The anti-jihad


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group today, and save the future!

The anti-jihad resistance is any and every organization involved in any way with confronting the threat of radical Islam, it is not an organization. It is a vast number of groups, growing at an immense pace, all working together to defeat the jihadist threat.

Find the organization that's right for you! It's important to get involved in the anti-jihad resistance, and not every organization may be right for you. Please research the various organizations who are against Jihad and find the one that's right for you.

Events & Actions:

See the events section on one of the following forums. If you have an event please post it.
-JihadChat Events Action Center

Be a part of the resistance!

It is not an organization, and has no membership. The anti-jihad resistance is any and every organization and individual who is against the Jihad. You can get involved in the anti-jihad resistance through one of the many organizations confronting the threats which face the west. Find the group that's right for you and get involved today!

Discussion Forums:
- Jihad Chat (On this server)
- Faith Freedom Forum
- United British Alliance Forum
- JihadSpin Forum


The anti-jihad resistance is not an organization, it is any and every organization who is against the Jihadist threat which faces the West. A member of the anti-jihad resistance is anyone and everyone who is against Islamic militancy. It is the growing movement of thousands of organizations and individuals against the threats we face from radical Islam. Are you part of the resistance?

Just SOME of the leading organizations in the anti-jihad resistance:

JihadWatch - Dedicated to bringing public attention to the role that jihad theology and ideology plays in the modern world.
ACT! For America - Promoting grassroots activism and other actions against Islamic militancy. Working to awaken both the people and government.
Horowitz Freedom Center - Defending America through educating the public. Largely focusing on confronting radical Islam.
America's Truth Forum - An organization whose mission is to inform and educate the American people on controversial topics of national security.
Basics Project- Confronting the threats facing the west through education programs and projects.
The Loyalists - Confronting Jihad through political activism and working to elect only those who are awake on this issue.
Americans Against Hate - A terrorism watchdog group, an active voice against Islamofasicsm and bigotry.
B'nai Elim - an activist organization dedicated to the protection and defense of the Jewish people and of the Western world. Highly active against Islamism.
Pen vs. the Sword- Their weapon is the pen, their ammunition is the word. Protecting western values from Islamism through education.
Stop Islamization of America - A grassroots network against the Islamization of America
- Stop The Madrassa Coalition
- Australian Islamist Monitor
- Anti-Jihad League of America

- Terror-Free Oil Initiative

- Vigilant Freedom/910 Group
- Refugee Resettlement Watch
- Center for Security Policy

Plus many more and growing, click here to see more groups

The anti-jihad resistance is a non-entity, has no charter, and is NOT an organization or group, but is comprised of any and all organizations and groups who are against Jihad. Therefore it is made up of countless organizations who may not share the same views or tactics, yet share the common belief of protecting the West from Islamofascism. The actions of one group in no way reflect the actions or beliefs of any other group, and all groups remain entirely separate entities, although they may team up from time to time on various campaigns. The resistance is a powerful guiding force that will constantly remind us that we are all working for the same goal. It is the cohesive uniting belief that all groups who share the same view that we must confront the Jihadist threats should set aside all differences and unite in one movement.

Get involved today in one or all of the organizations in the anti-jihad resistance. If you know of any other organizations against Jihad please let others know by posting it on one of the Anti-jihad resistance forums!
The Anti Jihad Resistance.

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