David Forsmark’s “Meltdown with Keith Olbermann”

2009 February 15


Part 1: The Art of Madness

Part 2: Older, Whiter, More Stupid

Part 3: The Hustler

Part 4: Slimedog Millionaire

Part 5: Presumed Innocent: Not for Southern White Males

Part 6: Monkey Business

Part 7: The Stopped Clock: Correct Twice in One Day

Part 8: This Time It’s Personal

Part 9: Ultimate Mismatch: Churchill Vs. Olbermann

Part 10: Oliver Twisted

Part 11: Healthcare Reform, the Fight for the American Dream

Part 12: Rather Clueless: Meltdown with Keith Olbermann

Part 13: The Three Stooges, Healthy Wealthy and Dumb

Part 14: To MSNBC the Least Important Thing about Killer Army Doctor is He was a Muslim Who Compared Suicide Bombers to Soldiers who Throw Themselves on Grenades to Protect Others

Part 15: Enemy of the State: Michele Bachmann?

Part 16: Sleazebags Talk Teabags

Part 17: The First Amendment Does Not Apply to Glenn Beck

Part 18: “Stop Making our Troops Suffer in Order to Make our Generals Happy.”

Part 19: Censoring Sarah Palin

Part 20: Joe Lieberman is “Embarrassing Humanity!”

Part 21: Kill Bill, Volume 1

Part 22: Kill Bill, Volume 2

Part 23: Kill Bill, Volume 3

Part 24: Made for Each Other, Levi and Keith

Part 25: Save the Tiger

Part 26: Losing it Over Massachusetts

Part 27: “My God, He’s Still Talking!”

Part 28: A Bridge Too Far? Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 28

Part 29: Mea Culpa Maybe: Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 29

Part 30: “My God, He’s Still Talking!” Redux: Meltdown with Keith Olbermann, Part 30

Part 31:  The Final Countdown? Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 31

Part 32: Dumb and Dumber—Wolffe and Olbermann: Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 32

Part 33: Tea Partiers are Like the Founders—Racists! Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 33

Part 34:  Worst Research in the Wooorrrrllld! Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 34

Part 35: “Where are the People of Color”– in MSNBC’s Lineup? Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 35

Part 36:  Some of My Best Guests are Black: Meltdown With Keith Olbermann Part 36

Part 37:  Opponents of Government Health Care are “Sub-human” and “Ghouls”—Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 37

Part 38: Foreign Terrorists Deserve Representation; but the Cheneys are Nonpersons: Meltdown with(out) Keith Olbermann Part 38

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45 Responses leave one →
  1. David Forsmark
    David Forsmark permalink
    September 27, 2009

    Good timing, David, I saw this just as I was watching Keith ruin what used to be my one of my favorite times of the week– the 7PM Sunday football highlights show. Can we start a fund to get Sunday Night Football back on ESPN so Chris Berman can do what God put him on this earth to do?

  2. David Forsmark
    David Forsmark permalink
    September 27, 2009

    Ugh. Keith just tired to make a CHUCK TODD joke during the Raider game highlights. NBC is out of their collective minds pushing this twit.

  3. Brent permalink
    September 28, 2009

    I agree. The Sunday night highlights show has become unbearable. I used to love to tune in after the afternoon games were over so I could catch up with all the news from around the league, but I refuse to spend one second watching a hack like Olberman. It’s really a shame too because I’m a fan of some of the other guys on that show such as Dan Patrick and Tony Dungy. At least we don’t have to put up with him during the game. Oh and while we’re on the topic of Sunday night football…COLTS WIN!!!

  4. Richard DeLong permalink
    September 28, 2009

    Why is Tony Dungy appearing on anything with K.O.?

  5. David Forsmark
    David Forsmark permalink
    September 28, 2009

    There’s too much talk and not enough highlights, no matter WHO is on it. They spend at least half the show previewing that night’s game. That would be fine for a playoff game, but please! Keith is more the garnish on a crap sandwich here than the main problem…

  6. Dennis Grimland permalink
    November 3, 2009

    Inre to Keith Olbermann being on the pregame and half-time shows of Sunday Night Football…I DO NOT wath those segments….just wanted to let the advertisers know….and I would hope others follow suit.

    I’ll just surf the tube for something until the pre-game and half-time segments are over.

    I can not stand Keith Olbermann(less) and the fact that NBC, owned by G.E.(I also stopped buying their products), hired this bozo for Sunday Night Football…

    So….just don’t watch segments of which the Olber”manless one” appears.

    • marcus dowd permalink
      January 6, 2010

      Glad to know that my family, friends and myself aren’t the only ones who boycott watching anything that “puke” is on. It’s a shame that NBC would taint an otherwise good show with Mr Odorman’s presence. I especially feel sorry for Mr Dungy that he has to sit at the same table. Shame on you NBC.

  7. JAY NICE permalink
    November 24, 2009


    • AZ-Pilot permalink
      December 29, 2009

      Don’t you mean “Keith Olbermann he be havin’ millions of listeners”

  8. Dream Killer permalink
    December 3, 2009

    For me, I just have a REAL hard time with the smell that comes off my TV when Olberman is on…

  9. December 18, 2009

    Fat Boy Olbermann -America’s # 1 Juice-Bag!

  10. David permalink
    December 23, 2009

    Corporate State sponsored television agenda is becoming more and more apparent to the average joe and jane. More and More people are turning off the hypno-box and looking for real journalism elsewhere. Thank God for the internet. The 4′th estate has let the American people down and are suffering the consequences.
    There is hope yet.

  11. Bud permalink
    January 19, 2010

    When Keith Slobberman is on T.V, I spray it with Fabreze first.

  12. Nobodyuknow permalink
    January 20, 2010

    Keith (Doberman) Olberman, has the social redeming value of a human piece of "crap". His nightly rants (meltdowns) only serve to prove that he has a severe case of diarrhea of the mouth. I have come to conclude that his favorite piece of furniture is a full length mirror. One can just hear him in the morning when he gets up and goes straight to the mirror; 'Oh! There you are! I've been looking all over for you.' Keith is a poster boy for all those he works for at MSNBC. Monkey see – monkey do.

  13. mike permalink
    January 20, 2010

    when will the left learn? This is what people want to change not the same old angry person mud slinging insluts. If Olberman had any smarts he would realize he just insluted a man that a majority of people chose to elect in a major democratic state.

    Enjoy the next couple of years Keith as the right picks off your seats one by one.

    America is just beginning to speak!!!

  14. Wendy Price permalink
    January 19, 2010

    Olbermann is a disgrace and MSNBC or any other so-called news network, should be embarrassed to have him in their employ.

  15. Toms permalink
    January 24, 2010

    A lot of people don't know this but, Keith Olbermann used to be Bill Mazur before he contracted mad cow disease.

  16. DAVE permalink
    January 24, 2010

    Being of sound mind and thoughts , Dems.and Libs, could use baggies to wipe their " O-ring" with and still argue a job well done because it felt the same! YIKE'S DID I REALLY SAY THAT ….YUP!

  17. mary permalink
    February 8, 2010

    No really, the man is a human puke that spouts his hatred of all that is good.

  18. andy permalink
    February 23, 2010

    We stir up racisim. We call others racist. We wonder why are ratings go down. This is a new era.!

  19. Tony permalink
    March 15, 2010

    It's "Protestant" NOT prodestant.

  20. Dream Killer permalink
    December 3, 2009

    You should know the history of GE…. GE is owned by Thomson Consumer Electronics, who, in turn, are owned by a subsidiary of the FRENCH GOVERNMENT! Do your research!

  21. Dream Killer permalink
    December 3, 2009

    Remember when MILLIONS thought the earth was flat?

  22. USCharley permalink
    December 5, 2009

    No….kieth dosen’t have millions of viewers……he is lucky if he gets 800,000 a show. Now beck ,hannity and o’riely regularly pull in 2 to 3 million per show every night…..get yor facts right boy.

  23. December 15, 2009

    Do you feel that Keith just suffers from Narcissisim like Obama or could he have Bi-Polar disorder?

  24. AZ-Pilot permalink
    December 29, 2009

    Maybe he’s like Algore and has bi-polar bear disorder.

  25. Bob permalink
    December 30, 2009

    I just fact checked the ownership of GE, and Thomson doesn’t appear to have a stake at all. Proof here, http://finance.yahoo.com/q/mh?s=GE

    The top institutional investor is Barclays, a UK-based investment bank. Then the next several institutional investors are all American companies.

    The primary list of private shareholders are officers of the company, and all Americans.

    Meanwhile, GE’s television content unit NBC Universal has been sold to Comcast, the US-founded and based cable TV corporation.

    So I’m not so sure about trying to tie GE’s corporate ownership to international ownership. But I’m open minded enough to look for anybody’s update here who an help straighten me out with facts.

    Thank you in advance.

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  15. “My God, He’s Still Talking!” Redux: Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 30 | NewsReal Blog
  16. The Final Countdown? Meltdown with Keith Olbermann Part 31 | NewsReal Blog
  17. Is Olbermann a liability for MSNBC? | NewsReal Blog

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