Bright Life, Big City

by La Shawn on March 16, 2010

in Child Killing

unborn babyI completely missed this. Starting this week, a group called Abortion Changes You begins an advertising campaign in New York City billed as non-religious and non-political that deals with the grief some women feel after killing their unborn babies.

Abortion Changes You founder Michaelene Fredenburg said it “makes her sad” that pro-abortion groups have called her group “anti-abortion.” (Source)

Ms. Fredenburg must know if you display any concern for the unborn child and/or the consequences the mother faces after killing that child, pro-aborts will call you anti-abortion, an accusation I embrace wholeheartedly. There is no gray area or subtlety.

I think Ms. Fredenburg misses the point when she says the “pain or lack of pain” women experience after killing an unborn baby “shouldn’t be politicized.” Abortion is a moral and political issue. Acts that are legislated are political (but not all “political” things are legislated), and some acts fall into the morality category. For example, stealing is illegal and immoral. It is immoral to lie, but not illegal in all circumstances. Lying to your mother about not eating the last cookie in the jar is immoral, not illegal. The law regulates lying as it rises to the level of giving false statements to officials, misrepresentation, or fraud.

Killing an unborn baby is legal, so says the Supreme Court, but it is an immoral act. What makes it legal in the eyes of the law is that the person is in utero and the mother doesn’t want him.

While the pain a woman experiences isn’t political per se, the act she commits is political. And immoral.

But I’m nitpicking. The important thing is, subway riders will see the Abortion Changes You ads and discuss them, and maybe the ads will influence a few pregnant women to change their minds about killing their babies.

‘Jesus Christ’ Uttered on ABC

by La Shawn on March 16, 2010

in Faith

What’s the best way to keep a cute child star from growing up to be a drug-addled adult? A sense of purpose beyond entertaining people comes to mind. A strong and stable family that keeps him morally centered definitely helps.

But ultimately, the answer is the One whose name is above all others: Jesus Christ. Listen to former child star Kirk Cameron, whose Way of the Master and Living Waters ministries are top-notch, on ABC’s “Nightline”:

I’m a Feminist!

by La Shawn on March 8, 2010

in Child Killing

right to live

I believe in equal justice under the law for us human females, a principle that covers a multitude of rights. For example, equal pay for equal work, the right to vote, and the right to live.

Bound Ambition

by La Shawn on March 7, 2010

in Administrative

my book!Me and my blog. Oh boy.

As I’ve mentioned a few times, I’m writing a novel in the paranormal and Christian genres. I started a year ago, and I’m presently rewriting/revising it. I hope to have it agent-ready by my birthday, May 5. Will I make it? I’ve invested a year writing this story. I’m determined to try.

Every day, whether I’m working on it or not, I discover ways to make the story better, deeper. In the process, I’ve learned tension- and suspense-building techniques, the qualities that keep the reader turning the pages, without being over the top. These things must arise organically from the story you’re trying to tell. So much to learn. I think my idea is good, but the execution? TBD.

If you’re an LBC reader also working on a novel, or you’ve completed one, I’d love to hear from you. No one in my offline life is writing a novel, and I’ve yet to join a writers group. It would be nice to “know” others also aspiring to be published novelists.

(Questions for writers who’ve completed at least two drafts of their work-in-progress: Are you a member of a writers group? Or do you go the critique partner route?)

In the meantime, I’ve become a contributor to The Bible Answer Man Hank Hanegraaff’s Christian Research Journal. My article on Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy, theologically speaking, is the cover story for the February/March 2010 issue. Quite an honor. I’ve never written a cover story before. Two more articles are forthcoming.

I miss football season. Over and out.

Update (2/25): Yesterday I posted a video Live Action recorded in June 2008, which showed a Wisconsin Planned Parenthood worker telling who she believes is an underage pregnant teen not to reveal that her boyfriend is an adult.

Abortion mill workers in Wisconsin must report statutory rape. The story appeared in the local media earlier this week. Defending her abortion mill, CEO Teri Huyck said the woman posing as a pregnant teen didn’t give her name (…therefore, no requirement to report the crime?).

But Lila Rose did give a name. It’s possible Huyck didn’t see the video. If you’re going on the air to deny that your clinic violated the law, wouldn’t it be wise to watch the video?


How thick can you get? Planned Parenthood workers are having a hard time catching on. If a teenager comes into your clinic and says she’s pregnant by her adult boyfriend, stop talking immediately and ask somebody, if you don’t know, what the law requires. By all means, don’t ignore it or suggest she cover it up. If you do either, you’re covering it up. Really, it’s not rocket surgery.

If a woman wants to kill her baby, believe me, it’ll get done. Not cover-up required.

Lila Rose keeps cranking out those undercover videos. She reveals new footage from June 2008 in which a Wisconsin abortion mill worker tells a “pregnant” teen with an adult boyfriend that she doesn’t “have to say anything” about his age. “Just give them the information that’s needed.”

In Wisconsin, the law includes abortion mill workers among those required to report statutory rape.

30-Year-Old Dead Frozen Babies in West Philly

by La Shawn on February 23, 2010

in Child Killing

If you had your baby killed around 1980 in West Philadelphia, heads up. Your dead baby may be among the frozen “late-term” fetuses found at an abortion mill. (Source)

Through the fire, indeed.

I deleted the text of this post (although the archived version is somewhere out there), something I rarely do. I don’t want to write about this woman anymore. I said what I wanted to say about her and the case in the Duke “Rape” Case archives.

Birmingham Planned Parenthood on Probation

by La Shawn on February 10, 2010

in Child Killing

unborn babyAs part of her undercover stings at Planned Parenthood offices, Lila Rose of Live Action recorded employees (including a “doctor”) lying about fetal development and advising the “underage” Lila Rose to lie about her adult “boyfriend’s” age.

One of the clinics, Birmingham Planned Parenthood, has been put on probation for killing the unborn babies of minors without complying with the parental notification law. Steven Ertelt at Life News asserts that the minors were “obviously victims of statutory rape.” Lila Rose’s tape prompted state officials to investigate the abortion mill.

As I said, fetus-hating screws up your brain.

In other news, did you see the Tim Tebow Super Bowl ads? To call Focus on the Family’s pro-life message mild would be an overstatement. I didn’t expect to hear the Gospel, of course, but I expected a stronger message with a clear focus on Pam Tebow choosing to give her baby a chance to live, because his unborn life was precious.

Well, considering the kind of world we’re living in, it’s a miracle anything with Focus on the Family’s stamp on it made prime time. The ads may well plant a seed, and they just might be forerunners of explicit pro-life messages on TV.

At the very least, Focus on the Family and the pro-life movement got a lot of publicity from women’s groups raising a ruckus, and we’re clear that these women frown on the choice to keep, rather than kill, an unborn baby. Beyond odd.

Pro-Abort WashPost Columnist On Tim Tebow’s Side

by La Shawn on February 5, 2010

in Faith

Tim TebowUpdate: A second Tim Tebow/Focus on the Family ad will air before the game starts. So ad #2 will air before the big game, and ad #1 will air during.

I know we pro-lifers keep talking and talking and blogging and writing about Tim Tebow.

We can’t help it!!!

A high-profile, abstinent young Christian is set to appear on the air during the hottest commercial slot in the country to tell the world his mother valued his life so much, she chose to keep rather than kill him, against her doctor’s advice. Yeah, we’re talking about him, and we’ll keep talking about him.

Like all of us, it should be noted, Tebow’s a sinner. But like some of us, he trusts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Some pro-lifers, but not all, believe abortion is murder. Regardless, we all agree the slaughter of unborn human beings, especially for convenience, is unconscionable.

Sally Jenkins, sports columnist for the Washington Post, takes feminists, modern-day Pharisees, to task. She’s gonna catch it!

“I’ll spit this out quick, before the armies of feminism try to gag me and strap electrodes to my forehead: Tim Tebow is one of the better things to happen to young women in some time. I realize this stance won’t endear me to the ‘Dwindling Organizations of Ladies in Lockstep,’ otherwise known as DOLL, but I’ll try to pick up the shards of my shattered feminist credentials and go on.”

Sounds like me when I fell out of liberal lockstep. In my case, libs sent ad hominem-laced hate e-mail that was more pitiful than anger-provoking. But enough about me, although the blog is called “La Shawn Barber’s Corner.” Jenkins continues:

“We’re always harping on athletes to be more responsible and engaged in the issues of their day, and less concerned with just cashing checks. It therefore seems more than a little hypocritical to insist on it only if it means criticizing sneaker companies, and to stifle them when they take a stance that might make us uncomfortable.”

Jenkins, who is pro-abortion, resents the “group-think, elitism and condescension” of the gals at the National Organization of Women. She contemplates Tebow’s IQ, and she’s impressed that he’s provoked so many hissy fits before the ad’s even graced the airwaves. Jenkins calls Pam Tebow’s choice to give him a chance to live a true pro-choice story, and pro-abortion feminists would rather call foul on his 30-second ad while neglecting to “protest” beer commercials featuring half-naked women jiggling around.

“You know what we really need more of? Famous guys who aren’t embarrassed to practice sexual restraint, and to say it out loud. If we had more of those, women might have fewer abortions. See, the best way to deal with unwanted pregnancy is to not get the sperm in the egg and the egg implanted to begin with, and that is an issue for men, too — and they should step up to that.”

Sing it, sister (although you should re-think your pro-abortion views and support protecting unborn life).

Rest easy, everybody. May your Super Bowl- and Tim Tebow-watching be enjoyable! :D

Related post: NYT: Pro-Aborts on “Wrong Track” on Tim Tebow Ad

Tim Tebow Prays at National Prayer Breakfast

by La Shawn on February 4, 2010

in Faith

Check out this 22-year-old giving the closing prayer at today’s National Prayer Breakfast:

When I was his age, I was a fornicating, unambitious drunk (sounds really bad when I put it that way; wait a second…it was!) who wouldn’t have spoken about anything in front of anybody, no matter how much you paid me. What a contrast, eh? Super Bowl predictions: New Orleans loses, Tim Tebow shines, and pro-aborts hyperventilate. Good day for football. And for life.

unborn babyUpdate: The pro-life message is wonderful, but I’m hoping the Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad somehow smuggles in the Gospel. CBS wouldn’t allow it, of course, but perhaps some of his testimony comes through.

Great day in the morning! I can hardly believe my eyes. The New York Times calls pro-abortion groups’ shrieking about a pro-life ad featuring Tim Tebow and his mother “puzzling and dismaying.”

Last week I blogged about Heisman trophy-winning QB Tim Tebow (lives!), whose mother chose to give him a chance to live, despite her doctor’s advice to abort him. Tim and his mother will appear in the Super Bowl ad on Sunday, and pro-abortion groups and individuals are crying foul.

NYT even criticized the Women’s Media Center for sending CBS an hysterical letter that was “a lame attempt to portray the ad as life-threatening.” NYT rightly calls the so-called pro-choice movement on its hypocrisy. Instead of protesting, these groups should welcome the ad as an illustration of what they stand for: the right to choose. Tim Tebow’s mother chose life for her unborn son. Other women have chosen to kill theirs. Almighty choice rears its head!

But pro-abortion groups call the pro-life’s head ugly.

Phonies, every last one of them.

“CBS was right to change its policy of rejecting paid advocacy commercials from groups other than political candidates. After the network screens ads for accuracy and taste, viewers can watch and judge for themselves. Or they can get up from the couch and get a sandwich.”

(Hat tip: Jill Stanek)

Republicans in Hollywood

by La Shawn on January 27, 2010

in Conservatives, Pop Culture

Dean CainI rarely blog about celebrities because it seems so, you know, shallow.

I make an exception for right-leaning celebrities. In 2008, I put up a post about Republican-registered Hollywood folks like Kelsey Grammer, Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis, Jon Voight, Pat Sajak, Angie Harmon and her husband Jason Sehorn, former cornerback for the New York Giants, and Gary “The Book of Eli” Oldman. Patricia Heaton, Stephen Baldwin (brother of Alec), and Kirk Cameron also are conservative Christians.

It appears that WCBSTV updated the list. Danny Aiello is conservative. Johnny Ramone of The Ramones is a registered Republican. So are models Kathey Ireland and Kim Alexis. Gloria Estefan, Heather Locklear, and James Earl Jones are Republicans. And so is Dean “Superman” Cain (pictured).

And Tony Danza and Vincent Gallo. Never would have guessed. Adam Sandler is a Republican? Where have I been? Rapper 50 Cent said he voted for George Bush.

Hollywood is a bastion of liberal intolerance, and I’m sure many more actors and artists lean right but have chosen to keep their politics and careers separate. I admit my bias. I don’t want to hear Barbra Streisand ranting and raving about George Bush. But if James Earl Jones or Dean Cain wants to share why he believes conservatism is better for the country than liberalism, I’m all ears.

Addendum: I forgot to include Adam Baldwin, who likes my blog. (Squee x 10.) :mrgreen:


Hollywood Conservatives: Should They Just Shut Up and Entertain?

Tim Tebow Lives

by La Shawn on January 26, 2010

in Child Killing, Faith

Tim TebowUpdate: Captain Ed says:

“Expect to see this kind of hysterical criticism reach a crescendo when the ad airs, and then a quick deflation afterward. It’s just another form of advertising, after all, but instead of a new beer or bar of soap, it advertises faith in a personal and indisputable manner. Personal witness is the most powerful form of testimony that there is, and the most effective … which, again, is why we see the reaction that just the idea of it generates.”


By now, most readers know my “radical” views on abortion. I believe an unborn baby should live, even if conceived during rape or incest. I don’t understand how the baby becomes less human because his mother was raped or had sex with a close relative (consensual or non).

No doubt, the act in which the baby was conceived affects the mother’s feelings about him. But when it comes to the baby’s right to live, it doesn’t change a thing.

Pro-life readers have asked me variations of, “What if the mother’s life is danger? What if she has other children to care for and she dies giving birth to this baby?”

I believe such a scenario is so rare, it’s not even worth arguing over. A particular woman may be at a higher risk of health problems because of a pregnancy, but as far as the pregnancy killing her? In 1810, perhaps, but in 2010, it’s a stretch. Regardless, I can’t qualify my position on abortion based on “life of the mother” arguments.

Most women kill the baby because they don’t want the baby.

The doctor tending to the mother of University of Florida’s Heisman trophy-winning quarterback Tim Tebow advised her to kill him. Medication used to treat dysentery caused placental abruption. The doctor thought the baby would be stillborn, anyway, but Tebow’s mother chose to give him a chance to live.

And he did.

America will see the homeschooled Tim Tebow (who wears “John 3:16” on his eyeblack) and his mother during the Super Bowl next month. They’ll deliver a pro-life message in a commercial sponsored by Focus on the Family. Naturally, pro-aborts are having a collective hissy fit:

Shut up and play ball!”

This country needs more young Christian men like Tebow, men who stand for what’s right and refuse to cave to peer pressure. Young people struggling to live the Christian life (yes, Christians do struggle!) could use more high-profile Christians bucking the system and risking ridicule for God’s glory.

If Tebow decides to go public with a sexually-abstinent-until-marriage message, even better.

Denzel Washington - EliI wrote this yesterday:

Spoiler Warning

When I first heard about “The Book of Eli,” my first impression was “must-see.” Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman in the same movie? I’m there. I avoided spoilers, but I remember seeing a headline that the movie was “friendly” to Christians and one calling it offensive or insulting to Christians.

I was wary. Was the title alluding to some “lost,” non-canonical book of the Bible called “The Book of Eli,” which would enlighten the post-apocalyptic world? Was it a lost book of the Bible that, if found before the apocalypse, could have prevented it?

Today I saw “The Book of Eli,” liked it, and concluded it’s neither pro-Christian nor anti-Christian.

Story (If you’ve seen the movie, skip this part if you like. Pardon typos!)

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Blogs for Life

by La Shawn on January 22, 2010

in Child Killing

Thirty-seven years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that women have a constitutional right to privacy to kill their unborn babies. Since then, about 45 million unborn babies have been ripped apart and sucked down sinks, poisoned in utero, etc. That’s called progress.

Watch the Blogs for Life Conference, sponsored by the Family Research Council, starting at 8:30 a.m. EST. The speaker roster includes the fantastic Jill Stanek, blogger and former labor and delivery nurse, and Americans United for Life’s Charmaine Yoest, one of my favorite people in the universe

My thoughts, originally published on Townhall in 2006. I was kind of ornery back then!

[click to continue…]