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A Palestinian peace plan for all of us


Palestinian-American community leader, author and comedian Ray Hanania announced his candidacy for the Palestinian Authority presidency, if and when there are elections. Meanwhile, he offers the public his peace plan, a plan that at last, we should all be able to accept. He has launched the Yalla Peace Web site and the Ray Hanania for President of Palestine Facebook group to promote his candidacy and the plan, and he wrote about in Huffington Post and Jerusalem Post.

The essentials of the plan:

1. I support two-states, one Israel and one Palestine. As far as I am concerned, I can recognize Israel's "Jewish" character and Israelis should recognize Palestine's "non-Jewish" character.

2. I oppose violence of any kind from and by anyone. I reject Hamas' participation in any Palestinian government without first agreeing to surrender all arms and to accept two-states as a "final" peace agreement. But I also reject allowing Israeli settlers to carry any weapons and believe Israelis must impose the same restrictions on them.

3. I can support some settlements remaining - given the reality of 42 years of time passing - in a dunam-for-dunam land exchange. If Ariel is 500 dunams with a lifeline from Israel, then Israel gives Palestine 500 dunams in exchange.

4. Jerusalem should be a shared city and Palestinians should have an official presence in East Jerusalem. The Old City should be shared by both permitting open access to the city to all with a joint Palestinian-Israeli police presence.

5. Palestinian refugees would give up their demand to return to pre-1948 homes and lands lost during the conflict with Israel. Instead, some could apply for family reunification through Israel and the remainder would be compensated through a fund created and maintained by the United States, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the United Nations.

6. I also think Israelis should find it in their hearts to show compassion and offer their apologies to Palestinians for the conflict.

7. I support creation of a similar fund to compensate those Jews from Arab lands who lost their homes and lands, too, when they fled.

8. I think the Wall should be torn down, or relocated to the new borders. I have no problem separating the two nations for a short duration to help rebuild confidence between our two people.

9. All political parties, Palestinian and Israelis, should eliminate languages denying each other's existence, and all maps should be reprinted so that Israeli maps finally show Palestine and Palestinian maps finally show Israel.

10. A subway system should be built linking the West Bank portion of the Palestine state to the Gaza Strip portion of the Palestine State. Palestine should be permitted to build a seaport access to strengthen its industry, and an airport to permit flights and too and from the Arab and Israeli world.

11. I would urge the Arab World to renew their offer to normalize relations with Israel if Israel agrees to support the creation of a Palestinian State.

12. And I would ask both countries to establish embassies in each other's country to address other problems.

13. While non-Jewish Palestinians would continue to live in Israel as citizens, Jews who wish to live in settlements surrendered by Israel could become Palestinian citizens and they should be recognized and treated equally.

14. If Jews want to live in Hebron, they should be allowed to live in Hebron and should be protected, just as non-Jews. In fact, for every Jewish individual seeking to live in Palestine, a Palestinian should be permitted to live in Israel. In fact, major Palestinian populations in Israel could be annexed into Palestine (like settlements).

15. Another concept is to have non-Jews living in Israel continue to live there but only vote in Palestinian elections, while Jews living in Palestine would only vote in Israeli elections. A special citizenship protection committee could be created to explore how to protect the rights of minorities in each state.

16. Israel and Palestine should create joint-governing and security agencies working with the United States to monitor the peace, and establish an agency to pursue criminal acts of violence.

Hanania explained his plan and his candidacy in the Huffingtion Post:

Yes, I am running for President of Palestine in the next election, if there is one. No, I don't expect to win. But then, many long shot candidates who don't expect to win, actually find themselves winning.

Still, my goal isn't to win office but to help re-ignite the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis not by pushing the leaders to do their jobs and stop putzing around but by reaching out to the grassroots Palestinian and Israeli publics.

I figure the leaders are hemming and hawing and violating past agreements because they believe the public doesn't care any more and that things have gotten so bad that conflict seems like a better alternative. Conflict is never a better alternative.

So I threw my political hat in the proverbial election campaign ring, and I am tossing my tongue in my stand up comedian cheek, too, in the hopes that maybe, just maybe, the publics of both people can return to a place of sanity and end the blame game.

We all have to agree that conflict is not a better alternative. If you like the spirit of the plan, join the Ray Hanania for President of Palestine Facebook group to show your support, and tell friends.

The main point of the plan that should make it acceptable to Israelis is that Palestinian refugees would be admitted to Israel only to the extent that settlers remain in Palestinian areas. In essence, he is asking the Palestinians to relinquish the "right of return" for refugees, or to condition it on the right of Jews to settle in Palestinian areas. Without this, everyone who thinks about it understands that peace cannot happen. Hanania explains why this this necessary here.

Hanania's plan is in principle not too different from the Geneva Accord and the Clinton Bridging Proposals. The plan has gotten a favorable write up from Bradley Burston in Haaretz

What is important about Hanania's plan and his candidacy is that they have the potential to become a rallying point for Israeli and Palestinian supporters of the two state solution, and I dearly hope that this will happen. As the name "Yalla Peace" implies, the plan offers a challenge to both Palestinian and Israeli leaders to finally get on with the business of peace. It also challenges all the peace groups and those who lament the fate of the Palestinian people or the Israeli people. Here is a solution that is about as good as it gets - the peace we have all been waiting for. One would hope that all the different groups and lobbies would get behind this plan. One would hope that J Street, the self-styled pro-Israel peace lobby would come up with a campaign for a "sense of congress" resolution supporting this plan. One would hope that the EU, instead of looking for ways to support solutions that threaten one side or the other, would urge the sides to take up this plan without delay.

Frankly though, Ray Hanania doesn't need my support, or the support of the EU or the Americans, or the support of Bradley Burston. And I don't really, desperately need a peace plan. No bombs fell in our town. My movements are not restricted, and I am not announcing to the media each day that I am starving in a siege. I am content if Israel keeps all of Jerusalem and I am not terribly upset if Israel hangs on to Hebron and Ariel all the rest, though I am not happy about the fanaticism that is beginning to eat away at Israeli society, and I am not happy about the isolation and vilification of Israel and some of the policies of our government. As for Mr. Obama and American officialdom, they will miss some laurels and photo-ops if there is no peace, and their foreign policy in the Middle East will continue to be complicated by the conflict, but they won't miss any meals because of it. But the Palestinians, by every objective measure, need peace much more than the Israelis do, and much more than the Americans do.The Palestinians need his peace plan or one just like it if they are ever to climb out of their present misery. Peace will put an end to the suffering of the refugees, an end to sieges and checkpoints and bad government, an end to settlement building and a chance to live happy and normal lives. That is the opportunity that this plan and others like it represent. And Ray Hanania needs the support of the Palestinians if he is going to succeed.

So where are the Palestinians? If Hanania can get just a symbolic number of Palestinians to support his plan, Israelis will know that there is a real peace partner on the other side. The Israeli peace movement, killed by the Intifada, may come to life again, and that would be a major achievement in itself. Even if the plan is not adopted, but becomes a part of the public discussion and makes people think about peace, that too would be a worthwhile accomplishment. But imagine if the Palestinians were to really adopt this plan, and present it to the Israeli public and the Israeli government and the world as Palestinian policy. Could any Israeli government refuse to implement this plan? There would certainly be peace in a short time, despite the protests of extremists. Of course, Israel would benefit. Israel would have security and unchallenged international legitimacy. The perennial "Question of Palestine" would finally be off the agenda of the UN. Judge Goldstone and Richard Falk would be out of jobs. Nobody would buy books about the Israel Lobby and the Zionist conspiracy any more, though a few people would certainly keep writing them.

But the Palestinians would be the real beneficiaries. The Palestinians would have a state with a capital in Jerusalem, they would have freedom, self-respect and a chance for a new start. I Logically, every peace group, every Palestinian advocacy group, every politician that has the interests of the Palestinians and of peace at heart should rally to this plan, and so too, should the Palestinian public. Can we hope for any of this?

One can always hope, but the reality seems to be different. It isn't happening. So far, not a single organization has rallied to Hanania's call. His candidacy and his plan have not, to my knowledge been written up in Palestinian or other Arab media. Do "peace" organizations only support the causes of leaders with guns and bombs? Is it possible that all the organizations that support legitimizing Hamas in the name of "peace," ignore Ray Hanania because he has not blown anyone up? Is blowing people up the required qualification for leadership and recognition by "peace" groups? And what about those who insist on dialog with Iran? Are they deaf to Ray Hanania just because he is not refining lots of nice uranium?

Hanania's plan is not different in principle from that of Sari Nusseibeh and Ami Ayalon. Unlike the Geneva initiative and the Arab peace initiative, both Nusseibeh and Hananiah come right out and say there will be no return of refugees to Israel and no "right of return." It is not hidden behind the poisonous "creative ambiguity" of "international legitimacy" and "just solutions" and "Applicable UN Resolutions." And that is why Hanania, like Nusseibeh, is probably going to be vilified and ignored, both by Palestinians and by Zionist extremists. But their proposal is the only way to end the conflict, and the rejection of any proposal that does not include the "right" of return tells us how very far we are from peace.

Nonetheless, now is the time for everyone to decide, what the Palestinian cause and the Zionist cause, and what the peace organizations are really about. If they are really about peace and freedom and self-determination for the Palestinians and the Jews, they will adopt this plan as their own and make it happen.

And if not? Then at least Ray Hanania did his duty and said what had to be said. People will laugh at him now. But in five years, and if not in five years than in 50 years, they will understand that he is right.

Ami Isseroff

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Replies: 7 comments

Great piece. But, our author had it right in his book 22 years ago, recently published four years ago.

Publisher’s Note: Our author had it right in 1987, WHEN HE IDENTIFIED AND DISCUSSED ALL THE KEY ISSUES OF THE MIDDLE EAST REGION, but was not published because they said the events he predicted could not possibly happen. Well, they did, and we finally published him when we discovered the manuscript. Mr. Spirko tells us that President Obama’s motive for trying the peace initiative is that this is probably the last chance for peace in the Middle East before a catastrophic World War III event takes place. Spirko says, “It is never too late for peace.” Most of the ideas used at Annapolis and future peace talks are from Spirko’s book. Still, overall, we would have to agree with **** Cheney about intelligence strategies. During World War II, Americans and British firebombed Dresden and Munich where more civilians perished than in the atom bomb attacks on Japan. Bill Clinton bombed civilian trains, bridges and other civilian targets in Belgrade during the Serb-Bosnian war. Didn’t Obama authorize navy seals to shoot three pirates recently? Isn’t that a form of torture? Be sure, all-out war is hell and no place to be. But, the creative intelligence feint at Calais that convinced the Nazis that the invasion was coming there saved thousands upon thousands of lives at Normandy and beyond - American and allied lives. One of those lives saved might even have been your father or grandfather. In the other case, you would not be reading this.

(Jpeg book cover available at Barnesandnoble.com, Borders.com or Amazon.com)

NEW YORK - THE PALESTINE CONSPIRACY, a genre spy-thriller by Robert Spirko, was fourth on the best-seller list at Atlasbooks, Inc., a national book distributor. Ingram Books is the worldwide distributor.
Spirko, a financial and geo-political analyst who has given his advice to the National Security Council, turned his attention to the Middle East in 1987, after discovering several common elements related to the Middle East question. He wrote down his analysis, and when he was finished, he not only had a solution to the quagmire, he had a story to tell. THE PALESTINE CONSPIRACY foreshadowed the Persian Gulf War by three years, and the resultant Iraq War followed by the Sept. 11 attack.
“Everyone tells me there will never be peace in the Middle East, but I tell them they are wrong. Israel and Egypt have had a peace treaty for 29 years. Jordan and Israel signed a peace agreement 14 years ago. A Palestinian State can be created. It can be done and it will be done,” Spirko reiterates. “Twenty-nine years of peace is better than 29 years of war.”
Spirko has given his advice over the years to the National Security Council including the 2000 Camp David Peace Talks under President Bill Clinton.
“We’re not talking about a serpent-tongued, false prophet who will negotiate this peace between Israel and the Islamists, it will be done by a U.S. president and those parties involved in the peace process who will finally achieve it through hard work, tough compromises, and by making specific decisions fair to both sides to agree to end the violence once-and-for-all – by those leaders who want a future for their children,” Spirko says.
“Besides, Israel wants a Palestinian state now, too.”
“In the end, both sides need to address security concerns, reparations and building moral and economic trust. We all report to the same God, whether we call him God, Jehovah or Allah,” he says.
Spirko's key ideas at the 2000 Camp David Peace Talks were to make Jerusalem the simultaneous capital of both Israel and a Palestinian state with congruent borders - one precisely overlapping the other - using two maps - one for the Palestinian state and one for Israel. The city would become an international, undivided open city for people of all religions to visit and the municipality would be governed by a city council of equal Palestinians and Jews with God, Allah or Jehovah as the central sovereign. The Knesset and Palestinian authority would then govern their respective states from that dual capital. In effect, Jerusalem would become a governing district much like the District of Columbia in Washington, D. C. This idea won traction at the 2000 Camp David Peace Talks and was virtually agreed upon, but where the talks broke down and failed was when both sides capitulated to pressures from their own political factions over right of return and reparations. Mr. Spirko has an idea to solve that problem also.
Spirko states, "The chief threat in the region I see right now is the threat to Saudi Arabia by Iran and Al Qaeda. If Al Qaeda were to overthrow the present royal family in Saudi Arabia or attack the Strait of Hormuz, cutting off the oil supply to western nations including Japan and China, it would bring down entire world economies. France and Germany would be begging us to go to war to retake those oil wells. It would be World War III."
“If such a scenario were to occur,” he reiterates, “France and the European economies would collapse in a matter of weeks.”
“Another looming concern is Iran which wants to develop nuclear weapons to couple with their Shahab 4, 5 & 6 missiles on the drawing boards which have a range to hit London, Israel, all of Europe, southern Russia and the United States. Also, the Iranian government has said it initially had 300 centrifuges to enrich uranium to weapons grade material. They have increased that to 3,000. They will soon increase that again to 10,000 centrifuges,” Spirko says. “They have the additional capacity to add another 20,000 centrifuges in mass production techniques that will enable them to produce at least seven nuclear bombs in about a year. Where did they get these centrifuges?”
Spirko answers that question by stating an Arab proverb, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
“Simply put,” Spirko explains, “they probably got them from Saddam Hussein before the Iraq War started and were probably smuggled out of Iraq and into Iran just like he did his air force of 600 Soviet fighter planes. In other words, he gave them to his former enemy rather than let them be destroyed on the ground.”
“Why would he have done any differently with the 30,000 centrifuges he supposedly had on a decentralized basis inside Iraq before the war?” Spirko asks. “Isn’t it strange that Iran could come up with a nuclear weapons program in about six months to a year when it took the United States six years under the Manhattan Project with 5,000 of the world’s most brilliant scientists like Robert Oppenheimer, Niels Bohr, Seaborg, Einstein, Fermi, and others working on it?”
Another point Spirko makes on the Mideast is that, “It is time for the Israelis and Palestinians to return to the Peace Talks, resume where they left off and "freeze in place" the already-agreed-upon negotiating points,” Spirko says.
"And, it's all related to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict which I said back in 1987 was the crux of my book. It always has been, and always will be until it's settled,” Spirko says. “That linkage is exactly what Osama Bin Laden stated in a taped message aired the weekend before the election in November of 2004. Whether you believe him or not is beside the point. That's what's he told us, and we'd better take that into account."
Spirko’s book is available though area book stores or on the web at Barnesandnoble.com, Borders.com and Amazon.com. The novel is a mass market paperback produced by Olive Grove Publishers, and can be purchased at area bookstores through Ingram Book Group, New Leaf Distribution, and Baker and Taylor, priced at $14.99, ISBN 0-9752508-0-9. THE PALESTINE CONSPIRACY can also be ordered on the web at www.atlasbooks.com, or email orders from: order@bookmasters.com, or from Barnes & Nobles, Border's, Dalton's, efollett.com & Follett bookstores at colleges and universities, WaldenBooks, Amazon.com, Walmart.com, Target.com and other popular retail bookstores. Or, readers and store managers can call 1-800-BOOKLOG, or 800-247-6553 direct, to order.

Posted by OLIVE GROVE BOOKS @ 12/06/2009 05:35 PM CST


It appears your analysis of Hanania's proposal omits to deal with a substantive amendment made by him two weeks after his initial launch which provides the following additional proposal:

"Israel must be ready to compromise on the settlements and the Palestinians must be ready to compromise on the refugees.

In exchange for compromise on the Right of Return of the Palestinian Refugees, Israel must be ready to freeze all settlement activity and withdraw from settlements. How many settlements should it withdraw from?

The details can and should be decided by Israel and Palestinians through negotiations. But, we can accept a framework for that resolution and create an atmosphere of peace through which resolution of these details can be facilitated.



For every settlement that Israel seeks to keep in the original West Bank, Israel must be prepared to give Palestine and equal amount of land mass from Israel contiguous with the West Bank. Israel must trade dunum-for-dunum land it keeps, surrendering an equal area of land to Palestine.


For every Jewish settler living in the settlements that Israel keeps, Israel must be ready to permit that number of Palestinian Refugees to return to Israel, (who wish to return).

Israel will provide those Palestinians compensation through the Compensation Fund to build homes, and land on which to build their homes in Israel. Those Palestinian refugees would be given full rights of Israeli citizenship, but would enter Israel through its immigration procedures.

This exchange plan must be completed in five years, with 50 percent of the population allowed to enter Israel within two years of the program beginning.

They would be treated the same way as Jews who return to Israel and be given the same benefits and compensation and support from the Israeli government.

If Israel seeks to retain all of the settlements, then Israel must be prepared to allow up to 500,000 Palestinian refugees to return to live in Israel, should they chose to do so, as Israeli citizens.

The remaining Palestinian refugees would be allowed to return, through the Compensation Fund, to the new Palestine State, or be permitted to travel to any country that wishes to accept them. The choice is up to them.

The Arab World would be required to provide a home and land in their countries for every Palestinian seeking resettlement in this plan.

Israel can reduce the number of Refugees it accepts by returning settlers and disbanding existing settlements. The final number is up to them."

Does the inclusion of these new conditions in any way affect your conclusions as to the acceptability of Hanania's proposals?

Posted by david singer @ 12/07/2009 02:33 AM CST

I wish Mr. Hanania much success. However, the concept of dunum-for-dunum land swaps is faulted in two significant ways:

(1) It most likely would create an unaceptably long and meandering border because Israel would attempt to retain settlements like Ariel which are located deep inside Palestine. Strategically speaking, a border should be as short and straight as possible, while taking into consideration some minor adjustment to make use of nearby defendable terrain.

(2) All land is not equal. There is a reason Israel placed those settlements where they did. Access to water resources makes arable farmland much more valuable than a piece of dry rock.

Aside from those issues, some very limited swapping of land may be necessary.

My other concern is with a statement Israeli PM Netanyahu recently made regarding the eastern border of the West Bank and Jordan. -He said Israel must retain a "security presence" along the border to prevent smuggling of weapons. I'm sure the term "presence" is code for a swath of sovereign Israeli land running along the entire border with Jordan and Syria. In this situation, Israel would be taking land on the Israeli side of the West Bank, and more land still on the Jordanian side. That's a remarkable demand that leaves little land for a second state. -and that of course is the idea.

In addition, the concept of "policing" all cross border traffic for contraband is a perfect method to maintain a permanent de-facto embargo that would strangle any growth of the second state. Finally, as the technology for producing highly accurate long range missiles becomes widely available, the Israeli argument for preventing a Palestinian state on land close to Israeli population centers becomes moot.

Consider this logic:
Even if Israel retained and annexed all of the West Bank, there would still be a border with Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon which would be just as vulnerable as any other potential border with a Palestinian state along the West Bank. In light of this, the underlying purpose of the argument becomes clear. The issue of security has been co-opted into an excuse to take and keep land.

Posted by Kiev500 @ 02/03/2010 11:30 AM CST

A very reasonable idea for reconciliation and an end to the conflict...

How much acceptance do you see on either side?


Posted by John Hirsch @ 02/08/2010 05:20 PM CST

I expect no acceptance of this particular package from Hamas, most likely none from the government of Israel, and acceptance of only parts of it by Fatah.

Hamas will demand a state on the Green Line (67 borders). Fatah will be unwilling to allow Israeli settlements like Ariel (which are deep inside the West Bank) to remain. -Allowing Israel to keep those settlements would prevent a viable, contiguous Palestinian state. It would also result in an unnecessarily long and wandering border.

OTOH, the government of Israel is beholden to the powerful ultra-nationalist/settler faction, and will never willingly give up anything larger than the illegal outposts which were created to use as pawns just for this purpose.

Personally, I've always felt the Green Line is the place to start. It was the last internationally recognized border, and the last legal border.

Consider: If a Palestinian state could be formed on the Green Line, and could instantaneously sell portions of the West Bank back to Israel, the goals of both sides could be attained.

On one document, with it's signature, Israel would agree to withdraw to the Green Line and recognize a provisional Palestinian state. The provisional Palestinian state, with it's own signature on the document, would:

(1) Agree to justly resolve the Palestinian right of return by absorbing all expatriot refugees back into Gaza and the West Bank,

(2) Would sell back to Israel some portion of the West Bank land, and

(3) Would recognize the Israeli state along the newly formed border.

Israel would then reciprocate by recognizing a sovereign Palestinian state on the other side of that same border. Of course, the portions of West Bank land to be sold back to Israel would have to be negotiated and agreed in advance.

It's an elegant solution. This method allows all sides to claim their goals were met.

Hamas could claim that Israel withdrew to the Green Line.

Fatah could claim the refugee issue was justly resolved, and that the PA was in sovereign control of the entire West Bank (thus being in a legal position to sell some of the land).

Israel would:
(1) Be rid of the thorny issue of absorbing Palestinian refugees,

(2) Be rid of lingering legal issues surrounding the Settlements because it legally purchased that land from the new Palestinian state, and

(3) The Settlers could claim some the settlements were retained (IE legally purchased), annexed, and absorbed into greater Israel.

It's a win-win situation all the way around.

Posted by Kiev500 @ 02/09/2010 05:09 AM CST

for me its a serious problem that passing palestinian towns in israel i am scared to leave my car. the conflicts between palestinian and israeli people in haifa are normal regular everyday problem. its very sad. palestinian people lived here for a long time. i am sure we can find some solution for this, i think israel have to start with giving to the palestinian people same rights with israeli people..

Posted by bluma@israel @ 02/12/2010 05:09 PM CST

I imagine there are thousands of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank who are scared to leave their homes for fear of being attacked by gun-toting Settlers or detained by the IDF. Worse, they are afraid to leave their villages for fear of not being allowed to return.

For this problem to end, the illegal occupation must end. The occupation will not end until Israel realizes it cannot use it to justify taking land.

Posted by Kiev500 @ 02/18/2010 05:42 AM CST

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