
Welcome to, the online edition of the National Post. On this site, you will find breaking news, business coverage at and stories from our print edition.

Web site issues

  1. What can I find at this Web site?

    All users have access to our archives and our daily breaking news coverage. This includes stories produced on our Web site, our news feeds, blogs and our print edition articles. Use our site map to help you navigate.

  2. How do I retrieve my lost or forgotten password?

    You may reset your password by going to the Your Account section of the site.

  3. Is the entire paper available online?

    Most stories are but some stories from the print edition are not published on because of copyright limitations.

  4. I'm a subscriber and I'm having trouble registering. Where do I go for help?

    You may contact the National Post Customer Service by phone at 1-800-668-7678 or by e-mail.

  5. Are National Post Career ads online?

    Yes, we are part of, and our Career ads are posted at

  6. Where can I view TV listings?

    Television listings for many regions across Canada are available free on our TV Times page.

  7. What is online that is not in the newspaper?

    Much of our content appears only in the online edition. This includes news, breaking news, blogs, RSS-enabled news feeds, photos, podcasts, videos and other rich content. We also have personalized stock portfolios and other tools in

  8. How often is and updated?

    We are a live news operation. Breaking news and features from our news-gathering staff and associated news services is featured on the site throughout the day and night.

  9. Why am I seeing old pages of on my screen?

    You may be viewing a previous day's page that was "cached" on your hard disk. To avoid the problem, set the preferences on your Web browser so that it does not cache articles. Caching articles prevents the browser from reloading each page. To make sure you are not viewing a cached page, first try pressing "reload" on your browser to refresh the page. If the same page reappears, you may need to enter the preferences section of your browser and clear the cache.

  10. I've found a broken link, error message or another site problem. Whom do I contact to correct the error?

    You can reach us by sending a message to or leave a comment.

  11. Where do I find the stock listings online?

    Just head to any of the pages in our Financial Post site at and use our stock look-up feature. At any Financial Post page, you will find this tool on the right side of the screen

  12. What are this site's browser requirements?

    If you are unable to log in or are having problems viewing the site properly, it is possible that you are using a web browser that is not compatible with the site. Whenever possible, use the most latest version of your broswer. We support all major platforms including Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Subscription issues

  1. How can I subscribe to the National Post?

    You can get help with this issue on our dedicated subscriptions site

  2. How do I report a print edition delivery problem?

    You can get help with this issue on our dedicated subscriptions site

  3. How do I temporarily stop print edition delivery?

    You can get help with this issue on our dedicated subscriptions site

  4. I'm a subscriber and I'm having trouble registering. Where do I go for help?

    You may contact National Post Customer Service by phone at 1-800-668-7678 or by e-mail at

Print edition issues and contacts

  1. How can I find articles published in previous editions of the National Post?

    Every article published on the site remains available for 30 days, some longer. To find a specific article, key in a relevant search term. Be sure to stay on topic and use accurate spelling. Visit our search page or use the search box on the upper right side of every page on the site.

    Please note that we do not publish every single National Post article on the Web site because of publishing rights.

    For a complete electronic archive of National Post stories, try our paid archive service at

  2. How do I place an ad on

    Our online advertising section will answer any questions you have about placing ads on To inquire about classifieds or placing an advertisement in the print edition of the National Post, please e-mail or call 800-668-5617. For online ads, call 416-593-2034.

  3. How do I submit a letter to the editor?

    There are two ways to submit a letter to the editor:

    1. You can send a letter directly to the National Post by e-mail. Use our contact form for letters to the National Post editor and Financial Post editor.

      You can also send an e-mail directly to

    2. If you would like to send your letter by surface mail, address it to:

      Letters / Financial Post Letters
      National Post
      300-1450 Don Mills Rd.
      Toronto, ON M3B 3R5

      For all letters, please remember to include your name, address and daytime telephone number for verification.

  4. Why wasn't my letter published?

    We get more letters than we have space to print. We try to print letters that make fresh points or show the breadth of opinion on a topic. We prefer letters with a basis in fact. We also reserve the right to edit or condense any letters sent for publication.

  5. How can I reach a reporter or editor?

    Visit our Contact page.

  6. Where do I e-mail or fax a news release, or call in a news tip?

    The following departments can be reached by telephone, fax or e-mail, and are listed on our Contact page.

    News tips
    Phone: 416-386-2600
    Fax: 416-442-2209

    International news tips
    Phone: 416-386-2704
    Fax: 416-442-2109

    Phone: 416-386-2704
    Fax: 416-442-2109

    Phone: 416-383-2337
    Fax: 416-442-2109

    Financial Post
    Phone: 416-383-2300
    Fax: 416-383-2443

    Special Reports
    Phone: 416-386-2672
    Fax: 416-383-2443

  7. How can I freelance for the National Post?

    Send a brief story idea to and your message will be forwarded to the appropriate editor for consideration. We prefer not to receive attachments. Unless instructed otherwise, please paste the idea into the body of your e-mail message.

    Illustrators or artists should contact Gayle Grin to discuss their work.

    Writers who would like to contribute an op-ed submission should bear the following criteria in mind. Generally, we prefer op-ed submissions to be 750 words long, give or take 50 words. Authors stand a better chance of being published if they keep to this word count. Op-ed submissions may be sent to, by fax to 416-383-2439 or by mail. E-mail is preferred with the submission included in the body of the e-mail or attached in MS Word format. All submissions are considered.

    Due to the large volume of submissions to the Op-Ed page, the National Post unfortunately cannot reply to every submission. If we're interested, we will generally contact you within two weeks of the submission received.

  8. How do I order a back issue of the National Post?

    Previous editions of the National Post are available for the past 30 days. To order a full copy, call our Customer Service Centre at 800-668-7678, e-mail us at or fax 416-386-2620.

    When you call or e-mail, please provide the following information:

    • The specific date of the issue required.

    • Full mailing address.

    Prices (excluding postage and tax) are:

    • Mon-Fri. edition - $0.75

    • Weekend edition - $0.50

    • National Post Business Magazine - $3.95

    • FP 500 - $5.95

  9. How do I place birth, death or memorial notices?

    Call 1-866-256-7678 or 416-386-2825 or fax 1-877-592-2282 or e-mail. Deadlines are 4:30 p.m. ET Monday through Friday and 4 p.m. ET on Sundays for next day insertions.

  10. Are birth or death notices available online?

    Yes you can find National Post announcements online at and

  11. How do I place a listing in Arts & Life's Must Do listings?

    Submissions can be sent by fax to 416-442-2949 or by e-mail to

  12. My question wasn't answered. Whom should I contact?

    Please e-mail us at We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Digital Paper

  1. What is the Digital Paper?

    The Digital Paper is the complete content of the National Post in an easy to read digital format. The Digital Paper is laid out just like the print edition of the paper, including all photographs, illustrations, and advertisements.

  2. What are the major differences between the HTML and electronic versions of the newspaper?

    The HTML paper presents content in a format much like a conventional web site, while the Digital Paper preserves the look and feel of the printed paper. The HTML paper may appeal more to people accustomed to reading online news material, where the Digital Paper may appeal more to people accustomed to the traditional layout of a printed newspaper.

    In addition, the Digital Paper allows you to build an article collection to help keep tabs on a subject you may be following.

  3. Can I read the Digital Paper offline, such as during a train or plane ride?

    No, you must have a live internet connection to read the Digital Paper.

  4. Can I access past issues of the Digital Paper?

    Yes, up to a limit of the prior 7 days.

  5. How do I get access to the Digital Paper?

    The Digital Paper is available on a subscription basis, either on its own, or as a supplement to a print edition subscription. Full subscription options are available here.

  6. Can I get single copies?

    You can purchase one or more of the last 7 National Post issues published. If you choose to purchase several single copies or the full week, you may want to consider a monthly subscription to the Digital Paper.

  7. How do I pay for single copies?

    Single copies are purchased through our secure digital wallet. The digital wallet is credited in $5.00 increments. Each time you make a single copy purchase, a deduction will be made from your digital wallet for the amount of the purchase.

  8. What happens to unused funds in my digital wallet?

    If there is a balance of less than $5.00 in your digital wallet, the funds will be available to make additional single copy purchases for up to 6 months. If you do not use the funds in this time, they will be deleted from the account and no refund will be issued. Any balance over $5.00 will remain in your digital wallet to use towards future single copy purchases.

  9. How much does a subscription cost if I cancel my printed paper?

    If you cancel your printed paper and retain your electronic paper subscription, the cost will be the full current rate of the Digital Paper.

  10. Do I have to download the entire paper before I can start reading it?

    No. You can start reading as soon as you log into your Digital Paper web session.

  11. How do I go directly to a specific page?

    If you want to go to page 11 in section B (B11), you can type "B11" into the page number box and press enter. This will take you to page B11 without flipping pages.

  12. I see I have the option to view an article in "Quick View" and "Newspaper View", which should I use?

    The choice is offered to account for different article sizes and for articles with more artistic layouts.

    The Quick View shows you the "raw text" and you can re-flow the paragraphs by changing the width of the Quick View window. You might find the Quick View more readable if you narrow the Quick View window a bit.

  13. Why can't I see the Quick View of some articles?

    Digital copyright restrictions on some articles prevent us from showing you the raw text of an article that you can copy and paste into your own documents. Such articles can only be shown in "Newspaper View" which is a graphic, not text, view of the article.

  14. How can I read the article text in the full page display of the paper?

    The full page display, even at largest size, is only meant as a preview for navigation purposes. To read the text, click on the article to see the article in a viewer window.

  15. How do I save article text and/or pictures?

    Be aware that such content is subject to copyright law and can only be used with permission. You must contact the newspaper directly for permission to use any printed content.

  16. How can I get a copy of a newspaper article?

    You can purchase an Digital Paper single copy of the National Post in which the article appeared within the last 7 issues. To purchase a copy of an article that appeared in the National Post beyond the last 7 issues, visit

  17. Why doesn't print send the whole page to my printer?

    Most personal printers print on 8.5 x 11 inch paper, and a full newspaper page would be difficult or impossible to read. Thus, just the selected article is printed.

  18. I can't read the text in some ads.

    Ads are supplied to the paper as images. Images have limited resolution to display very small text, even if zoomed in.

  19. The articles in My Collection disappearedÉ what happened?

    The collection is maintained via cookies. If you cleared your cookies in your browser, the collection information was cleared also.

  20. Are the articles in My Collection still available after the originating paper is expired from the archive?


  21. My Digital Paper takes a long time to load.

    Yes, it can. Your Digital Paper is what is commonly referred to as "rich content." To provide you with this content, we need to download a lot more data to your browser than many other web pages would require.

    In order to make your experience as pleasant as possible, we have installed the latest in state-of-the-art web servers and are connected to the Internet with Gigabit Ethernet.

    However, download time will depend greatly on the speed of your Internet connection and the amount of other traffic on the Internet routers between our servers and you.

  22. Can I use my dial-up service to read the Digital Paper? Is the speed useable?

    Yes. The Digital Paper server adjusts performance options for dial-up sessions to account for the connection speed. Of course, it will take time for images to become visible due to the time it takes to transfer images over a dial-up modem.

  23. I have a PC at work and a Mac at home. Why does the Digital Paper look different?

    The PC running Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 5.5 or higher allows for a more integrated presentation of the paper. IE on the Mac, or Netscape on any platform shows the paper with more traditional HTML methods.

  24. I view the Digital Paper with Netscape, and I can't see the articles when I click on them. How do I correct this?

    In Netscape (and IE on the Mac), articles are shown in a secondary or pop-up window. With the increase of "spam" shown in pop-up windows, some people have turned off pop-up windows with pop-up blockers. You will need to re-enable pop-up windows to view the articles. Some pop-up blockers allow you to set sites where pop-ups are permitted. If you enable sites from "http://Digital", you can view the articles.