Jon Leaves It There

Posted by jbc on October 13th, 2009 at 7:57 am

Oops; I almost forgot my pledge to make consist of nothing but reposted videos. Here you go: The Daily Show fact-checks CNN’s fact-checking operation:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
CNN Leaves It There
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Ron Paul Interview

Way to Go, Texas

Posted by jbc on October 13th, 2009 at 7:40 am

How the Texas criminal justice system executes the innocent: Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas, and the death penalty. And now, with bonus corruption and coverup from the governor: The lengths Rick Perry with go.

Audiovisual Commentary on the State of Policing in San Francisco

Posted by jbc on October 2nd, 2009 at 6:50 am

Note to police officers with a propensity to hassle scruffy young skateboarders: Consider that said skateboarders might be filming a video, and be wired up with non-obvious recording tech:

I’ve taken the cop’s side in discussing situations like this before, and I realize there is more to this interaction than we’re seeing here. If the cop had shot and edited this video, it probably would create a completely different impression. Then again, if the cop had been recording this with his own camera, knowing that his superiors were going to review it in case of complaints, I’m guessing he would have handled himself a wee bit differently. Which is kind of the point of laws like the one Obama helped pass in the Illinois state legislature, requiring jailhouse interrogations to be videotaped.

More here from S.F. skateboarder vs. SFPD officer.

Audiovisual Commentary on the Birther Conspiracy

Posted by jbc on September 25th, 2009 at 3:56 pm

It’s the all-YouTube, all-the-time version of

This really is pretty fun. Well, scary. Fun and scary.

It’s a twofer!

Audiovisual Commentary on Education in the US

Posted by jbc on September 19th, 2009 at 10:24 am

Holy smokes; 230 comments? You guys are out of control.

I’ve been busy (he whined… again…), but the least I can do is give you a new wall to tag. Here’s a good one: the video from the Sigur Rós song Glósóli. It was directed by Arni & Kinski, the same pair of directors who did the Hoppípolla video I posted previously.

To me, the video symbolizes some of my worries about the world we’re handing to the next generation. My son attends an amazing school, where they do a great job of preparing children for the future. But are we doing enough? Could we ever possibly do enough?

I don’t know the answer.

Audiovisual Commentary on Healthcare in the US

Posted by jbc on August 30th, 2009 at 9:07 am

I really enjoyed the Fresh Air interview with T.R. Reid, author of The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care. He does a good job of cutting through the B.S.

So does Kevin Drum, in Back to Basics:

Let’s recap: the United States spends about twice as much on healthcare as any other developed nation in the world and in return receives just about the worst care. Can someone remind me again why there’s even a debate about whether we should put up with this?

Finally, as I think about a good friend of mine who’s currently in the hospital, I keep hearing Matthew Good’s “99% of Us Is Failure”. Here’s a live solo version:

Obama on the Healthcare ‘Debate’

Posted by jbc on August 16th, 2009 at 12:12 pm

Apologies for leaving adrift in the waves of outrage washing back and forth from the folks who get their healthcare-reform information from the likes of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. There have been lots of high-profile lies I could have been commenting on, but Cheney-like, I had other priorities.

And look, along comes the Debunker-in-Chief to summarize the grownup response to all the silliness, and save me the trouble of running after every little bit of crazy, in today’s NYT Op-Ed: Why We Need Health Care Reform.

Healthcare Hyperbole to Maximum

Posted by enkidu on August 12th, 2009 at 2:18 pm

The HealthScare ‘debate’ is sure heating up here in the good ol USofA (must be all them heaters folks is bringing to the townhall meet-n-greets).

Recently the Investors Daily Bulletin claimed:

“The controlling of medical costs in countries such as Britain through rationing, and the health consequences thereof, are legendary. The stories of people dying on a waiting list or being denied altogether read like a horror script … People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the UK, where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.

Ummm, folks, Stephen Hawking is from the UK, where he has had the Evil Socialized Medicine his entire life. But don’t trust me on this, Professor Hawking can and has responded (read this back in a computer voice for best effect)

“I wouldn’t be here today if it were not for the NHS,” Professor Hawking told us. “I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived.”

Also congratulations are in order: Professor Hawking was just awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by our President. Well done sirs, well done.

Drum on Global Warming Charlatanism

Posted by jbc on July 23rd, 2009 at 3:33 pm

At Global Warming Charlatanism, Kevin Drum gives a concise response to those (like George Will) who have been saying lately that “the earth is actually cooling!”

In case you’ve missed it, this is the new favorite talking point in the chucklehead denialist set. The earth is actually cooling! But as about a thousand serious climate researchers have pointed out, it’s not true. Global temps have been trending up for over a century, but in any particular year they can spike up and down quite a bit. In 1998 they spiked up far above the trend line and last year they spiked below the trend line. So 2008 was cooler than 1998.


This is idiotic, and only deliberate charlatans who think they have an especially gullible audience bother with it. It’s the trend line that matters, and the trend line has been going up for decades right along with rising CO2 concentrations. Listen to the climatologists, not the charlatans.

So, if you hear someone pushing the “global warming is a myth! the earth is cooling!” line, the only real question is, which of two things is that person revealing about himself: 1) he is dishonest, and thinks that you (or someone listening) is stupid enough to buy it, or 2) he is himself the victim of someone from group #1 who correctly guessed that he could be taken in.

Desmond Warzel’s Wikihistory

Posted by jbc on July 19th, 2009 at 10:37 pm

International Association of Time Travelers: Members’ Forum Subforum: Europe – Twentieth Century – Second World War

Page 263

At 14:52:28, FreedomFighter69 wrote:
Reporting my first temporal excursion since joining IATT: have just returned from 1936 Berlin, having taken the place of one of Leni Riefenstahl’s cameramen and assassinated Adolf Hitler during the opening of the Olympic Games. Let a free world rejoice!

via Abyss & Apex : Fourth Quarter 2007: Wikihistory.

best of craigslist: The most beautiful woman in Charleston – m4w

Posted by jbc on July 14th, 2009 at 11:41 pm

Thanks to the long distance clarity of these amazing binoculars, which typically retail for $1,500, I was able see the green in your beautiful eyes and the white of your breathe-taking smile.

Via best of craigslist: The most beautiful woman in Charleston – m4w.

Downtowner’s Health Insurance

Posted by jbc on July 8th, 2009 at 8:04 am

Daily Kos: How I lost my health insurance at the hairstylist’s. Podcast 30: Inaudible Man

Posted by jbc on July 4th, 2009 at 12:29 pm Podcast 30 is about the election, Prop 8, Harvey Milk, Lynndie England, Dan Savage, and lots of Russell Brand. It’s also about Obama, but he doesn’t actually say anything in the episode (hence the title), except for a little bit at the end, and he really doesn’t say anything then either. Mostly, it’s about how something I’ve imagined for such a long time can seem so different when it finally arrives.

Enjoy, and feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks.

Notes and sources follow…

part one: celebrity endorsements

part two: election day

part three: harvey’s big feet

part four: lynndie

Benen on Global Warming Deniers in the Mainstream (Conservative) Press

Posted by jbc on June 27th, 2009 at 5:51 am

I normally skip about half of Steve Benen’s articles at The Washington Monthly’s Political Animal blog; he’s a little too convinced of the rightness of his position for my taste, and suffers in comparison to Kevin Drum, who used to be the main blogger there. I still go there for Hilzoy, though, and once in a while Benen has an item I like. Like this one:  Deniers.

If the left and right disagreed on how best to address policy challenges, that would at least open the door to constructive dialog. But we’re still stuck in a political environment in which prominent conservative voices at high-profile conservative outlets a) don’t recognize the difference between climate and weather; b) find meaningless anecdotes compelling evidence of global trends; and c) are entirely comfortable delaying necessary solutions while an already-completed debate continues.

We Also Walk Dogs

Posted by jbc on June 23rd, 2009 at 8:26 am

Via best of craigslist: Actor needed for emotional role – One day high pay:

Pay will be $500. The job will take roughly 2 hours at best.

This job is ideal for an actor looking to diversify their role base, or someone who genuinely likes to make children cry. Acting experience is a plus, but not necessary. Please inform me of any prior experience in this kind of situation.

Thanks to Hiro for the link.

Grrlscientist on the Supreme Court on DNA Testing

Posted by jbc on June 20th, 2009 at 5:24 am

What grrlscientist said (from …And Justice for All?):

This Supreme Court decision is ethically repugnant because it does nothing to protect the powerless, the poor and the disenfranchised in this country, which is what the Constitution was originally designed to do. This outrageous decision abandons innocent people who have been imprisoned for crimes they did not commit, and worse, it will cause the deaths of innocent people at the hands of the government — in the name of each and every one of us. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. should be ashamed and all of us should be outraged.

The list of reasons to despise George W. Bush is long. But the presence of Roberts and Alito on the Supreme Court, and decisions like this one, are a reminder that even though he’s gone, his toxic impact lives on.

Fear and Doubt

Posted by ymatt on June 19th, 2009 at 4:32 am

From the Times:

Even Mr. Ahmadinejad, who has kept a defiant if low profile, made an unusual public concession. After insulting the huge crowds that poured into the street by dismissing them as “dust,” the president issued a statement on state television, according to The Associated Press:

“I only addressed those who made riot, set fires and attacked people. Every single Iranian is valuable. The government is at everyone’s service. We like everyone.”

Shawn Johnson, R.I.P.

Posted by jbc on June 17th, 2009 at 8:09 am

I know it’s kind of sick, but I did laugh at this:

As usual with the Onion, it’s not just the idea. It’s how they follow through on it.

Ahmadinijad sucks at Photoshop

Posted by J.A.Y.S.O.N. on June 17th, 2009 at 7:13 am

Sort of funny to me from a professional point of view.

Meltdown Iran

Posted by J.A.Y.S.O.N. on June 16th, 2009 at 8:16 am

Based on CNN and BBC coverage, this seems like… well some kind of highly significant event:

I’m not sure if this is going to end up in another revolution, bloodshed as the Ayatollah cracks down or will just blow over. Looks like the Ayatollah is at least pretending to listen to the will of the people.