The German Disease

The scheme for supporting renewables that the UK is importing from Germany has been a disaster there.


The Unpersuadables

In fighting for science, we subscribe to a comforting illusion: that people can be swayed by the facts.


Treachery or Common Sense?

I’m being hounded for taking a stand against feed-in tariffs: here’s a riposte to the critics.


Is the Earth Flat?

A TV debate about whether climate change is happening


A Great Green Rip-Off

The feed-in tariffs about to be introduced here are extortionate, useless and deeply regressive.


Bleak Havens

How the ultra-rich enslave themselves


The Reckoning

Wherever Blair goes, our campaign ensures that he can never be free from the fear of arrest


A Bounty for Blair’s Arrest

Today I am launching a new fund – – to reward people who attempt to arrest the former prime minister


The War Against Nature Resumes

As the new badger cull shows, we revert to irrational destruction as soon as our economic interests are threatened.


The Holocaust We Will Not See

Avatar half-tells a story we would all prefer to forget


Consumer Hell

How do we break a system which now permeates every aspect of our lives?


Requiem for a Crowded Planet

This is what the failure of the climate talks means.


Scramble for the Atmosphere

The useless, destructive talks at Copenhagen show that the treaty-making system has scarcely changed in 130 years.


Showdown With Plimer

We’ve finally had our battle, and it was not to his advantage


Here’s Your Speech Mr Obama

This is what the US president should say in Copenhagen


Bust-Up With Boris

I meet the mayor of London and have a good old ding-dong


This Is About Us

The talks at Copenhagen are not just about climate change. They represent a battle to redefine humanity.


UKIP’s latest acquisition

Is Lord Monckton an asset or a liability?


The Real Climate Scandal

Shocked by the hacked emails? Wait till you see what the other side’s been up to.


Case Studies

Here’s the evidence for the contentions in The Real Climate Scandal


The Urgent Threat to World Peace is … Canada

The harm this country could do in the next two weeks will outweigh all the good it has done in a century.


The Knights Carbonic

Yes, the hacked climate emails are damaging. But here’s the one you’d need to see if you wanted to show that manmade global warming is a scam.


If Nothing Else, Save Farming

It’s probably too late to prepare for peak oil, but we can at least try to salvage food production.


Champions of the Overdog

Local papers are vanishing. Does it matter?


Death Denial

Why the sudden surge in climate change denial? Could it be about something else altogether?


Arresting Blair

His bid for the EU presidency gives us the best chance we’ll ever have.


The Hanging Judge

Why has Mr Justice Eady been allowed to conduct a one-man campaign against free speech?


Justice in Shades

A damning judgement on army killings suggests that officials at every level have covered up torture and murder.


The Population Myth

People who claim that population growth is the big environmental issue are shifting the blame from the rich to the poor


It Doesn’t Get Madder Than This

The Spectator’s new editor has lost it before he even had it.


Toxic Assets

The Trafigura scandal is just one of thousands of cases of the rich world’s fly-tipping


Answers Come There None

As the Plimer affair shows, climate change deniers are all leaf and no plums


Correspondence with Ian Plimer

Here are the emails I’ve exchanged with the climate change denier Ian Plimer.


Correspondence with the Spectator

Here are the emails I’ve exchanged with the Spectator over the Plimer affair


The Great Cop-Out

Impeded by Gordon Brown, the G20 has decided that bankers won’t be properly regulated.


Not Even Wrong

We need a radical new approach to cutting greenhouse gases, and it might have arrived.


Fishing for Life

I set out to catch all my own fish, and live the wild life again


Should We Seek to Save Industrial Civilisation?

A debate with Paul Kingsnorth



The fight against the superstores is a struggle for democracy


The Busybody State

Why was the Big Green Gathering shut down by the authorities?


Politically Transmitted Disease

Rising rates of teen pregnancy and STDs in the United States are the result of programmes intended to stamp them out.


Pulling Yourself Off the Ground By Your Whiskers

Here is the simple mathematical reason why large scale carbon offsets can’t work


Subsidising the Climate Crash

Why have government agencies been paying to increase the number of flights?


Help Addicts, But Lock Up the Casual Users of Cocaine

The UN’s proposal for decriminalisation is senseless and destructive


Stop Building Tanks

Let’s divert the money spent on arms to addressing the real strategic threat.


Outsourcing Unrest

The 300 year colonial adventure is over at last, which is why Britain is in political crisis.


Blue Desert

Why is no one brave enough to stand up to the fishing industry?


The Real Expenses Scandal

It’s a thousand times bigger than the one we’re talking about, so why doesn’t it ignite public anger?


Crash Landing

As BA reports massive losses, isn’t it time to scrap the airport expansion programme?


The Barbarians at the Gate

Why has policing in Britain gone so mad?


Captive Knowledge

The funding for academic research has been taken over by business


How Much Should We Leave in the Ground?

Here are some estimates for how much fossil fuel we can use, and a call for a global moratorium on new prospecting.


Watch Out World!

My video interview with Hazel Blears gives us a glimpse of what might be coming if she seeks to replace Gordon Brown


Mandelson’s Fifth Column

The British government’s business department exists to undermine democracy.


Printing Police Lies

The rightwing press has briefly turned against the police, but normal service will soon resume.


Cross Your Fingers and Carry On

Why does the government refuse to make contingency plans for peak oil?


Plastic Fetish

Why are plastic bags treated as the root of environmental evil?


The Biggest, Weirdest Rip-Off Yet

The widening of the M25 is a private finance initiative scheme that requires little private finance. Or initiative.


An Attack of the Bellamoids

James Lovelock says the government’s enthusiasm for wind farms approaches fascism. What is he on about?


Pyrolising the Planet

The debate over biochar hots up.


Woodchips With Everything

Here comes the latest utopian catastrophe: the plan to solve climate change with biochar


A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

If you think preventing climate change is politically difficult, look at the political problems of adapting to it.


Scrap It

Pay drivers to scrap their cars? We might as well burn ten-pound notes in power stations.


The Proceeds of Crime

The US and British governments have created a private prison industry which preys on human lives.


The Propaganda of the Victor

How the poor were airbrushed from history


Nuked by Friend and Foe

An unsentimental appraisal of our energy choices doesn’t boost your popularity.


Someone Else’s England

Someone Else’s England

You don’t have to be a nationalist, or English, to accept the case for an English parliament.


You Stand for Nothing But Election

An open letter to Hazel Blears MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government


The Christopher Booker Prize for Climate Change Bullshit

Today I launch a prestigious and coveted award. Who will the lucky winner be?


From the Bottom Up

A new mobilisation could revitalise politics in the UK - but only if you get involved.


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