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Windows Vista

Important: Download Windows Vista Service Pack 2

Support for Windows Vista without service packs will end on April 13, 2010.
Learn how to download Windows Vista SP2 now.

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    Windows 7: Release Candidate starts nagging soon

    Some users are probably still using Windows 7 Release Candidate.  In the coming weeks and months though, these preliminary OS versions will stop working, according to a reminder issued by Microsoft TechNet. Starting from 15 February, you will see a ...

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    From: mynetx
    Overall Rating: 3
  • Learn from people like you

    Windows 7 and the Godsend Feature

    Several weeks ago, I started receiving these alerts on my PC telling me I only had a certain number of days till the Windows 7 RC would expire. Well, I ignored them until I got this one: But then, I kind of ignored this too. Then, two hours later, my ...

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    Author Image
    From: Jeffrey
    Overall Rating: 4