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500 homes flooded: Bligh

big wet hits qld

3:40pm: UPDATE: UP TO to 500 homes had been inundated in the Charleville floods in a "serious disaster" for the town, Premier Anna Bligh said today.

Join the population debate

Suburbs (file)

SOUTH-EAST Queensland's population boom is placing pressure on the Gold Coast and those stresses will be discussed at a special forum tonight.

Expect a slow trip home

Traffic jam - Thumbnail (100x75)

WET roads, car crashes, a Socceroo match at Suncorp stadium and a concert at Boondall are expected to create challenging conditions for tonight's drive home.

Man guilty of killing radio announcer

Brian Heathcote - Thumbnail (100x75)

A JURY has taken just on three hours to convict a man of the savage bashing murder of a Brisbane radio announcer who was killed  on his way home from the pub.

fevola wet weather quiz
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Brendan Fevola denies circulating the nude photo of model Lara Bingle.
Report | Lara Bingle pics | Video

Traveston Crossing on the Mary River, site of the scrapped dam, is awash.
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Cop says she's defamed in Underbelly


A FORMER police officer is demanding access to the latest series of the hit show Underbelly before it goes to air to see if she has been defamed.


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Tony Abbott lost in the Outback

Tony Abbott - Thumbnail (100x75)

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott became lost deep in the Outback for several hours with no food and little water during a day with Aboriginal landowners.

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Weight Watchers join McDonald's

Dtthumb hamburger - Thumbnail (100x75)

Weight Watchers has teamed up with fast-food giant McDonald's in New Zealand -- in a deal that some of their members are finding difficult to stomach.

Weird StuffMore Weird Stuff

At last! Helium self-sufficiency

Hot air balloon - Thumbnail (100x75)

While there was the odd balloon in sight, not a high-pitched squeaky voice synonymous with celebration could be heard when the southern hemisphere's first helium plant was opened. highlights

Ask Bossy: Agony aunt Kate de Brito has the advice your friends are probably too polite to give. More »

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Last updated: March 03, 2010 06:17pm