New York Chapter opens.
Vito's campaign starts alongside ballot proposal.

Islamic News

Anti-Muslim party, now largest party in Switzerland.

50% of Britons beleive that Immigrants should be encouraged to leave.

U.S. opinion of Islam at an all-time low.

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2008: An Election Travesty

6/05/08 Jerry Collins

I will be the first to admit, that aside from Mccain’s extraordinary sacrifices made during the Vietnam War, there is very little I admire about him. He is often times nothing more that a carpetbagger, morphing his stances and policies in order to give himself political advantages. His positions lack any sort of integrity. One day he will maintain that he is tough on illegal immigration, and the next day he will stress the importance of illegal workers to our economy.

Six months ago, I had every intention of officially and firmly rejecting both candidates and merely expressing my unwavering contempt for both parties. However… something extraordinary has happened between now and then; something earth-shattering.

Our Institutions and elitists planted the seeds for their revolution by aligning themselves with a despicable man named Barack Hussein Obama. A man who I can unequivocally say, has intentions of sabotaging our country. A man who will openly and purposefully allow our enemies to flourish, and our state to crumble. A man who will legitimize the Nation of Islam and delegitimize Judeo-Christianity. A man who will seek to remold our nation into a refuge for Anti-nationalists under the guise of multiculturalism. To sum it up, a man who hates America.

From the beginning of Obama’s non-existent career, I was confused why the media gave him so much attention. We heard nothing about far more historic campaigns such as Bobby Jindal’s rise to be the Governor of Louisiana in 2007, but instead we listened to Obama’s speeches on the news over and over again. By 2004, A majority of Americans couldn’t tell you the name of any other senators in the outlying states of the northern Midwest, but everybody quickly learned who Obama was. And from the beginning, our institutions never reported anything negative about him. He was the ’rockstar’, he was extremely ’likeable’, he was a ’fresh new voice.’

After he announced his candidacy and the primary campaigns started, I could tell that something was wrong. In spite of the fact that Hillary was clearly leading in popular support, the DNC and the media seemed to be pushing Obama and Obama only. Billionaires such as Soros and Buffett, organizations such as, entertainers such as Affleck and Sarandon, Newspapers and Media outlets such as the Los Angeles times, and national political figures everywhere who were initially faithful to the Clintons all switched to the Obama camp. What made this so curious, is that they did this at a time when it was obvious that Hillary had the popular support. Something was not right here.

And as these forces slowly started to demonize a woman who they once admired, I have to admit, I started to feel sorry for her. In the blink of an eye she had gone from the party’s darling to the party’s prey.

But the bigger question was, why were all the elitists abandoning her for him?

A man who had no political experience and no political track-record. A man who would proudly refuse to wear an American flag pin to show his personal views, with the exception of when he finds himself speaking in front of a veterans association in a state that he trails in the polls. A man who titled his own autobiography after a speech given by a race-bating anti-American, white hating anti-Semite. A man who patronizes and donates a majority of his money to a ’church’ that resembles an Africanized version of the Aryan Nation, and then only quits that church, when it looks like it might affect his pole numbers. A man who surrounds himself with anybody and everybody who hates America, and only chooses to distance himself from them at the right time.

How could someone like this get the nomination of a party who once believed in leaders like John F. Kennedy or Harry S. Truman? The answer is simple: The Illitists who now control the DNC, found something extraordinary in Obama. They found a rare candidate who hates America as much as they do, and yet could cleverly and charismatically hide it from his followers. To them, he was the holy grail of presidential candidates.

Throughout the spring months, the media’s propaganda machine went into full force. One could not turn on the TV without seeing Obama’s face. Every time you looked at the newspaper you’d see another high-power politician or activists saying they endorse Obama.

And in spite of this non-stop barrage of pro-Obama propaganda, when it was all over, Hillary won the popular vote. But the funny thing was, to America, it appeared like Obama won by a landslide. It seemed as though there wasn’t a single member of the DNC who thought that Hillary should be their candidate. What’s even more amazing is that because of Hillary’s popularity in swing states, having her as the Democrat’s candidate gave her party a much better chance of winning the general election. But the elitists simply didn’t care. This was their one shot to start their revolution, and they weren’t going to have the voters get in the way of it. After all, to them, voters are bible-reading gun-toting simpletons who don’t know any better.

That is why we are where we are now. The elitists have already imposed their will and given us their version of the democratic presidential candidate. And now will come the mother of all propaganda; an endless onslaught of indoctrinating from our institutions. With a budget of nearly three times that of Mccain, and with a media that is almost entirely behind him, we will become inundated by pro-Obama images and sound-bites.

We all need to step back and take a deep breath. We have to understand that we cannot let the elitists have their president. As much as we hate the other candidate, the alternative is unimaginably worse. I for one, will be going to the booth in November, plugging my nose, and voting for ’the other guy’. Even if it’s just this one time, it has to be done.

As a member of the Loyalist Party, I have to remind everyone that our party does NOT endorse Mccain in any way. But personally, I am endorsing him. And I encourage the rest of you to do so as well.

Border Betrayal

4/21/08 Jerry Collins

Back in May of 2006, congress passed the Secure Fence Act, which mandated building 370 miles of triple-layered fencing and 500 miles of vehicle barriers along the southern border. The act also appropriated billions of dollars to be set aside for the project. Congress mandated construction to commence no later than one year after the date of the enactment. It has now been two years since the act passed, and the DHS has built just 20 miles of this fence, despite the legislative mandate.

How could this happen in spite of the fact that Americans overwhelmingly supported the fence to be built? Why is it that every time similar legislation is enacted, nothing ever happens?

The answer is simple: Our elected officials, at every level, will always neglect or sabotage any and every attempt to do what needs to be done to protect our border. This phenomenon is known Politically Correct Paralysis, and it is the bane of our nation’s political process.

As soon as the Secure Fence Act was passed, it was opposed by a broad range of organizations as being cruel and reactionary. These organizations included the US Chamber of Commerce, the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the American Farm Bureau, the National Association of Homebuilders, Catholic Charities USA, the United Auto Workers, and many more. Former Mexican president, and shadow politician Vicente Fox immediately denounced such a fence as ’disgraceful and shameful”. Most importantly, every civil rights leader and Hispanic group started threatening any politician that supported it. They threatened to slur the politicians as ’racist’ and anti-Latino. They threatened that they would turn the Hispanic vote against the candidates at every level. And in the end, the politicians reacted to all these threats by doing absolutely nothing.

Politicians have become completely paralyzed; scared to do anything that might offend these groups. In California, it has gotten so bad that Governor Schwarzenegger was forced to apologize to these groups for even mentioning that the border needs to be secured. It’s akin to Virgil Goode being forced to apologize to Muslims and attend an Islamic service after correctly fingering Islam as a problem in our nation.

This doesn’t mean that all Hispanics want our borders to be open; it means that a small minority that wants an open border, is much more vociferous than the rest of America. In short, democracy falls in favor of vocal and insidious special interests.

The sad truth is that even if our elected officials promised to throw ten times the amount of money to secure our borders, the end effect will always be the same; the money and resources will never make it to where they are needed out of fear of reprisal from this minority. So as we are in election season, remember this: regardless of what promises our candidates make, the most important issue facing America will ultimately be completely ignored.

Why A Muslim Should Never Be Allowed Into Politics In America.

2/07/2008 Loyalist Staff Writer

’Obama! Obama!’, the crowds cheer. They are a growing mass of Americans who are following their new leader. And if their leader gets elected, they believe he will bring change to the country. But they have no idea how right they are.

Obama was raised a Muslim, a fact that many Americans know, but don’t understand the relevance of. What’s more extraordinary, Obama has said on numerous occasions that he is proud of his Islamic heritage, and although he has stated that he is a practicing Christian, he believes that his ’background’ will help him relate to the Islamic world in a constructive way.

We must not let our guards down to his charms. We must recognize the unbelievable inherent threat of electing a once-practicing Muslim to the highest office in our country. And we must also understand that he may very well be the biggest wolf in sheep’s clothing that our country has ever endured.

Many Americans will argue, that even though he may be a Muslim, he is not a terrorist or an extremist. But the greatest threat to our country comes not from Islamic terrorists or ’extremists’, but from ordinary, everyday Muslims and Muslim supporters.

For terrorists and ’extremists’, jihad means acts of terrorism, war and violence. Yet there is a far greater war being fought; an everyday jihad, fought by everyday ’moderate’ Muslims, where the daily goal is simply to increase the power, authority and dominance of Islam. Whether it is writing a letter, instigating defamation litigation, or protesting schools that include ’The three little pigs’ in their curriculum, all jihad is the empowerment of Islam at the expense of America and her non-Muslim citizens.

There can be no shared ground with Islam. Muslims, by their very nature, are committed to transforming every area they live and work in into an Islam-dominated world. And freedom for Islam, is doom for anything and anyone else.

Muslims and Muslim enablers should not be allowed the privilege of entering politics in America because Muslims have a stronger loyalty and allegiance to foreign Islamic states and communities than they do to America and our democratic principles such as freedom, equality and justice for all.

Entrusting Muslim politicians with the future of America is simply an act of treason. The objective of Islam in America is to replace American democracy with total submission to Islam. This then, is a traitorous objective, an anti-American goal and a religious act which can only cause America harm.

Wherever Islam has gained political power, secular governments have always been under threat. Once Muslims are allowed to engage in politics, they will start demanding an increasing range of special Muslim-only services and privileges such as Muslim-only blood-transfusions, Muslim-only doctors, Halal meat in schools and special pro-Islamic education for our children.

Cultural and political jihad weakens the state and Islam’s constant calls for change in favour of Islamic norms are draining on financial, legal, judicial, educational and many other civil resources. Meanwhile, Islamizing influences, such as Islamic calls for prayer over loudspeakers, drive non-Muslims out and encourage more Muslims to settle.

In Europe, Islamization has resulted in segregated Muslim communities hostile to their host community and all non-Muslim influences. Not only does crime (on non-Muslims) increase, but so do racial tensions and the threat of terrorism and religious violence.

Finally, Muslims should never be allowed to engage in politics in America because of the Islamic concept of religious deception – Kitman (avoiding telling the truth) and Taqqiya (outright lying). Both were practiced by the prophet Muhammad and are allowed in Islam so long as such deceptions and lies benefit the interest of Islam.

And Obama has been caught lying about his Muslim upbringing on numerous occasions. This is because he knows that a non-Christian could never be elected as president in America, so he, like Muhammad, has to cover his Islamic heritage with a thinly veiled lie that he is ’one of us.’ He, like Muhammad, has to enter our ranks, before he can tear us apart.

An Open Letter to the Presidential Candidates

1/19/2008 Loyalist Staff Writer

It is painfully obvious that none of the 2008 presidential candidates have a grasp of the true nature of Islam and the aims of its followers. It is therefore the obligation of the Loyalist Party to openly call into question many of their preconceptions about Muslims and the Islamic ideology and warn the candidates of what they do not understand.

As it stands, the common position of the Presidential candidates seems to be that terrorism has little, or nothing, to do with everyday Islam. This is because, as the argument goes, terrorism is the perversion of the Islamic religion rather than the basis of it. Furthermore, because Islam is taken to be a peaceful religion like any other, presidential candidates seem to take the additional logical step that terrorism can be stopped by tackling the extremist element while rewarding ’moderate’ Muslims.

We at the Loyalist party would like to point out that there are several reasons why this position on Islam and terrorism is untenable.

The Umma Always Comes First

Muslims, wherever they live, have a religious duty – specified in the Qur’an – to put the Muslim Umma, or religious community, before anything or anyone else. This means that Muslims, even if they are American citizens, have greater loyalty to the Muslim religious community – including those in the Middle East and other Islamic countries – than they have to the United States. This is the reason for the disturbing reaction of Muslims worldwide to the attacks of 9/11. Not only did many Muslims openly rejoice – something which many politicians seem to have forgotten – but amongst those celebrating, were Muslims residing in Europe, and even in the United States.

For this reason, we call into question the candidate’s preconceptions that the vast majority of the Muslim community are moderate and on America’s side. The truth is that Muslims give their allegiance to foreign communities which are often openly hostile to America.

Muslims Don’t Integrate

The Qur’an commands Muslims to support each other while deliberately differentiating themselves from the non-Muslim communities they live in. Muslims are advised, by the Qur’an, to avoid contact with non-Muslims unless interaction with them is strictly necessary. Friendships with non-Muslims, for example, are forbidden by the Qur’an unless this promotes the cause of Islam.

One commonality in Muslim communities around the world is they have consistently chosen to remain separated from non-Muslim communities by choice. A brief look at the Muslim communities in Europe is enough to dispel the myth that Western host communities are at fault for failing to do enough to integrate their Muslim communities.

The Presidential candidates believe that Muslim non-integration is a result of our own nation’s intolerance. This, they believe is the source of Muslim rioting and a continued trend of Muslims turning to extremism. The Loyalist Party would like to openly question this assumption. We would like to point out that Islamic separation is a worldwide phenomenon commanded by the Qur’an in order to deliberately evoke conflict and hate against the host country.

Jihad is a One-Way Street

According to the Qur’an, it is the duty of all Muslims to engage in jihad – something which can range from ’overcoming injustice’ to armed warfare against the enemies of Islam. However, the constant factor in jihad is its goal of imposing Islamic notions, laws and standards on the non-Muslim host community.

Every form of jihad aims at increasing the power and authority of Islam over all else – including democracy, freedom and equality. Acts of jihad increase the power and authority of Islam over non-Muslims, irrespective of whether their actions are violent or peaceful. Most importantly, since Jihad is a required duty as commanded by the Qur’an, ’moderate’ Muslims will often fund, promote, or seek to legitimize jihad.

Even if the presidential candidates are successful in preventing such acts of terrorism, unless they understand and tackle the source of the terrorism, the Qur’an, they will be merely putting a bandage on an infectious disease. What do the Presidential candidates propose to counter the expansion of Islamic authority and the further teachings of Jihad?

The Final Word: The Example of Mohammad Indicates the True Nature of Islam

Islam is, and always has been, a religion dedicated to following the example of its founder, the Prophet Mohammad. Mohammad started his new religion peacefully by trying to convince people to join. When this approach failed, his methods and ideology became more aggressive, violent and consequently, more successful. The Prophet Mohammad became a bandit who raided caravans, looted goods and killed traders. As time went by his methods became increasingly violent and savage, and he and his followers began wantonly killing civilians and raping women. Mohammad married a five year old and began raping her by the time she was 9. He also told innumerate lies and used deception to overcome his enemies.

Mohammad is held as the example of a perfect man and friend of God by Muslims – many of whom seek to follow his example. Yet, given the nature of his moral character and the acts he committed, how is it possible to believe as the presidential candidates seem to, that terrorism is a misinterpretation of Islam?

Finally, We would like to make a closing comment. Some presidential candidates have taken the position that Allah and God are somehow equivalent, and that Christians should respect and revere Allah as he is just another culture’s interpretation of God.

According to Islam, however, Jesus was never crucified, and is not meant to be the son of God. Muslims have corrupted history and theology and have made Jesus a loyal practicing Muslim who recognizes the authority of the Prophet Mohammad, the tenets of Islam.

We invite all Presidential candidates to answer these questions and, given these facts, state how they would address the issues raised in order to change America for the better.

A Historic Press Conference

12/24/2007 Jerry Collins

On December 1rst, 2007 at 2:00 pm, in a packed conference room at the Adria Hotel and Conference Center, a new movement officially launched its political campaigns behind a powerful and charismatic leader. The leader, and headline speaker for this event, was Vito Vacarro, the New York Loyalist Party candidate.

The event started with speeches from Pamela Hall, of ’Stop the Madrassa’ and chair of the New York United American Committee, and Joanna Marzullo, president of New York I.C.E. They each gave speeches the important nationalist priorities at hand as well as a celebratory wish for the new movement. After their speeches, the room was ablaze with anticipation and excitement. It was time for Vito’s speech, and he came up to the podium and didn’t disappoint.

Vito’s speech was truly revolutionary in its openness and fiery rhetoric against the status quo. He wasted no time challenging the politicians that had betrayed us and that had achieved the lowest approval rating in our nation’s history. Speaking with a passion few politicians have, he declared that we must close our borders once and for all. But his most awe-inspiring moment came towards the end of his speech.

’I stand here today, alone in saying that Islam is in and of itself, an intolerant and hateful philosophy and that Islam breads violence! Terrorism isn’t a misinterpretation of Islam! Terrorism is Islam!’

His bold statements reverberated throughout the room, and were followed with wild applause.

His speech ended with his formal announcement of two important campaigns at the heart of the party. First, the Loyalist Party petition to amend the N.Y. city constitution in order to debate whether Islam should be classified as a political movement and registered in the city as such; And second, his formal announcement that he is entering the race for the N.Y. State Assembly in the 26th district.

These two announcements were received with cheers, and after the event, not a single guest left. They all wanted to stay and get a chance to talk to the party’s new leader. To talk to the only politician who’s allegiance is to America, and America only.

The N.Y. City Loyalist Party Press Conference

Jerry Collins

On December 1rst 2007, in the heart of N.Y. city, the Loyalist Party will take an important step towards realizing its political ambitions. The party will host a press conference announcing two important political campaigns that are at the heart of the new and revolutionary movement.

The conference will be announcing Loyalist Canididate Vito Vaccaro’s intention of running for a seat on the N.Y. state assembly in the 26th district for 2008. Vito’s announcement will launch the party’s first candidacy and will be an important step in setting the nationalist tone of party. The Loyalist party will also announce its New York City charter amendment. The amendment will be a historic first attempt to legally declassify Islam as a religion.

The event will also serve as a venue for other patriotic N.Y. groups such as the N.Y. chapter of the United American Committee (UAC). Guest speakers from both the Loyalist Party and partner organizations will be speaking and discussing common goals and future coalition building opportunities. The day’s events will climax with Vito Vacarro’s speech and his official announcement of his campaign. This will be the press’s fist opportunity to be formally introduced to Vito and his revolutionary yet popular ideology.

This event comes on the heels of an extraordinary time in our history. Public opinion of our congress is at an all time low. Our president and his cohorts are unrelentingly pushing amnesty for illegal aliens down our throats against the will of the people. America’s opinion towards Islam and its institutions are at an all time low. As people feel more disenchanted and distrustful of our leaders, the opportunity grows for our movement and our campaigns.

Food and refreshments will be provided at the conference and party literature will be made available to all who attend. If you are interested in taking part in the event, please contact us through our party contacts. Conference location information will only be provided to those who are invited, as well as selected press. Space will be limited.

Huge Success of Loyalist Media Appearances


Two recent radio appearances from Loyalist Party members have turned out to be extraordinary successes. Successes in which the party has seen significant surges of interest, and has boosted the popularity of Loyalist members as marketable guests on political talk shows. The recent interview of B. Nordval, Loyalist Party Chair, on The Political Pistachio was a tremendous success. The show’s organizers have reported the third highest live listenership since the program’s beginning, along with huge responses for an encore appearance. To listen to an archive of the show, please go here: Vito’s appearance on The Gathering Storm was also an outstanding success. Keep checking our party website to be updated with future media appearances. This includes appearances on internet radio, terrestrial radio, and local television.

The Nationalistic Uprising

08/22/07 Jerry Collins

We live in a dynamic time in our history. A time when internal and external threats are beginning to stoke the latent spirit of a nation. A time when pessimism and distrust are starting to seed a new sense of revolutionism. The time is perfect to plant the seeds of a nationalistic uprising.

While many historians may believe that there is nothing historically peculiar about the era that we live in, upon further analysis, we start to see a truly unparalleled disenchantment and a growing potential towards the path of nationalism. The public has an unprecedented level of distrust towards our current government and our institutions. While it may seem like typical cynicism, polls are pointing towards something more historic. The most recent Gallup poll finds Congress’ approval rating at the lowest ever, a staggering 18%. What’s makes this so extraordinary is that our economy hasn’t even entered a recession suggesting that this disapproval is not based solely upon our own pocketbooks. This is not about the typical partisan issues of welfare, taxes, or entitlements. There is a very basic and visceral need that is not even being met or even addressed by our leaders. The public is angry about something hitherto unknown, and there is something truly groundbreaking brewing just below the surface.

If you look at the current stances of our two-party system, we start to see a glimpse of America’s unparalleled distrust. The G.O.P’s recent track record is puzzling to say the least. After having control of both the legislative and executive branches of the government for the first time in over 50 years, the G.O.P. fumbled away its opportunity for anything resembling nationalism or protectionism. It is now very apparent that the Republican Party believes that the only way to maintain any power is to continue their stance as a re-invented Neo-Conservative party with a philosophy of compassion towards illegals, and of business before the nation. The Democrats continue on their road of a phantom party, not standing for anything other than being against the G.O.P. Even more revealing is that a similar doubting sentiment exists regarding nearly all of our nation’s institutions. People are pessimistic about nearly every area of our establishment, including our media, our education, and our corporations.

2008 and Beyond

With an eminent meltdown in the housing sector and the lending system that helped build it, along with trends of recent polls, it’s a near certainty that Hillary Clinton will take over the reigns of the presidency. Hillary’s tenure as presidency will only feed the sentiment of distrust. Even her supporters do not trust her. Most American’s don’t even know her position on important issues such as the war on terror or our borders but are only turning to her because they have lost trust in George W. Bush. And as Obama and Guiliani seem even more unscrupulous, she is just the ’default’ selection for a country that doesn’t seem to have another direction.

But something more significant will happen in 2008. By early next year, The Loyalist Party will have begun actively promoting the party candidates. The media will not waste a second before they pounce on the Loyalist Party as a headline. CNN will point to our movement as proof positive, that America is Islamophobic.. And while Christine Amanpour will arrogantly and pompously decree that Islam is the true victim, she will unwittingly be doing us a huge favor. She and other media Elitists will push our movement into that back of every American’s psyche. Americans will now be aware that for the first time in our history a genuinely nationalistic alternative exists; a party that is myopic in its effort to close our borders and stop Islam. While it would be foolish to say that this will have an immediate appeal to the average voter, it will sink into people’s minds that we are an alternative, and the seeds will be planted. And with the growing distrust of our institutions, the spread of Islam, and the continued insecurity of our borders, more and more people will do the unthinkable, and make the plunge to our ’reactionary’ movement. And just as similar parties have flourished in other nations under the onslaught of Islam, so too will ours, even if it is just a percent or two. We will slowly become a viable 3rd party, enough that the media will be forced to start referring to us as more than just a fringe movement.

We can’t delude ourselves into believing that these near-term factors alone will bring us to a majority party. Only one thing has the power to push the nation to this, and that is ’the day of Islam’, a massive Islamic attack on our soil, something that many experts now believe is only a matter of time. But before then, we must plants the seeds. We must get the word out that we are a movement that truly stands alone as the only political group that is willing to take the bold steps necessary to stop the fall of our country.

The Betrayal in Iraq

6/04/07 Jerry Collins

How is it possible that the huge sacrifices our men in uniform have made since 2001 in both Afghanistan and Iraq are on the verge of vanishing in an instant? The years of hard work and sacrifice seem to be turning into nothing more than political points for those who can quickly switch sides and say they never supported military action in the first place. How is it possible that we have come to a time in history, where America and the west want to revert to do-nothing diplomacy and appeasement for the Hitlers of our time?

But the more pressing question is: who is at fault for this betrayal of epic proportions? There is no doubt that much of the blame lies with the liberal establishment, both in the media and in our government. But if we look closer into this treachery, we see that it goes much deeper than this. The betrayal is from the elitist who have clung to a falsehood that has ill-prepared us for what we are up against. The falsehood that Islam is not at war against us.

By preaching that this battle is in no way related to a worldwide evil that is the true essence of Islam is the true betrayal. This betrayal has cost thousands of American lives in Iraq and will ultimately cost millions of lives here at home. And it is not just the Obamas and the Kerrys who have propagated these lies, it is the Bushes and the Blairs. One only has to look at their speeches to see reference after reference to , ’the religion of peace’ or an ’extremely tiny minority, that has hijacked Islam.’

While it may seem far-fetched that clinging to and preaching such a falsehood would ultimately lead to the biggest betrayal in recent history, if we take a look at the current situation in Iraq, we start to see the truth. The first thing we must acknowledge is that 90% of the Islamic terrorists fighting in Iraq are non-Iraqis. Say it again and again if you have to, because it’s crucial to understanding Iraq's role in the global jihad. This wasn’t of course the case when the coalition first took out Sadaam’s Baathist regime. But the external Jihad’s percentage has been growing steadily ever since.

Now rewind to Bush and Blair’s campaign. They both adamantly lectured us from the beginning that this war was not part of a much larger war against Islam or a counter jihad. They insisted that this was simply a war to remove two evil and dangerous regimes. And this being the case, the 250,000 plus allied troops seemed to be more than enough to quickly crush the Iraqi Republican Guard, the Saddam loyalists, and the Taliban. Unfortunately, this falsehood was well-received by Americans since we have already been pre-programmed to believe such tripe. Whether or not we know it, the decades of teaching tolerance, has subconsciously given us all a knee-jerk aversion to labeling any foreign or non-western philosophy as evil.

After the Taliban and Baathist regimes fell, our leaders told us that the newly installed democracies would surely spread to the neighboring Islamic dictatorships. They preached that since freedom is something that all people desire, Muslims from around the world would overwhelmingly support their Islamic brothers’ new found liberty. And Americans felt proud of their president and proud of the Muslims who we thought were part of this struggle for freedom.

But then something happened. Islam started to show its true nature. We started to see poll after poll in Muslim countries showing that the tiny .01% that wanted a global Jihad, was actually much closer to 15%, and it seemed to be growing every year. We started to see huge numbers of Islamic insurgents flock to both Iraq and Afghanistan.

We also began to understand that Muslims were unbelievably hypocritical. While they enjoyed the first-world living and freedom here in the western world, they wanted nothing more than the rest of the world to be subjugated by the most absurdly backward and strict interpretation of Sharia.

That being said, it makes perfect sense that the Muslims from around the world are uniting to stop any trace of freedom for their Muslim brothers. When an Iraqi or Afghani starts to use their democratic powers, or a female starts to see glimpses that she is more than a beast, the Muslims get more embolden. Their street rallies become more vociferous and violent, and when this happens our politicians ignore this hypocrisy since it goes against their initial declarations.

So all of this being the case, we can begin to see why we are where we are now, fighting a huge battle against the Islamists that have flocked to Iraq. Our brave troops, numbering only a couple hundred-thousand are fighting against a gigantic, unlimited supply of Islamic warriors from around the globe. A worldwide Islamic army, that our politicians insist doesn’t exist and that hasn’t declared war against us. Its akin to sending 200,000 brave Americans to Berlin in 1941, and denying the fact that Nazism has already spread throughout much of Europe and North Africa.

So what should we do? The treachery has already occurred, and has already left us in a seemingly impossible situation. Maybe we should just cut and run. Some politicians have suggested that once we leave, the sectarian and regional fighting will continue, the terrorists will kill each other off, the fighting will taper off, and we can return back and finish our work there.

This would be a doable strategy if it wasn’t for one thing: the number of militant Muslims continues to increase every year. Ever since the Islamic Revolution of 79, the new bread of violent and brainwashed Muslims has grown exponentially. This generation that has been strategically brainwashed by the mosques and institutions to pledge their life to jihad and the more we wait, the more their numbers increase, and the stronger the global Jihad becomes.

But why are such a disproportionate amount of Islamic warriors drawn to Iraq? There are many other countries that seem just as crucial to further their cause. The truth is, the Islamists understand the importance of Iraq falling as part of their Islamic cause. Not just because it will become another safe-haven for Islamic paramilitaries and brainwashing, but because it will send a clear message to the west: THIS!!! is what happens if you meddle in the Muslim world. We outnumber you 1000 to 1, and we kill 100 million babies before we let you chip away our Islaomfascist Reich.

Look at how effective this strategy has been. Iran is unbelievably emboldened. Ahmadinejad is openly telling the world that he is in the planning stages of a second genocide, and not a single European country wants to even consider a tactical strike because they are scared to create ’another Iraq.’

So is the battle in Iraq and against Islam an unwinnable one? Maybe we should throw our towels in, and live out the rest of our lives, ignoring what’s going to happen, and ignoring the world that our children and grandchildren will inherit.

In reality, its not an impossible battle. But first we must acknowledge that this isn’t a regional battle or a battle against selected regimes. This is a battle against Islam; a battle against a people that have already declared war on us. We must stop forcing our troops to be nothing more than policemen walking the streets of Baghdad as human targets. We must be completely offensive-minded and meet all the warriors that have flocked to borders of Iraq with loaded guns. Most importantly, the rest of the Islamic world that has fueled this Jihad must be treated as we treated the Third Reich. There must not be a single institution left standing that preaches or embodies its form of disgusting hate. Our country, and ultimately the world must become De-Islamified, and we can’t declare the war over until this is done.

While this may seem like an unbelievable undertaking, it will only become harder to accomplish in the future. And if we wait till there are mushroom clouds over Israel and Washington DC, then we have betrayed millions of innocent people.

But I know this will never happen. I know that the betrayal by our leaders is too deep and the enormous sacrifices that our troops have endured are meaningless. I know we are about to leave Iraq and Afghanistan. I know that Islam is winning the war of patience and propaganda, and the west has responded by reverted to isolationism and ignoring their imminent doom. We are repeating the 30’s all over again and I fear the age of nuclear Jihad is almost upon us. I hope when it comes, by some act of god, the Loyalists are on our country’s doorstep.



Mark this date in American Political History

4/4/07 Loyalist Staff Writer.

‘Vito! Vito! Vito!’ the crowd chanted at a Ground Zero rally on a hazy Saturday afternoon in the heart of New York City. This was the chorus of a new movement supporting a candidate that stands alone. A candidate who is unapologetically against the rising tied of Islamic anti-Americanism.

Whether it’s Nancy Pelosi wearing a headscarf to appease a dark aged mentality or President Bush calling Islam the ‘religion of peace’, our politicians have lost their will to react rationally to this intolerant philosophy. Even Virgil Goode(R-VA) who should be commended for bravely fingering Islam as a problem, bowed to Islamic pressure, and attended an Islamic service as a sign of humility.

But something at this event signaled a change in America’s political reaction. The rally was sponsored by the United Americans Committee and was a show of solidarity against Islamofascism. It was open to all people including followers of Islam. And no doubt, a Muslim speaker named ‘Ibraham’ took advantage of this by rambling well over his allotted time about how the terrorists aren’t real Muslims, and that Islam is in actuality a peaceful religion that a small minority has misinterpreted.

But after Ibraham’s speech came Vito Vaccaro, a new Loyalist Party candidate running for a seat on the N.Y. state assembly in the 26th district. He was the last speaker, and the crowd was expecting more of the same. But to everyone’s surprise, Vito responded to the speaker in the most unusual way.

He responded by announcing that Islam is, in and of itself, an intolerant and hateful philosophy that breeds violence. Yes, mark this date on your calendar. On March 31rst 2007, an American political candidate spoke the truth about Islam, and didn’t apologize. This caught the Muslim speaker by surprise, as they are used to getting their way with politicians in America. After Ibraham heard this, he started shouting at Vito, but Vito kept speaking the truth, countering every one of his points and eventually causing Ibraham to shout at Vito, calling him the ‘real’ terrorist.

While the state assembly’s election isn’t until November of 2008, Vito Vaccaro took an important stance on March 31rst, 2007, that distinguished the Loyalist Party from every other. He let Muslims know that he and his party will never bow to their pressure, and that his allegiance is to America, and America only.


What Happened to the Media?

2/21/07 Ron Gattner

On April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School, two teenagers carried out a shooting rampage, killing 12 students. In the following weeks and months, the nation was ablaze with discussion centering on the culture and upbringing that motivated these two. Experts focused on Goth culture, bullying, heavy metal music, violent movies and video games in American society. The discussion continued to make front page news, long after the murders, and ultimately led to Michael Moore’s Oscar winning film Bowling for Columbine, in which Moore speculated that it was America’s ‘gun culture’ that was the real motivator.

In the three weeks of October 2002, there was a similarly shocking mass murder that captured the nation’s attention in the Mid-Atlantic United States, this time involving a sniper. As the murders began to pile-up, the media gave the events huge press. Many of the same ‘experts’ gave their profile for the murderer as a typical ‘angry white man’.

The shootings finally ended on October 24, after John Allen Muhammad , a Muslim convert and his teenage son were apprehended by the police, but not before fatally killing 10 innocent people.

But after this extraordinary event, something interesting happened. The press disappeared. There was no round-table discussion on the source of their hate. No Oscar-winning documentaries where members of Muhammad’s cult, ‘The Nation of Islam’ were interviewed. The whole subject vanished.

Why did the story of Muhammad’s hateful motivation disappear? The same reason why so many other hate-based mass-murders have been hushed in the last 5 years; because Mohammed was a Muslim.

The media was obligated to give a few blurbs about his motivation, but they focused on Muhammad’s anger at his wife and their custody battle. But hateful custody battles are very common in America, and never lead to calculated and premeditated killing sprees of people completely unrelated to the dispute.

We must dig ‘deep’ into the media’s ‘cover-up’ to find that Muhammad, like most Muslims, was in fact deeply hateful of America and Judeo-Christianity. Whether or not The Nation of Islam is the cause or the affect of this hate is not for certain, but it was an extremely important discussion and at least as important as the never-ending speculation of ‘video game culture’ motivating the Columbine murderers.

Most importantly, the number of Islamists involved in similar hateful mass murders in America is proportionately off-the-charts. Although they only represent 1% of our population, they have committed countless acts of violent hate in the post 9-11 era, and the media refuses to give it 1/100th the attention they gave the ‘Goth culture’ of the columbine shooting.

Below is a list of actual or attempted mass-murders in the last 12 months by the peaceful 1% of our society. All but one had no relationship between the murderers and the victims.

  • In March 2006, calling it the will of Allah, an angry Muslim plows his SUV into a crowd of students, with the intent of killing.
  • In June 2006, a Muslim killed 4 co-workers and a police officer, saying that it was 'Allah's choice'.
  • In July 2006, an 'angry' Muslim-American barges into a local Jewish center and shoots six women, one of whom dies in Seattle.
  • In Dec 2006, A Muslim was arrested for planning to set off hand grenades at an Illinois shopping mall on Dec. 22 as part of his plan to commit "violent jihad" against civilians before Christmas.
  • In Feb 2007, an 18-year-old Muslim gunman shot and killed five people in a non-Muslim area, before he was killed by police in Salt Lake City.


When will the World Wakeup?

1/03/07 Ron Gattner

After the first Great War, world leaders were in no rush to face the imminent threat of the newly formed Third Reich. Whether it was appeasement or denial, much of the world was more concerned about their short term problems than the long term future of our civilization. And there is no question that this spirit of detachment is repeating itself now. But some might say, the world is now even more reluctant to get in the way of the Islamic Reich. And it is quite possible, that Islamicism may be far more advanced than Nazism before the civilized world has no choice but to start defending itself.

Why would such a comparably strong detachment exist? Because we are in a state of bewilderedness. By convincing ourselves early on, that a Muslim is just another worshiper, we have greatly underestimated the strength and zeal of Islam. Pacifying, and democracyzing extreme Islam has turned out to be a monumental task and Afghanistan and Iraq which initially looked like slam dunks are now deemed failures. And more importantly, they have allowed us to see the true depth of the battle at hand. The whole world has now seen the monster that the Ayatollah has seeded from the start of the Islamic revolution: A generation of Muslims worldwide that have been brainwashed beyond recognition to hate and kill all who don’t precisely espouse their version of Islamic rule. And the whole world is seeing that our military policemen cannot handle a worldwide jihadist force that is many times larger than the tiny minority that Bush and Blair have declared existed. The global jihad, initially promised to be a tiny percent of the 1.3 billion Muslims, has turned out to be closer to 10%.

As awful as WWI was, the Allies won. And when WWII started to take its roots, the general sentiment from the U.S. was that if we did have to enter the Second World War, it would be bloody, but we would win. So now, when we are seeing WWIII take its roots, and we see an alarming and unabated worldwide jihad in Thailand, Sudan, Chad, the Philippines, Indonesia, Chechnya, Pakistan, and in so many other places, we are now thinking twice before getting involved.

And most importantly, we see Iran coordinating nearly every aspect of the Islamic march, and it is now completely apparent that we have no intentions to do anything to stop it. Ahmadinejad doesn’t even have to pretend to be a pacifist like Hitler did. The world is so scared of becoming involved in another extended Islamic war in the near-term, that we will allow a much more insidious long term jihad to further mobilize its alliances and develop the tools necessary to bring us down.

Even more alarming, the west does very little to impede the flow of Islamic refugees escaping from their own filth. And as every country’s Muslim population grows, our future allies for WWIII shrink. We can already strike France off our list of allies, as they are already paralyzed with Muslim appeasement to be of any help.

When will the civilized world fully commit itself to fighting the global jihad? This kind of commitment won’t occur until the global jihad becomes nuclear. When this happens, we will become involved, and we will return to the Muslim world with a vengeance. Unfortunately, by this point, Ahmadinejad will more than likely have already proliferated his nuclear arsenal throughout the Islamic world, so this could be a long and bloody confrontation, with no certainty of anything.

What is the moral from this grizzly prediction? We are where we are now, for one reason, and one reason only: because the civilized world refuses to identify Islam as anything other than just another religion. If President Carter understood Islam’s deviant nature, he would have never allowed the westernized Shah to be overtaken by the fundamental Islamists of the Mullahs. If Bush and Blair had understood this, they would have recognized that the so called extreme ‘minority’ was a nearly limitless supply of jihadists that could easily outlast the small policing action of our coalition troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We must stop spinning Islam as a peaceful but marginalized religion. We must stop listening to our intellectual leaders who have unwittingly conditioned us to believe that our military action in the Muslim world would be a cakewalk, when it should’ve been portrayed as the tip of a gigantic Islamic iceberg. In short, we must wake up to the destruction of this philosophy before it’s too late.


The Danger of the ‘Intellectuals’.

12/16/06 Mark Bosely 

What we need are leaders in the west who understand the historic marginalization and struggles of Islam. We need a constructive dialog with Muslim leaders, and to do our part to be more tolerant to their unique needs.

Does this sound familiar? It should; it’s being echoed throughout the world by scholars and Islamic ‘intellectuals.’ To many Muslims and liberals alike, it sounds like a just and decent solution. And to the rest of us, although we know it’s not reasonable, we may be tempted by their arguments, simply because the Muslim aggressors seem to hold all the cards when it comes to violence.

This could be however, the most dangerous and destructive stance of our time.

Unfortunately, the affects of this philosophy are already widespread. When Muslims overthrew the government of Thailand, the ‘intellectuals’ were sure this was a necessary step that would ultimately lead to the end of the unrest by the southern Thai Muslims. Yet no matter what concessions the new interim Muslim Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont suggests, and no matter how many times he apologizes to them on behalf of the Buddhist majority, the fighting only intensifies. And once the south is granted sharia, this will only be a stepping stone to further advance their Jihadist crusade.

The same is true for Kashmir, Chechnya, Kosovo, and everywhere else where there is a significant sized Muslim minority. The Sikh Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh continues to apologize to the Muslim terrorists and promise them concessions and privileges over the Hindus and Sikhs. While Singh should be applauded for his visions and reforms to the non-Muslim Indian economy, he is clueless on how to handle the Muslims.

And what about secession? Nearly all Islamic minorities in every corner of the earth are pushing towards an Islamic secession movement. How do the ‘intellectuals’ respond to this? They understand it, and they applaud it. After all, the Thai insurgence isn’t about Jihad; it’s about the Malay minorities being marginalized by the Thai Buddhist Majority. They need their own sovereignty where they can freely express their ethnic Malay identity. And after the ‘intellectuals’ state this, they pat themselves on the back for being so understanding and scholarly.

Firstly, the Islamic secession movements are always one-sided. There are no ethnic Chinese in Indonesia who are starting a jihadist secession movement, in spite of their near-genocidal massacres in the 60’s. Why don’t we see marginalized Hindu minorities in Malaysia with similar insurgencies? Where are the daily insurgencies from the dozens of non-Muslim ethnicities throughout south Asia? The intellectuals either don’t recognize these patterns, or they are aware of it, but have been so brainwashed by our western liberalism, that by accepting the fact that Islam is a potential worldwide threat, they would be labeled by their colleagues as ‘reactionary’ and ‘intolerant.’

Maybe a more relevant question to us, is how will these ‘intellectuals’ affect the west? In France, as the rioting becomes more organized and jihadist in nature, we know the ‘intellectuals’ will continue to believe that it all stems from their marginalization. This sentiment is repeated from nearly every corner of our worldwide media.

And at some point, there is a danger that their academic philosophy will seep into the French government, especially as more Muslim politicians get elected. There is always the danger that the west, like the east, may begin passing laws and allowing concessions and privileges for the purposes of appeasing.

We must never let the Neville Chamberlains of the world make decisions regarding Islam in the free world. Whether they are small concessions, like Muslim-only public pools and hospitals, or significant concessions, like imposing sharia or conceding land, they are all for the same sinister purpose of a global Islamic takeover.


All roads Lead to Tehran.

11/28/06 Ron Gattner

It is a mistake to think that annihilating one Islamic country will lead to the collapse of Islamicism in the way that the collapse of the USSR ultimately led to the collapse of Communism. However, there is one country that is uniquely linked with the rise of Islamic zeal more than any other, and removing it, would be a major setback for Islamic fanaticism worldwide. This country is Iran.

It’s appropriate that the country that started the new Islamic movement is now once again leading the way towards a more horrific future.

The Iranian revolution is where the new Islamic movement began when a once obscure group known as the Mullahs returned from exile and took over a corrupt but relatively westernized regime. With it, they brought unprecedented levels of direct Islamic rule and hatred of the west. But more importantly, they brought the new tools that would be used to take over the world. They would establish schools and mosques to be their source for indoctrinating a new bread of martyrs. And they quickly forced other Islamic rulers to follow this model, or be punished with terrorist acts against their infrastructure and financial assets.

Today we are seeing the seeds of that revolution sprout throughout the Islamic world; a whole generation of people brainwashed to believe that they will be rewarded by Allah if they kill innocent infidels.

But now, more than ever, Iran is trying to reign in the extremist organizations that have had the largest benefit from the Iranian spread of hate indoctrination. The Iranian President Ahmadinejad continues to supply Hezbollah and the Islamic Courts of Somalia with training and arms. But more frightening is that there is now concrete evidence that the vertically challenged president is not only supplying Al-Qaeda, but is giving them a safe zone to train in Iran. Why? Because he wants to control Al Qaeda. Regardless of its Sunni persuasion he wants to take over Bin Laden’s place as the leader of the powerful network.

Why are his links to these paramilitary operations so important to him? Because like the Sudanese president, it allows a head of state to do horrible atrocities, without having direct culpability. He builds up their weaponry, trains their troops, and after they do his dirty deeds, he can look unflinchingly at the U.N. and say, ‘It wasn’t me.’ And that unfortunately, this is enough to appease them.

This is why he is aiming towards a nuclear arsenal. Not just so he can arm his country, but so he can arm Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, and any other Islamic network of terrorists. So they can pull the trigger, and he can once again, lean back and say, ’That’s not my problem!’


The Rise and Fall of the Neo-Con.

11/15/06 Mark Bosely

It should be as no surprise that a record number of conservative voters stayed home on November 7th 2006. Their main reason: A sense of disenchantment with the party they thought stood for the conservative ideal. The party that was promised to them, one that would be tough on illegal immigration and protecting us from Anti-American Islamicism never showed up. Instead, we saw the rise and fall of the Neo-Conservative. A philosophy that believes in open borders and Islamic appeasement.

Throughout the G.O.P tenure, the president and his cronies would preach their silly reasoning for leaving the borders open: because we need them to do the work that no one else does, and they are a integral part of our society.

How did this logic backfire on them? Because they underestimated the intelligence of the voting population. An illegal may do work for cheap, but they almost never come alone. They come with their families, who quickly learn to take advantage of our costly school system, and free but dilapidated health care. They may save us $10,000 a year in labor costs, but their family ends up costing us close to five times that in your tax dollars.

The second reason is that the Neo-Cons where no different than the Democrats at Islamic appeasing. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan has become so politically correct, that it has paralyzed our armed forces, and forced our soldiers to become powerless police officers.

The Neo-Cons have failed miserably with the spread of the Nuclear Islam. To my amazement, our lame duck president has decided to follow the UN’s policy of do nothing-diplomacy in response to Iran’s nightmarish moves towards nuclear jihad.

And finally, as a lasting insult to the victims of 9/11 and the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, George Bush has called Islam ‘The religion of peace’.

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