Robert Spencer


Pamela Geller


Bat Ye'or


Brigitte Gabriel


Daniel Pipes


Debbie Schlussel


Walid Shoebat


Joe Kaufman


Wafa Sultan


Geert Wilders


The Nuclear Card

Monday, January 4th, 2010

Feature, Loon Sites

Bob Beers: How about we Bomb mecca

Bob Beers calls for the nuking of Mecca in the Canada Free Press, a racist site which lists Robert Spencer as a columnist and employs a ninth grader who works for the "Confederate Liberation Society."

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Susan Starkey slams Kookie Joe Kaufman for his Lies

Joe Kaufman was all in a twist over CAIR picking up litter from the streets and accused Susan Starkey of being an Anti-Semite. Starkey responds by noting Kaufman is a hateful liar.

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Feature, Loon Flashback

10 Loonwatch Pieces from 2009 you May Have Missed but Shouldn’t Have

Here's your chance to catch up on some goodies from the LW archives. Bonus included!

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Feature, Loon Flashback

Top 10 Most Popular LoonWatch Pieces Of 2009

It has been a long road but these are the top 10 most popular pieces on Loonwatch for 2009, have your say!

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In the Wake of the NWA Bomber: Calls to Profile “Mooslims”

The hackles for profiling "Mooslims" specifically from the Middle East and South Asia has increased after the recent failed terrorist attack in Detroit.

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Sweden: Malmo Mosque Attacked with Gunfire

Posted on 04 January 2010

Islamophobic inspired anti-Muslim violence is on the march. This time a Mosque in Sweden was targeted on New Years Eve with gunfire. Continue Reading

Loon Politics

Is Flying While Brown the New Driving While Black?

Posted on 03 January 2010

If you're brown, make sure to empty your bladder before boarding a flight. If you have to go during the flight, choose between (1) getting arrested and (2) peeing in your pants. Continue Reading


Glenn Greenwald: Making “Islam” Synonymous with “Terrorism”

Posted on 31 December 2009

Glenn Greenwald, has another great post on his blog dissecting how the media lapses into attempting to make "Islam" synonymous with "terrorism." Continue Reading


This is England: On the Trail with the EDL

Posted on 30 December 2009

The violent and fascist connected EDL intimidate a Muslim woman on the train. Billy Briggs digs deeper into who and what they are about. Continue Reading


Cradley Heath Mosque Burned to the Ground by Arsonists

Posted on 30 December 2009

Be sure that this won't make the news at JihadWatch or other outlets because according to them anti-Muslim violence isn't a problem. Continue Reading

Loon Blogs

Pamela Geller Watch: Islamophobia Is Not A Crime Against Humanity

Posted on 29 December 2009

Pamela Geller, is up to her usual tricks, denying Islamophobia exists in any shape or form. Continue Reading


Islamophobic Crimes: A Racist Murder and a Beating

Posted on 28 December 2009

Islamophobic crimes, including violent crimes saw an uptick recently with the beatings of a Sikh man and the murder of a Muslim grocery store owner. Continue Reading


Guillaume Morand: Swiss Man says “NO” to Hate Campaign

Posted on 24 December 2009

A Swiss businessman, Guillaume Morand protested the minaret ban by constructing a minaret over his work. Continue Reading

Loon Pastors

Fathima Rifqa Bary: Pastors Knew they Broke the Law, ex-church official says

Posted on 24 December 2009

Beverly and Blake Lorenz knew they were breaking the law when they took in teenage runaway Fathima Rifqa Bary. Continue Reading

Loon Politics

Jane Norton: Sits Silently as Crazy Tea Bagger Calls Obama a “Mooslim”

Posted on 23 December 2009

Jane Norton, seems to be one in a line of Conservatives pandering to Islamophobic tea baggers in the upcoming 2010 election. Continue Reading


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More myths about Barack Obama being a Mooslim and other nonsense from Tel Aviv streets documented by Max Blumenthal.

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A great remix by Cassetteboy for Nick Griffin’s controversial appearance on Question Time.

Lindsey Graham, senior Republican senator proves that even when the GOP tries to get it right they can manage to mess things up. In condemning the wackos Graham does a good job but he has an epic fail when he lets out a (freudian?) slip that, “[Obama] is not a Moslem, he is a good man.” It reminds us of John McCain’s sorry answer to the crazy lady who asked him during the presidential election if Obama was an “Ayrab, a Mooslim.”

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Talk about having an agenda, in this case the shameless attempt to play on people’s fears to make a few bucks. It is only a hop-skip-and-a-jump from the next episode when TownHaller’s like Pamela Geller have their veiws of Obama being a Muslim parroted by Bill Keller.

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Rep. Steve King who recently cast the sole vote against a memorial for slavery which unanimously passed the house believed that if Obama got elected AlQaeda would be dancing in the streets. He also believes that Obama’s middle name matters because Muslims will be dancing in the streets.

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Words of Ginny Brown-Waite Wisdom: “Except for Timothy McVeigh every terrorist has been a Moslem.” Way to go Ginny, you sure paid attention in school.

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