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Scott Gration: Civil divorce not civil war for Sudan

Scott Gration: Civil divorce not civil war for Sudan

US special envoy to Sudan Scott Gration (photo left) hopes that Sudan's national elections scheduled for April will set the stage for a civil divorce and not a civil war. Gration said that despite flaws in the elections, it should be carried out on schedule.

Al Bashir in Libya to attend Arab League Summit

Al Bashir in Libya to attend Arab League Summit

Incumbent President of Sudan, Omar Al Bashir, heads to Libya on Friday to participate in the 22nd Arab League summit.  The summit kicks off on Saturday in Serti. The two day summit will discuss all aspects of joint Arab issues: political, security, economic, social, cultural and legal.


Ethiopia admits jamming Voice of America's broadcasts in Amharic, reports say

Ethiopia admits jamming Voice of America's broadcasts in Amharic, reports say

Reports said that Ethiopia has admitted it is jamming the Voice of America's (VOA) broadcasts in Amharic. Ethiopia accused the VOA of engaging in "destabilizing propaganda". The BBC reported that, the Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said Ethiopia had been testing jamming equipment, although there had been no formal decision to bloc the US station.

Pope apologizes for sexual abuse by clergy men of Ireland

Pope apologizes for sexual abuse by clergy men of Ireland

Pope Benedict XVI has apologized to victims of child sex abuse by catholic clergy in Ireland. In his letter to the Catholics of Ireland he said that these clergy men must be taken to court to face their crimes. Addressing the victims of abuse, the Pope wrote: "You have suffered grievously and I'am truly sorry. Your trust has been betrayed and your dignity has been violated ...



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Fondation Hirondelle
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and Sweden for its activities in Sudan.

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