change Movement with a short time period, the roots of this political phenomenon should be put in the wider context of both the last 5 decades of political history in Kurdistan View Article

Event: Kurdistan in Iraq - progress and challenges

  • 12/03/2010
You are kindly invited to attend the forthcoming Kurdish Studies Seminar: View Article

Video: Police violence against Kurds in London during Iraq election, 06 March 2010

  • 10/03/2010
Iraqi nationals in diaspora took part in their national election on 05, 06 and 07 of March 2010 in the UK. View Article

Nazand Begikhani at the 'Printemps des Poètes' in Paris

  • 09/03/2010
This year’s France’s Spring poetry festival Printemps des Poètes (8-21st March) is dedicated to women. Important women poets from around the world have been invited to participate (see ). View Article

Who is a real caller of democracy?

  • - By Mufid Abdulla
  • 07/03/2010
The fighting in this election has become unpleasant and distasteful between the two leading parties, especially View Article

Iraqi Elections and the new Kurdish party

  • - By Bestun Baban
  • 07/03/2010
19 million Iraqis within Iraq have the right to vote, and a further 1,900,000 Iraqis in 16 countries abroad can also vote. View Article

The Halabja/Anfal case proceeding at a U. S. federal court

  • - KNC - North America
  • 06/03/2010
On Thursday, February 25th, we had the first court hearing before a federal judge in a court room at Baltimore University in Maryland View Article

The EU provokes the Kurd into violence!

  • - By Kardo Bokani
  • 05/03/2010
While the Turkish government closing down the only pro-Kurdish party in the Turkish parliament which had 22 seats as well as 99 municipalities, few months later the Belgian Police raids the Kurdish National Congress View Article

Hakim al-Zamili: Accused death squad chief turned INA parliamentary candidate

  • - By Hussein Ali Ahmad
  • 05/03/2010
One prominent feature in Iraq’s upcoming elections is the Iraqi National Alliance (INA), which brings together a diverse group of mostly Shi’ite candidates united by one characteristic – a thirst for power. View Article

Former US foreign service officer: We do not favor military intervention in Turkey’s politics

  • - By Kamal Chomani
  • 03/03/2010
The agenda and the results of the recent Gates/Odierno visit to Ankara are not clear at this time. But I am confident that the US will not supply troops to fight against the PKK. View Article

Event: Our Mother's Day protest outside Turkish Embassy in London

  • Free Berivan Campaign Committee
  • 03/03/2010
On 8 October 2009, the Turkish Government sentenced a young 15 year old girl, Berivan Sayaca to 13 years imprisonment which was reduced to 8 years. View Article

Anti-Baathist purge spreads across Iraq

  • IWPR
  • 03/03/2010
Provincial officials come under scrutiny because of alleged Saddam-era past, incensing opposition groups on eve of elections. View Article

An open letter from Hawlati editor-in-chief Kamal Rauf to Iraqi President and General Secretary of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Jalal Talabani

  • (Translated) - By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli
  • 03/03/2010
It is self-evident that an important pillar of the democratic system is freedom of expression and free press. That is why the extent of the freedom of any society is measured by the degree of the freedom of expression and freedom of journalism it affords. View Article

Kurdish autonomy calls split dissidents

  • IWPR
  • 01/03/2010
Opposition wants to retain unitary Syrian state, rejects self-rule for Kurds. View Article

Iraq doesn’t need a Nelson Mandela

  • - By Dr Sabah Salih
  • 28/02/2010
Its success will depend not on individuals, however distinguished they maybe, but on the emergence of strong institutions that can safeguard rights and identify limitations and possibilities. View Article

Nawshirwan Mustafa: The issue of the detached areas for us is a big democratic challenge.

  • - By Nawshirwan Mustafa
  • 28/02/2010
In this message I will explain to you the position and approach of the Change movement on the issue of Kirkuk and the detached areas. View Article

Kurdistan: Democracy and free expression under threat in Iraqi Kurdistan

  • Reporters without Borders
  • 26/02/2010
Hawlati's blank front page on 24 February in a bold protest against a spate of threats, harassment and physical violence against journalists in Iraqi Kurdistan in the run-up to a parliamentary election on 6 March. View Article

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan: Revival or mere survival?

  • Arab Reform Bulletin
  • 26/02/2010
While all Iraqi political factions are competing strongly in lead up to the March 7 parliamentary elections, in Iraqi Kurdistan the internal competition is especially intense. In particular, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan View Article

Crisis in Iraqi Kurdistan: The beating, kidnapping and imprisonment of journalists by the two dominant political parties

  • Organization for Defending Freedom of Press in Kurdistan
  • 26/02/2010
The beating, prosecution, imprisonment, torture, oppression and intimidation of journalists have become a daily occurrence in Iraqi Kurdistan. In the last three weeks alone, at least eight journalists have been beaten, tortured or threatened with murder. View Article

Will Change Movement survive?

  • - By Butan Amedi
  • 25/02/2010
In a bit to exaggerate its relations with Uncle Sam, the PUK leaders in the US are attempting to use the photographs of PUK officials with the US Congressman as part of their Iraqi elections campaign View Article

Al-Hayat: Kurdish Lists confirm “political interferences” in Kurdistan’s polling stations

  • 24/02/2010
The Change Movement, Islamic Group and the Kurdish Islamic Union (KIU) presented a memorandum to Iraq’s IHEC in Erbil View Article

Rule of Law is public good, why not investing in it

  • - By Aland Mizell
  • 23/02/2010
For many years Turkish government argued the Kurds were mountain Turks and Turkish descendents were forgot to speak Turkish language. View Article

Goran Movement; a revolution inside the revolution

  • - By Aso Ali
  • 22/02/2010
Corruption, nepotism, partisanship, personalization came to replace public wellbeing, justice, rights, and law. View Article

Nawshairwan Mustafa: His impact on the contemporary Kurdish politics

  • - By Mufid Abdulla
  • 20/02/2010
How Nawshairwan Mustafa has made an impact on contemporary Kurdish politics: results and prospects? View Article

Statelessness: A denial of human rights

  • - By Ardahan Ali
  • 19/02/2010
Statelessness refers to the condition of a person who is not recognised as a national by any state. Stateless people are isolated by state legislation, leaving them vulnerable in ways that most of us never have to estimate. View Article

Confrontations between Change and Security Forces in Sulaymaniyah

  • 19/02/2010
According to al-Sharq al-Awsat, a parliamentarian from the Change Movement demanded KRG leaders to intervene to contain tension in Sulaymaniyah as a result of what he described as “harassments” against the advocates of the movement. View Article

Dr. Najmaldin Karim Heads the Kurdistani List to Represent Kirkuk in the Iraqi Parliament

  • KNC - North America
  • 16/02/2010
For our people in Kurdistan more seats in the Iraqi Parliament mean not only political triumph, but also securing the national interests and among these interests Kerkuk stands at the vanguard. View Article

Independent journalists harassed, attacked in Kurdistan in run-up to elections

  • Reporters without Borders
  • 16/02/2010
Reporter Bryar Namiq of Kurdish News Network (KNN), an opposition satellite TV station, and a KNN cameraman were accosted by police in Sulaymaniyah while covering a demonstration by pensioners for more benefits and were detained for an hour. View Article

KDP leader: KRG vice-president will not be reappointed, Rozhnama

  • 13/02/2010
In a statement to the Kurdish weekly Rozhnama, Muhammad Mala Qadir said that Mr. Kosrat Rasul will not be reappointed as KRG vice-president. KDP has requested PUK to nominate another candidate. View Article

Gorran leader: Budget should be in effect for prosperity and stability of the region

  • 13/02/2010
We do not want to divert our main duties which are to serve people and layout an effective programme for them View Article

Gorran Movement prepares for power in Baghdad

  • - By Mufid Abdulla
  • 13/02/2010
7,306 voters in the Sulaymaniyah district, Gorran will secure 40.8%, compared to 38.2% for the two parties of the ruling Kurdistan coalition. View Article

Deniz: Turkey has demanded a drone aircraft from US to assault PKK

  • 12/02/2010
The head of the PKK relations, Mr. Ahmed Deniz pointed out that Turkey, within the framework of its plan to eliminate PKK, has demanded a drone aircraft from the US. View Article

Nabaz Goran subjected to harassment again, Hawlati

  • 12/02/2010
On Tuesday, Feb 9th, 2010, the investigative Kurdish journalist and the editor in-chief of the bi-montly Cihan magazine Mr. Nabaz Gorran was subjected to harassment in the city of Sulaimaniyah. View Article

Nawshirwan Mustafa accuses KDP and PUK of controlling all aspects of life in Kurdistan, Aswat al-Iraq

  • 11/02/2010
‘Movement for Change in Kurdistan’ or Gorran leader accused the two Kurdish parties of controlling all aspects of life in the region. View Article

Book: America unravels Iraq: Kurds, Shiites and Sunni Arabs compete for supremacy

  • 10/02/2010
The U.S. planners of the 2003 war sought glory in Iraq’s tribal, communal and political minefields, not realizing that their actions might unravel Iraq and threaten regional stability. View Article

Kurdish Intellectual and the art of politics

  • - By Mufid Abdulla
  • 09/02/2010
One of the main problems of Kurdish people in southern Kurdistan is that their leaders do not listen to the people, they suppose to represent. View Article