Joe Galloway

Galloway: a farewell after 50 years of newspapering

To quote Mr. Dickens, they were the best of times and the worst of times. This is Galloway writing "-30-" and farewell to this weekly column after almost seven years and wrapping up half a century in the newspaper business.

Oh, I will still write an occasional op-ed piece when the bastards in Washington, D.C., blast across the line into moron territory, and there's always another book waiting to be written.

From that first day in November of 1959 when Jim Rech, the managing editor of The Victoria (Texas) Advocate, hired me as a reporter to this day when I say my goodbyes I have, with few and momentary exceptions, loved all of it. » read more

Posted on Wed, January 27, 2010

Commentary: Time to pull the plug on health care 'reform'

Health care reform is on life support now, and it's time to consider pulling the plug and letting it die peacefully.

It was a great idea, and there was and will remain a great need for the kind of radical reform that will pry the cold hands of Wall Street and the corporate boards from around the neck of medical care in our country.

There was some of that kind of reform in the first bills that began the long journey through the minefields of the U.S. Senate, but a cabal of blue dog Democrats and Republican know-nothings has pulled every tooth. » read more

Posted on Thu, December 17, 2009

Commentary: More war, more marble markers at West Point

WEST POINT, N.Y. — Wet snow blankets the Military Academy Cemetery deep enough to discourage my usual trooping of the long, sorrowful line of headstones of those graduates who died in Vietnam.

They're in line along the back fence, these young men of the Classes of 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967 and on and on and on. They were lieutenants and captains and even a few majors. They did their duty. They followed the orders of Kennedy or Johnson or Nixon or even Gerald Ford.

They fought and died for duty, honor and country, as have so many others of the long gray line who rest here or in Arlington or in other National Cemeteries across this land. » read more

Posted on Thu, December 10, 2009

Commentary: It’s hard to get into the holiday spirit

It's traditional to count our blessings at this time of year, but given the general state of affairs and Washington's whole lot of talk and no action, it's hard to get into the holiday spirit.

It's harder still if you're one of the many in the unemployment lines or one of the many who are cleaning out the shelves of the charity food pantries so their children don't go hungry.

The national treasury is pretty much empty, and our line of credit with our traditional allies, formerly known as Red China, is drying up. We still have plenty of paper and ink, though, and the Treasury's printing presses are running 24/7 with no sign of a respite. The dollars they crank out are sinking like the Titanic, and gold is at $1,300 an ounce and rising fast. » read more

Posted on Wed, November 25, 2009

Commentary: Mr. President, take your time on Afghanistan

President Barack Obama has yet to decide where we're going and what we're doing in Afghanistan, but if the flood of leaks this week is any indicator, he at least has decided what he isn't going to do.

He isn't going to be rushed into making such an important decision.

He seemingly is unwilling to buy a pig in a poke from any of the players — not from Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. military commander in Afghanistan, who wants another 40,000 to 80,000 American troops; not from his own national security wizards who've proffered four different pigs in four different pokes; not from Vice President Joe Biden, who wants to leave the fight to Special Forces and unmanned Predators. » read more

Posted on Fri, November 13, 2009


Joe Galloway has won the Sigma Delta Chi award for General Column Writing for commentary dealing with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the instability in Pakistan and the policies of former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.


"We Are Soldiers Still: A Journey Back to the Battlefields of Vietnam." is the sequel to Joe Galloway's and Gen. Hal Moore's bestseller "We Were Soldiers Once ... and Young."

Read an excerpt from "We Are Soldiers Still."

Army Magazine review by Col. Cole C. Kingseed, retired.


General H. Norman Schwarzkopf has called Joseph L. Galloway, a military columnist for McClatchy Newspapers, "The finest combat correspondent of our generation — a soldier's reporter and a soldier's friend."

Galloway is the co-author, with Lt. Gen. Hal Moore, of "We Were Soldiers Once ... and Young," a story of the first large-scale ground battle of the Vietnam War. The book was made into a movie of the same name. Galloway was portrayed in the movie by actor Barry Pepper.

Sigma Delta Chi

Joseph L. Galloway received a citation from the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ). The selection of columns that won the 2008 Sigma Delta Chi award for General Column Writing dealt with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the instability in Pakistan and the policies of former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.


(Courtesy of

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