23 March, 2010
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The more Things Change, the more they Stay the Same
March 23, 2010
By Joharah Baker for MIFTAH

In those fleeting moments of complete desperation, most Palestinians have probably thought it would have been better to maintain our status as a revolutionary people under Israel's military occupation. That way, the road to liberation would have been clear cut and our means of achieving it would have been through methods utilized by a people oppressed, with no government, no state and a leadership in exile. Yes, when all else fails, we Palestinians revert back to what could have been if only we didn't decide to believe in the promises of the western world who told us negotiations and peace deals were the best way to go.

Nearly two decades after our transformation from a revolutionary people fighting for their freedom to a quasi-government, semi-autonomous, severely dissected people, most of us have come to realize that nothing really changes where Israel is concerned. Maybe, on the contrary, things have actually gotten worse.

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Week in Review
Jerusalem Protests Met with an Iron Israeli Fist [March 14 – March 20]
March 20, 2010

This week, all eyes were on Jerusalem as Israeli military forces cracked down heavily on Palestinian protesters, especially on March 16. Several dozen Palestinians were wounded and arrested when riots broke out following news of the rededication of a Jewish synagogue, located near the Aqsa Mosque. Palestinian Jerusalemites took to the streets in the Old City, Wadi Joz, Shufat and Ras Al Amoud, clashing with Israeli soldiers and border guards. In the Old City, 3,000 police and soldiers were deployed throughout the city and the main gates to Al Aqsa Mosque were closed to all those under 50.

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Because we are Palestinian
March 18, 2010
By Joharah Baker for MIFTAH

"They" in common Palestinian discourse almost always refers to one group: the Israelis. Any mention of "they" usually results in the shaking of heads, disbelief or anger and immediately evokes a sense of empathy with those at the receiving end of "their" actions. The stories usually go something like this: "Today they turned me back at the checkpoint – said my permit had expired," or "They closed off the roads to my house and were checking everyone's IDs". Worst of all are the stories that involve "them" killing someone or demolishing a home. In short, when "they" are the subject of conversation, it usually amounts to nothing good. And so, here is my story. On March 16, "they" took my husband.

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News & Analysis
US Interests Require an End to the Israeli Occupation
March 23, 2010
By Ghassan Khatib
In Bitterlemons, 22 March. 2010

The recent tension between the US and Israel, which was described by some Israeli diplomats as the most serious in decades, has a direct effect on Palestinian-Israeli relations. One reason is of course because the row was actually caused by Israel's positions on the peace process and behavior toward the Palestinians. But another reason is the dawning realization in Washington that previous uncritical American support for Israel has been a significant factor in the deterioration in Palestinian-Israeli relations over the last ten years.

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News & Analysis
Testing Obama’s Mettle
March 23, 2010
By James J. Zogby
In The Jordan Times, 23 March. 2010

This coming week will tell us a great deal about the ability of President Barack Obama to be a strong leader and an honest broker in Middle East peacemaking.

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News & Analysis
World Water Day: Thirsty Gaza Residents Battle Salt, Sewage
March 23, 2010
By Erin Cunningham
In The Christian Science Monitor

Activists around the world are marking World Water Day today with school campaigns, films, and concerts – all designed to draw attention to the fact that access to safe drinking water is something 1 in 5 people don't enjoy, while 40 percent of the world's population doesn't have adequate sanitation.

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Author: Joharah Baker for MIFTAH
Author: Linda S. Heard
Author: Erin Cunningham
Author: James J. Zogby
Author: Ewen MacAskill
Author: Mustafa Abu Sway
Author: Ghassan Khatib
Author: Akiva Eldar
Author: Erin Cunningham
Author: Donald Macintyre
Author: Rory McCarthy
Author: Amira Hass
Author: Akiva Eldar
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