MyDD 5

We are bringing in 2010, the new decade, with a new platform or MyDD. First things first, a lot of things need changed, but the switch flipped on and it's all here :)

This MyDD is the 5th. First, there was MyDD the dark ages, of the end of the 90's, when I first bought the domain (I actually wrote a paper on the site name for a linguistics class-- will have to see if thats around somewhere on a CD). Basically, MyDD HTML-sytle. I learned how to cut and paste and found script to make three columns, and post thoughts and push them onto the site. Things like FTP that brought me back to the mid-80s', when I gave up programming with BASIC and PASCAL.

Second, Gray Matter, at somepoint mid-2001 through mid-2002. TPM and PW also ran on GM back then, but the difference was that we opened up comments here on MyDD, and invented community blogging with things like open threads and guest blogging. Third, was Movable Type, which happened with Markos coming into blogging mid-2002, and his doing a site redo for me (including the graphic)-- which launched the idea in my head that we could do this for candidates... like Howard Dean. MyDD took a haitus a in early 2003, when I went to work on Dean's campaign, until early 2004, when it returned running on Scoop. For nearly 5 years! 

MyDD5 is built with Ruby on Rails. Its a blogging component of the new WSG Netroots platform. I put off launch a new platform earlier this year, because it was too crowded a platform to innovate off of, and the developers basically re-did the Netroots platform (Netroots2) over the past few months (and the next three months), of which this is a part.

As for features, one of the biggest changes is that we are integrating with the site, and Facebook/Twitter/Google. BB now has a bookmarklet and sync's up its content with MyDD, and will be adding those other social networking sites too soon.Another big change is how Mojo works-- off of personal verification and then contribution of content to the site. I am in the process of re-doing the FAQ/Usage pages and getting user permissions updated, so will come back to these in another post.

UPDATE: We are experiencing technical difficulties. It appears to be a cache issue-- pretty expected that we'd run into scaling issues right away though. But what this means in the next couple of days, is that we don't get to the minor fixes until we figure out how to make the data bottlenecks go out of the way. I'm putting in the extended entry things we have tickets for already.


Here are a few things:

Up the font size of the comments.

The narrow width needs to be expanced from the 925 width. Wasn't the plan to make it 1050 or something?

Decrease the font size of the entry titles.

Picture 4 attached. The site title needs to be changed from "Netroots" to MyDD: Admin

We need to have a link there that lets the user go back to the website.

"netroots2 admin" should also be changed to MyDD: Admin

Pics 3 & 5 are from trying to facebook the post. For some reason, they are pulling in blogads and CSM logos, instead of the mydd logo.

Am getting a "we're sorry" page for when I try and change to using a breakingblue photo:

The breaking blue posts on mydd in the upper right column are too bold. We should have those be a normal font entry, which can be of a smaller size too, and the name in italics, as is. This should be the case on breakingblue in the column of recent bb posts too.

There should never be more than 5 diaries on the Recommended Diaries list.

We need to be able to blockquote, with the blue shade in the background, quotes in posts. I don't see how that's done, but also, it looks like many of the blockquotes were carried over in the archives.

Lets make that @2009MyDD into a @2010MyDD

We need to put up a "Powered by WSG" link/icon at the bottom in the footer too.

Picture 6, when I recommend a comment, it flashes the green confirmation, good, but shows 0 recs there, when it should show 1 rec (that I just gave it).

The blogroll appears to have disappeared, and should be put on again-- can I do this?

Extra space between bb posts on mydd top nav link.

The rec doesn't appear to be working for the comments. I hit rec and it doesn't register for the comment, nor does it show up on the Rec List. See photo attached. The individual entries for comments need to have permalinks with them. Basically, the comments that go onto the live thread and onto the rec list, need to carry with them the righthand column that contains the flag comment/permalink/photo of the entry.

integrate the BB posts with the Twitter and FB accounts of a user.

Have comments of a user tied to their blog profile page, similar to how MyDD used to have it, DKos does still.

(new) comments in a different color than ones already red in fp entry of comments listed.

Preview of post, saving as draft.

Tags: MyDD (all tags)



Few Comments
* FB connect doesn't seem to be working. * It'd be great to get the user pages set up like they used to, with feedback/comment/diary option. That's what I see as of now.
by jonathan singer 2009-12-31 11:41AM | login to reply | | 1 recs
Yipes. Login? Comment?
I didn't see a login button. Finally I realized that I should try to fill in the username and password and then hit the Enter key. Until I did that I didn't know how I was going to tell you that the login button was missing.

Now maybe I have some graphic turned off or something.

What no preview button for commments? Same problem for me as before??
by wegerje 2009-12-31 03:22PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Site's not automatically stretching to fill a wide display anymore, it's like having an extra column of dead space on either side. Is that deliberate?
by endymion 2009-12-31 11:56AM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: Scanning
Up in the lefthand column, there's a "wide" button to make it liquid width.
by jerome armstrong 2009-12-31 12:11PM | login to reply | | 1 recs
RE: RE: Scanning
Beautiful. Thanks.
by endymion 2009-12-31 02:12PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Type size/font/style
Jerome, it may just be my middle-aged eyes...but I assume you have many such readers...but the of the headings in Breaking Blue and the Recommended Diaries in the right-hand column is subtly different but significantly less readable than same in the previous version. It's as if it's rendered in a compressed font.
by inigomontoya 2009-12-31 12:37PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: Type size/font/style
Right, it is. Will put in a ticket for it. Looks like it may be in bold. Also, there's a ticket to increase comment font size.
by jerome armstrong 2009-12-31 12:42PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
change we can believe in!
Thanks for putting so much work into upgrading the site. I particularly welcome the integration with Twitter and Facebook. Even though I don't like Facebook, that's how tons of people get their news now.
by desmoinesdem 2009-12-31 12:49PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
From sophisticated to rudimentary?
When MSN recently revised its front page, my first impression was that took a good thing and turned it a bad thing, while believing they improved it. I know that change is difficult, but in this case I began looking for other frontpages that could supply the same broad content. When I couldn't find one, I returned their "improved" version as a default, but I spend less time there than I used to. Probably the best model for a political blog is Daily Kos with its main writers and diary contributions. Since it features a wide writers column plus a narrower diarist column with rec list plus diary list, it seemed to be the appropriate model for their community. MyDD had a similar set up and although there were a few clitches in the programming, it seemed to work fine. The writers were clearly emphasized, but the diarists also received front page exposure. What I see now is a single writers column, empty columns on the left and right, such that the impression is now of a rudimentary face page lacking the richness heretofore provided by the rec and diary lists. This criticism may sound self serving since I do post diaries on MyDD, but it makes me ask: since my diaries and those of others are now hidden under a button I have to click, is it worth the effort? Needless to say, the new setup is not only not an improvement, it is a regression into a more rudimentary format, such as you might see on blogspots. I hope that you don't mind this criticism, but sometimes it does well to leave something good alone. MSN could have used that idea when it revised its front page. Daily Kos has the model, followed by political blogs such as Open Left and Booman Tribune, and I don't see them wanting to change it anytime soon. When you have something good, why change it?
by mainstreet 2009-12-31 12:51PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
You can't see the diaries?
They are still there on the right, just below Breaking Blue.
by desmoinesdem 2009-12-31 02:13PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: You can't see the diaries?
Probably a browser issue.
by jerome armstrong 2009-12-31 02:37PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: RE: You can't see the diaries?
Using Windows XP with latest version of Explorer. Sorry if it is my browser issue. Automatic log-out when closing site. Was convenient not to have to log-in on every occasion just by not logging out.
by mainstreet 2009-12-31 03:18PM | login to reply | | 1 recs
From sophisticated to rudimentary?
When MSN recently revised its front page, my first impression was that took a good thing and turned it a bad thing, while believing they improved it. I know that change is difficult, but in this case I began looking for other frontpages that could supply the same broad content. When I couldn't find one, I returned their "improved" version as a default, but I spend less time there than I used to. Probably the best model for a political blog is Daily Kos with its main writers and diary contributions. Since it features a wide writers column plus a narrower diarist column with rec list plus diary list, it seemed to be the appropriate model for their community. MyDD had a similar set up and although there were a few clitches in the programming, it seemed to work fine. The writers were clearly emphasized, but the diarists also received front page exposure. What I see now is a single writers column, empty columns on the left and right, such that the impression is now of a rudimentary face page lacking the richness heretofore provided by the rec and diary lists. This criticism may sound self serving since I do post diaries on MyDD, but it makes me ask: since my diaries and those of others are now hidden under a button I have to click, is it worth the effort? Needless to say, the new setup is not only not an improvement, it is a regression into a more rudimentary format, such as you might see on blogspots. I hope that you don't mind this criticism, but sometimes it does well to leave something good alone. MSN could have used that idea when it revised its front page. Daily Kos has the model, followed by political blogs such as Open Left and Booman Tribune, and I don't see them wanting to change it anytime soon. When you have something good, why change it?
by mainstreet 2009-12-31 12:51PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
I just posted a comment and see that you're not preserving white space. The line feeds in my comment were stripped out causing the paragraphs to just run together, making for a more difficult read. I presume XML\XSL is being swapped around on the back end and the preserve white space is an optional attribute.
by bselznick 2009-12-31 01:01PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
tooo white
its going to take some getting used to but i liked the old style better. there is too much white and not enough color and then the blue color for your qoutations from other writers is to dark. also did you change the font? personally i think this looks old fashioned and not really cutting edge if anything you just changed it from one mediocre style to another mediocre style
by bintoudoyle 2009-12-31 01:52PM | login to reply | | 1 recs
Good start with many good changes
Initial problems that I encountered. 1) Can't find my old comments or link to my comments. 2) can't see who made the recs to diaries or comments 3) The FAQs and TU Guidelines need to be updated. 4) The homepage needs to be refreshed twice before the blogrolls and the Diary list+rec list comes through. 5) The comment font size can be made bigger for easier read.
by louisprandtl 2009-12-31 02:01PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: MyDD 5
List of bugs, suggestions, etc...from comments thus far to Kyle's and Jerome's MyDD Launch diaries:
* About, TU Guidelines, and FAQ are non-functioning.
* Site does not remember WIDE mode choice and must be click each time one has navigated away.
* User page no longer has a list of comments and ratings...not even your own.
* Ought be fewer Breaking Blue links at top of Right Column (most recent 2-3 would be plenty)
* 'Next' link to see previous posts is non-functioning.
* Comment counts are all sorts of screwed up, will show different counts on each refresh from home page. Also, does not show 'New' comments, so unless you memorize how many comments were in a diary last time you looked you will not know if there are replies....and new comments within the diary do not show as 'New'.
* Comments font/size is way too small.
* Cannot see who has rec'd a diary or comment. Only one rating option for comments.
* Font/size of text in diary is 'off' (perhaps too large?)
* List of 'Recent Comments' in Right Column missing.
* Preview option for comments needed.
* Search option needs to be up top of either Left or Right Column.
* Not preserving White Space in comments...which means one has to use (minus space) to avoid comment running all together. Frustrating.
* It is mighty white. Bright.
* Refreshing home page is interesting in that it will change comment counts (lower them), add diaries that were not previously seen upon first opening page, and other 'minor' things seemingly at random.
* Comment box is waaaaaay too small...with no preview it is near impossible to edit properly...even with preview it would be a pain in the ass.
Some of these points have already been replied to, just figured it might help to have em all in one place.
by kysen 2009-12-31 02:34PM | login to reply | | 1 recs
When I retweet a post, it does work but it doesn't include the title. Or do I have to tyoe that in manually?
by charles lemos 2009-12-31 03:10PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
My powers
I have lost my powers. Oh no. I can't delete spam diaries or moderate.
by charles lemos 2009-12-31 03:12PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: My powers
Same! I can't even write entries... so no Blackwater today...
by nathan empsall 2010-01-01 02:10PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: RE: My powers
Appears to be fixed.
by nathan empsall 2010-01-01 08:05PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Comment Box
Shouldn't it be at the bottom of the thread rather on top?
by charles lemos 2009-12-31 03:13PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Mighty white
I agree with Kysen. It's mighty white and bright. No wondering Jonathan is wearing shades.
by charles lemos 2009-12-31 03:15PM | login to reply | | 1 recs
Yipes. I couldn't Login and now I can't comment.
Ok so I can now login with the Enter Key.

I use tags to create paragraphs.

And I hit enter in the comment title to post a comment.

Could well be my Firefox browser with flashblock and/or other graphics turned off. But I am buttonless!
by wegerje 2009-12-31 03:26PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: Yipes. I couldn't Login and now I can't comment.
Ok images on and I can now see the cute buttons like

Still no Preview Button though.
by wegerje 2009-12-31 03:34PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: RE: Yipes. I couldn't Login and now I can't comment.
OK so the img tag didn't work although the br tags work for paragraphing. Lets try a link tag between the equal signs.

=Here is a link to My MyDD.
by wegerje 2009-12-31 03:43PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Comment counter
doesn't seem to update automatically
by charles lemos 2009-12-31 03:27PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
It seems
at least on some of my posts, the embedded videos and graphics are missing. The post of Yoo had a short YouTube clip and the post on Norquist had a picture of the 1845 Let Us Alone Florida state flag.
by charles lemos 2009-12-31 03:31PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: It seems
I had a similar issue with my diaries....
by ravi verma 2009-12-31 03:39PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Glad change is comming...
Big turn off for me on this site was the number of users kicked out by admins around the election time. That was always a no no. Mojo sounds nice and let only users thru the use of mojo ban users. Hope that changes.
by redmask 2009-12-31 04:02PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
A question about the blogroll--when will the links to other blogs (besides the state blogs) and pollsters be up? I know it needs a lot of updating, since some of the links were very old and holdovers from 2002. Overall an upgrade.
by esconded 2009-12-31 05:42PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Love the new site, but
I just tried to post a diary and it's not showing up in the "Diaries" list. I can't understand why. I tried going back to my page and opening it up and deleting it, and I get a permission denied message. What's going on?
by deaniac83 2009-12-31 07:04PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
All the posts
that had extended entries are missing their second part.
by charles lemos 2009-12-31 09:02PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: All the posts
Yes, that is a big problem.
by desmoinesdem 2010-01-01 12:13PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Very Nice... Hands down an excellent job.
by fuja 2009-12-31 10:41PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Miss the Diaries
I am not here always to read the main story. I miss the diaries right. The blue on black - blockquote boxes are not section 508 compliant, you want to go back to goldenrod or a slight gold color for the background there - for better contrast for all. Blue and black are also widely consider to be a bad color combination, from an aesthetic perspective. There are font issues on the toolbar, and all over - and of course, your advertisements are getting much bigger. Tweeting isn't half its cracked up to be, and I'm not sure you want it here. Facebook? And other such social media links are also not entirely necessary. MyDD's strength rests in open dialogue. Not as an advertising platform. The decision seemed to be to make it 'simpler' and to make the ads bigger. If this is an advertising revenue generated site, I have always advocated a 'google' model as opposed to a 'yahoo banner ads' model - where the text diaries comprise 'sponsored diaries' or 'sponsored links' that do not detract from story or content but instead are heuristically matched to specific users. Your registered, and trended userbase is your gold mine here. Not the three inches of screen between this comment post (where I am now reading an ad for ComCast, on the T1 line I had built out to my home) ... and this line. The better ad for me would have been something from Tesla Motors..
by trey rentz 2010-01-01 09:54AM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Site meter seems gone.
Or is it my browser again?
by mainstreet 2010-01-01 11:09AM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: Site meter seems gone.
I can't see it either, so I don't think it's a browser issue.
by desmoinesdem 2010-01-01 12:28PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: RE: Site meter seems gone.
I can see it. I'm using Firefox.
by nathan empsall 2010-01-01 02:09PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
trying to write a new post
but my hyperlinks are not embedding with the usual code (a href= etc.) How do you embed hyperlinks now?
by desmoinesdem 2010-01-01 12:27PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Really glad to see
y'all updating. Most things look good. The main issue I am having is not being able to check feedback or look at my comment list to see if there are any replies. Also, I don't like that new comments are not labeled "new" when you enter a thread -- I have a tendency to search "[n" to find new comments once the threads get long, and it doesn't appear that that is possible anymore. As for this: "Another big change is how Mojo works-- off of personal verification and then contribution of content to the site. " Verification? Is MyDD going to make its users provide a credit card or other form of identification? I will never be TU, in that case, 'cause there is no way I am providing a credit card or any other ID online to a blog. Would rather slum it with the trolls. And I can't imagine that I am the only one who feels as such.
by sricki 2010-01-01 01:53PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
Worst. Update. Ever.
Just Kidding. But it is not apparent that you need to click on "comments" to find the rest of the post. Can you put a line at the bottom that says something like "click here for the rest of the post"?
by jcullen 2010-01-01 03:36PM | login to reply | | 1 recs
Breaking Blue
How do I post on the new Breaking Blue? This confuses me.
by nathan empsall 2010-01-01 11:01PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: Breaking Blue
I too need a tutorial. The read more feature is missing. Unless one clicks on the comments, it is not readily apparent that the post has an extended entry. And then when one does click through, one loses the first part of the post.
by charles lemos 2010-01-02 12:37AM | login to reply | | 0 recs
RE: RE: Breaking Blue
As far as writing entries goes, I had that too, but what I've found is that what you put in the "excerpt" section shows up on the front page, and what you put in the "Main Entry" section shows up after one clicks on comments. Put the whole post in the "main entry" box and copy/paste (not cut/paste) what you want to be on the front page into the "excerpt" box.
by nathan empsall 2010-01-02 05:30PM | login to reply | | 0 recs
cache test
nothing to see here...
by kyle shank 2010-01-02 07:29AM | login to reply | | 0 recs
By-line Gone in RSS

The by-line is missing in RSS readers too, so the articles look anonymous.

by edgeplot 2010-01-03 11:20PM | login to reply | | 0 recs



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