Another Look At FOX News’ Hatchet Job On Geert Wilders

2010 March 11

Following the gang hatchet job on Dutch Parliamentarian Geert Wilders by two separate FOX News crews a few nights ago, FOX pulled down all the video footage from the internet – like it never happened. Well, it did happen.  Jim Angle, Glenn Beck, Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer and A.B Stoddard all did the dirty work during two different shows.  But, thanks to Gates of Vienna and Diana West, we can at least watch Beck going at Wilders one more time.

First, let’s look at Beck’s six minute interview with Wilders from February of 2009.  Beck warmly welcomed Wilders and gave him plenty of air-time.  Wilders presented his case for the noble cause of resistance to the growing Islamic repression of free speech in The Netherlands.  Beck treated Wilders like the hero he is.

A year later it is impossible to reconcile Beck’s posture and position in 2009 with his attack on Wilders this week – unless one allows for the possibility that Beck is now being influenced by powers above him at FOX News.

The 2009 Wilders interview is here:

Now for this week’s piece, in which Beck labeled Wilders a fascist:

Let’s analyze the evidence:

Wilders, himself, has not changed since the first Beck interview – not his speech, not his positions, and not his beliefs.  What has changed immensely is his stature in The Netherlands.  He is much more powerful now than he was when he first appeared on Beck’s show in 2009.  In fact, it is entirely within the realm of possibility that Wilders could become Prime Minister.

Now, FOX News is astonishingly trying to destroy Wilders.  Ignoramus, demagogue and fascist are pretty nasty labels to lay on anyone. Beck was not recognizable this week from his demeanor and position with Wilders in 2009.

Other than Muslims throughout the world, who would be unhappy with Wilders’ rise to power and prominence in The Netherlands?  Who stands to gain from stopping the most prominent and eloquent defender of Western Civilization in Europe?  Who stands to gain from having Wilders’ reputation hacked to pieces by a major American news outlet?  You can figure this out.  Click the next link:

A whole lot has changed at FOX News, folks.

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88 Responses leave one →
  1. maryann permalink
    March 11, 2010

    I was struck by A.B. Stoddard's comment "if the Dutch elect someone like him, they will pay the consequences". Yes, they probably will. And maybe they believe that further concessions to Islam and the Islamization of their country is worth fighting against. The reaction to Geert Wilders by these "journalists" is really no different than the reaction to Islam by governments across the globe. It is a reaction born of the fear of paying the consequences. Whether the concessions provide a monetary advantage to those making them is less important than the price civilization will pay for them. The goal of terrorism is to shut people up and paralyze them with fear so that the ultimate goal of the terrorists can be reached. Europe is pretty much gone and America seems to be eagerly following. When did we decide it's better to be slaves (or dead) than fight for liberty?

  2. Claire Solt permalink
    March 11, 2010

    I have had a close relationship to Holland since I was an exchange student there in 1960. Unfortunately, they are looking to the US for example of how to handle immigration in a melting pot, e pluribus unum way. But we have eschewed that for multiculturalism and identity politics.

    I strongly recommend, While Europe Slept. A gay American journalist examines while European Social Democracy cannot deal with Muslim intolerance in the context of multiculturalism.

  3. rkelly8 permalink
    March 11, 2010

    This article is a stretch, it's like progressives denying they are communists because its bad word. He talks out of both sides of his mouth like Obama.

    • March 11, 2010

      rkelly, my guess is you only want to post things (like this video) and then scurry away rather than defend them. This woman who interviewed Wilders is a fairly ignorant woman in my view. Why did you post this?

    • John L. Work
      March 12, 2010

      I've watched the video and listened carefully to the questions and answers. It was a good, hard-ball, challenging interview. Wilders was consistent in his answers, as he has been since he first got my attention many months ago. His problem is with the Islamic ideology, not the people. And by the way, the interviewer sneaked in a little zinger there at the end of her interview, when she ended the very last question with, "the people you hate" – after Wilders had clearly stated earlier he has no problem with the people. That was rather slippery of her, and betrayed her agenda – to label Wilders a hate-filled fascist. She editorialized before and during the interview. Wilders answered the questions.

      So, what's the problem here?


      • Steve permalink
        March 12, 2010

        Did you notice when she quoted from the Torah in order to illustrate that Jews are every much as violent as Muslim jihadists? Come on! Do you believe as this woman does, Jews could have perpetrated the 9/11 atrocities every bit as much as Muslims? It was good, hard-ball interview? Why do you ask what the problem is here? This woman is ignorant of the Bible, Jewish law and history, isn't she? It was a "good hard-ball interview?

        • John L. Work
          March 12, 2010

          Yes, Steve, I did notice all of what you pointed out. And Wilders very skillfully countered the insinuations. I am so pro-Israel that you have no idea how highly I esteem Mr. Netanyahu. But I said that she editorialized before and during the interview. Good interviewers should not editorialize. No, Jews would not have done the 9/11 attacks. The idea is beyond ridiculous. Look, these left-winger people hate Wilders, they hate Israel, they hate the U.S.A., and his stance against Islamization. I doubt she has any idea what her fate will be if the Forces of Islam take over and install Sharia in Europe. And if you or I told her what is going to happen to her if that should happen and she doesn't convert, she would not believe us. She tried to hack him. She hard-balled him. What else can we expect from reporters in this day and age? Wilders handled this lefty just very well, I thought.



          • Steve permalink
            March 12, 2010

            "I doubt she has any idea what her fate will be if the Forces of Islam take over and install Sharia in Europe…."

            Right. It is amazing. Little doubt there are many jihadists in the UK who would love to have their way with her, even as she defends them, while condemning Wilders.


          • William Smart permalink
            March 12, 2010

            Did you mean to say Jews would not have done a 911 or Zionists would not have done so?

            Zionists introduced almost every form of terrorism to the Middle East, and Israel committed the world's first plane-jacking. Like so many of their crimes, that's simply been dropped in the memory hole.

            • Steve permalink
              March 12, 2010

              Zionists are Jews. Some Christians are Zionists. I am a Zionist. How dare you insinuate I am a bloody terrorist. Zionism is simply the view that the land of Israel is the Jewish national homeland according to history and the Bible. Jews are not sending their / our children as suicide bombers. Give me some names of Jewish suicide bombers who stapped bombs under their clothes and exploded themselves in a crowd of non-Jews. Name just one.

              Jews are not perpetrating gratuitous and indiscriminate violence against innocent women and children. Of course in war, civilians are killed. Look at the second world war; the USAF and RAF firebombings of German cities. This was in response to Nazi terrorism and Nazi atrocities. That is what happens in war. Civilians are killed. It's worse when the jihadists intentionally hide amongs women and children. Don't start a war; don't kill "our" innocent women and children for no good reason and we will not retaliate in kind. Where do you live, may I ask?

            • March 12, 2010

              "Zionists introduced almost every form of terrorism to the Middle East, and Israel committed the world's first plane-jacking. Like so many of their crimes, that's simply been dropped in the memory hole."


              That's an absolute lie !


      • Steve permalink
        March 12, 2010

        rkelly8 posted this video while saying you "talk out of both sides of your mouth like Obama." Why do you commend him?

        • John L. Work
          March 12, 2010

          I don't think I commended him. And I had no idea which person he was talking about, Wilders, Beck, or me, when he made the "both sides of his mouth" comment. So I ignored it.



  4. Daniel permalink
    March 11, 2010

    It appears that Fox has succombed to dhimmitude. Glen Beck used to be a force for freedom. Fox has slipped to a new low curtesy of Saudi Oil money.

  5. rkelly8 permalink
    March 11, 2010

    Im pretty sure Fox constantly defends enhanced interrogation, protecting our borders, not closing Gitmo, against trying terrorists in our courts, and is outspoken about those who refuse to use to call terrorists terrorists. Hardly dhimmitude.

  6. Gary permalink
    March 11, 2010

    Taking a stand against the slow-moving, growing toxic aggression of backward and tyrannical Islam in Holland, and throughout Europe, Wilders reminds me of those few brave souls who stood against Hitler and the Nazis almost eighty years ago.

    Let's do all we can to help him have better luck.

  7. March 11, 2010

    This is a great example as to why people should be very careful when they give Beck so much credibility for his 'research' and attempts at political philosophy. The reality is that he's in over his head – not being able to distinguish Wilders from DeVillepin, or our founders from evangelical christians for that matter. His intellectual curiosity is engaging but he get so much wrong. He is essentially holding himself out as a public intellectual, but lacks the education to do so and as such, is wildly wrong in a number things he says and concludes. For more on my take on Beck go to

  8. ciccio permalink
    March 11, 2010

    A lot of thing have changed in that year. Had you been reading the Arab news last week instead of watching the boob tube you might have learned that Beck's boss Murdoch was meeting with his second biggest shareholder, Prints Falafel or whatever he calls himself. Since Falafel bought such a nice big share of Murdoch's news business, Murdoch decided to reciprocate and make an equally large investment in Falafel's, the biggest in the Arab world.

  9. Chezwick permalink
    March 11, 2010

    I can't speak for Glen Beck, but Bill Kristol and Charles Krauthammer are two conservatives with both intellectual and moral integrity. To suggest their respective attacks on Wilders are a shill for management is to completely misread the situation. The much more devastating truth is that these two, principled, intelligent men are hopelessly ignorant about Islam (no "ism" at the end, Charles) and the challenge it poses to human liberty. Just goes to show the extent to which we have our work cut out for us; it's not just the Lefties who are in denial.

  10. UnaMary permalink
    March 11, 2010

    I bought a t-shirt that says…FOX News Fan. Now I don't know if I want to wear it! Can Beck, Kristol and Krauthammer just be mistaken about Wilders' fight against Islam, or have they truly been bought by Saudi oil money?

    • John L. Work
      March 12, 2010

      I'm so sorry about the shirt. To answer your question, I don't know the answer for sure. But it is very difficult, considering all the surrounding circumstances, to not believe that Fox News' integrity has been compromised by Mr. Murdoch's new financial and corporate entanglements with the World of Islam.



    • Carolina Don permalink
      March 13, 2010

      Maybe Fox did make a mistake or two, does that mean that we should abandon them and watch "thrill up the leg" Olberman and buy a subscription to the New York Times?

      • Carolina Don permalink
        March 13, 2010

        I will, in all truthfulness, admit that I have given up on O'reilly. He has became very defensive toward Obama in matters that we know better.

  11. March 11, 2010

    The reason many conservatives dislike Wilders is because his thesis that Islam itself is the problem implies that the Republican initiated wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are doomed to fail ultimately as long as those countries are governed by Muslims.
    What many conservatives want to hear is that a tiny minority of extremists have hijacked a peaceful religion, and that therefore our military efforts will ultimately succeed.
    Islam has't been hijacked, it's been hyper-financed since 1973 by OPEC, which is the root cause of the Global Jihad.
    Wilders is correct

    • March 11, 2010

      This is a good observation. Still you cannot remove fear from the equation. Wilders is a courageous man. Most / man American males (including conservatives) are at heart moral cowards. This would include many prominent conservatives in the media, talk radio, Internet, etc. This would include such giants as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Charles Krauthammer, William Kristol, Glenn Beck and many others.

    • Democracy First permalink
      March 11, 2010

      Islam is the problem. On the other hand, democracy is the answer. Because a democratic Muslim people, once their democracy is ensconced, will reintepret their faith as meaning other than what it does. We see that already with genuinely moderate Muslims with democratic values, like Irshad Manji and Stephen Schwartz. Sure, they`re in denial as to what is so clearly stated, by Allah himself no less. Good. That`s how it will have to be.

      • March 11, 2010

        Democracy is antithetical to Islam where Allah is god. In democracy the will of the people is god. Khomeini called democracy "a form of prostitution" because he who gets the most votes wins the power that properly belongs to Allah. Apostates like Stephen Schwartz would not live long in the Middle East teaching his apostasy. Devout Muslims understand, according to Iranian author Amir Taheri, the real danger to Islam is not American tanks and helicopter gunships but from the idea of democracy and rule by the people rather than Allah.

        • Democracy First permalink
          March 12, 2010

          Yes. But nonetheless ordinary Muslims are drawn to democracy. And once democracy takes root, they will reinteropret thefaith into something other than it really is, something fully compatible with democracy.

      • John L. Work
        March 12, 2010

        Well, you may have a good point and you may want to reconsider. After the first rout of the Taliban in Afghanistan and the destruction of Saddam Hussein's Iraq war machine, democratic elections were held and constitutions written in each nation (remember the happy people with the purple fingers?). Each constitution contains a provision that forbids passage of any law that contradicts Islam. So, we now have two Muslim states wherein the people democratically decided to maintain Muslim law (Sharia) as the governing basis for the land, whcih is entirely at odds against Western freedom.

        Thanks for reading and very best wishes,


    • badaboo permalink
      March 12, 2010

      Spot on jewdog , you hit the nail right on the head . That's the ROOT of the problem here in the US . No one has the courage to call it what it is . . And believe me the islamic blogs love to here that " tiny minority " B.S., in fact they've already picked it up and are running with it .

    • old white guy permalink
      March 14, 2010

      islam is and has been a violent , evil cult since mohammed first raised his ugly head. it will only be controlled by a force superior to that being exerted world wide by the followers of islam. the west will never win by believing there is any such animal as a moderate muslim.

    • cochavi1 permalink
      March 16, 2010

      Excellent post.

    • falco permalink
      March 16, 2010

      Correct. Many politicians are ignorant about religion and the logical outcome of true believers. Not all philosophies/worldviews are freedom loving and constructive.

  12. Steve permalink
    March 11, 2010

    Whether they are mistaken or bought or (as I believe) moral cowards, it does not matter. They are worthless.

  13. March 12, 2010

    if this is true I'm severely disappointed in Fox, and Beck in particular. but the real disappointment came when Charles Krauthammer, the smartest man on TV IMHO, said what he did about Wilders.

    Geert Wilders is almost singlehandedly standing athwart creeping sharia in Europe and shouting STOP! why doesn't Krauthammer get that?

  14. peaches1 permalink
    March 12, 2010

    it seems odd that everytime a conservative comes along; they are being crucified. What gives?

  15. March 12, 2010

    It was disappointing, and scary, to hear Charles Krauthammer call Wilder a demagogue. If anyone should know what is going on in the world, it would be Krauthammer or any of the regulars on Baier's show – except for Juan Williams.

    • Teq permalink
      March 12, 2010

      Let me suggest a possible reason for Krauthammer's reaction. While watching Wilders' film, "Fitna"I found my skin crawling at certain parts, even though the substance of what he was saying sounded correct. What made my skin crawl was his comparison of Muslim immigrants to Europe as a plague of insects spreading out which he illustrated on a map. Immediately I was reminded of the vile Nazi film, "The Eternal Jew" which depicted Jews in the same manner. I'm sure Wilders did not intend to create this visceral reaction, but that's what it does. I respect Wilders' courage and honesty but I wish he would become aware of the psychological reaction of civilized people when they see human beings (yes, even Muslims) compared to vermin or insects. It would be okay if he compared them to an army of Jihadists on the march or to Atilla and his Huns, but please — not insects or vermin.

      • March 12, 2010

        Teq, this is interesting. I've watch Fitna several times and I never noticed this. Maybe because I was not looking for it. Since you've brought this accusation to the fore, can you go to the video and let us know precisely where (minutes and seconds into the video) this can be seen. I am assuming you are right and that you are honest. But I want to see it for myself. Thanks.

        • Tom permalink
          March 12, 2010

          I haven't seen Fitna (need to make the time), but I know what Teq means. I love Mark Steyn's America Alone. It more than anything put me on the road to seeing that Islam and Islamism are just the same, despite our feeble efforts to separate them. In it Steyn once equated Islam with with an opportunistic infection. I cringed. I know that he meant we are weak and agree with Steyn, but the imagery is the sort of thing that those who look for Nazis under every bed eat up. We need to be so careful.

      • March 12, 2010

        Let me add something while waiting for Teq to provide the minutes and the seconds into Fitna whereby he was disturbed. I cannot swear by all of Wilder's statements and positions. His stated position that he has nothing against individual Muslim, only the "ideology," is problematic, since it is Muslims that embrace this "ideology" or as I believe, religion. An anti-Wilders interview someone posted earlier on this thread, Wilders used the term "retarded" culture. I do not like the use of this descriptive. Furthermore – while I do not particularly like this analogy to a swarm of insects – there needs to be a distinction between Jewish immigration into Germany on the one hand and Muslim immigration, throughout European countries like Holland, on the other. Jews have no mandate to conquer or to convert other cultures by means of holy war, as opposed to Islam. I wonder if Teq takes this distinction into consideration.

    • David Swindle
      March 12, 2010

      The thing to never forget about Juan Williams: he gave a complimentary blurb for David Horowitz's "The Cracking of the Heart." As such he's demonstrated himself to be a decent leftist.

      • March 13, 2010

        As I recall, he's also been a pretty consistent critic of leftist attempts to force all blacks into the same left-wing/affirmative action mold.

  16. gamalpha permalink
    March 12, 2010

    Krauthammer's argument is that there are a lot of moderate Muslims living among us therefore it is wrong for Wilder's to say there is no difference between Muslims and Islamists. Muslims and Islamists don't have a different bible. In fact Islamism originally was a French word for Islam. As time went on it's meaning became fundamentalist Islam. Islam is not different than fundamentalist Islam. There are Muslims who are not fundamentalist but their religious doctrine is the same. They may not act on it or be aware of it but it's the same Koran and the same Hadiths and the same doctrine. The fact that it is the same doctrine is what makes them so dangerous, I have read reports by Jews about how their formerly Muslim friends attacked them during Muslim riots. They are like a bomb waiting to go off.

  17. gamalpha permalink
    March 12, 2010

    I forgot the mention the cases of sudden Jihad syndrome and the reports of "Abdul was such a nice guy I can't understand how he could do such a thing"

  18. Teq permalink
    March 12, 2010

    As long as the Arabs are swimming in oil money, they will have influence and no one is immune to this corruption, including Fox News.
    That's why I don't understand why so many conservatives are against seeking clean alternatives for oil. "Drill, baby, Drill" will only take us so far. Oil is a finite resource and the bulk of it is in the Middle East. We are financing jihadism when we buy Arab oil. The day we discover a clean alternative to oil is the day that the Arabs lose all their power and return to being tent dwellers. Until then, they'll be rich and powerful and will corrupt everyone, including conservatives.

    • Tom permalink
      March 12, 2010

      The main reason conservatives don't agree on clean energy is that it is not competitive without subsidies or carbon taxes, which are also corrupting (I guess we just have our choice of poisons, and Saudi money at least has the virtue of not being self-imposed). The "day we discover a clean alternative to oil" hasn't arrived yet, and probably won't for a few decades yet. Exclude that reasoning and conservatives will agree with you.

      • March 12, 2010

        I would agree. As clean alternatives to oil become competitive I fully support them. I might support them to a degree even if they are not "fully" competitive. We need to do everything we can to become independent of Arab oil, including drilling, alternative (clean) fuels, coal, nuclear, sun, everything. To state that conservatives are against clean alternatives is simply false. This conservative does not oppose clean alternatives. Why does the left oppose other alternatives including domestic drilling, nuclear, etc.?

        • Tom permalink
          March 12, 2010

          Oh, I support clean alternatives even if not competitive, but only as a free choice. I very much would like solar cells on my roof, but only out of my own pocket, that you. I had energy savings bulbs before they were popular, but I resent the law to remove the old bulbs from the market (I have two in my house for locations where I want instant light). Social consciousness is more honest when voluntary. I make informed choices and don't need the government making them for me.

    • old white guy permalink
      March 14, 2010

      teq. you have hundreds of years supply of fossil fuels in the u.s. use them before someone takes them from you.

    • falco permalink
      March 16, 2010

      I agree that conservatives must pursue alternative sources of energy like nuclear, solar, wind, natural gas and our own oil resources. Depending on arab oil is analogous to supporting drug lords in south america for using illegal drugs from that part of the world. That is where the analogy ends and don't go stupid and say "Oh…so we should make our own illegal drugs!".

  19. Janet permalink
    March 12, 2010

    Having just read Mr. Work's post and all these many comments, my hopes have sunk and my heart is heavy. I wish I knew a way for Charles Krauthammer, Bill Crystal and Glenn Beck as well as Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes (he is still running the show, isn't he?) to refute the accusations and explain the dialogue which they used, because without Fox News to rely on, to be reduced to having to believe that they have collectively and individually sold out, I think all is lost.

    • David Swindle
      March 12, 2010

      All is not lost at all Janet. Fox News is just a television network out to make a buck. It's not a public service. It's not America's savior.

      • March 12, 2010

        David, what happened to your piece defending Frank Gaffney yesterday? It lasted mere minutes or hours and was taken down – I am guessing at the behest of 'management'? I thought there were some compelling points, especially at the top of the piece.

    • March 12, 2010

      Janet, might I recommend you consider doing like me. I gave up cable many years back. Why? Because with the advent of the Internet, I found I was watching less and less television, with the exception of Fox News. I did miss Fox but even with Fox I found videos like O'Reilly's Talking Points are available daily as well as other Fox videos. Fox also has a website. Interviews with Horowitz and others are available on-line.

      Now, as a consequence of this turn for the worse on the part of Fox, I don't see myself paying the $60 per month to watch a pro-jihad news program. Why waste your money, unless it is for the History Channel?

    • John L. Work
      March 12, 2010


      Take heart. Do not give up. There are lots of places to get your news on the net, such as this one. There are lots of talk radio hosts all over the country who are engaged in the fight who have not become compromise. I thank you for reading and taking the time to comment, although it does not please me to bear and present the material I did in this post. Don't ever give up standing for your principles.

      John L. Work

  20. freeme permalink
    March 12, 2010

    GB made a clear comment in first video with Wilders, 'there are good Muslims' too, is a PC statement unlike comments Wilder makes, and we should know by now, Germanic peoples dont often spare words and say what they think. GB referring to far right being Fascist and far left being communist and using Wilders as far right example may not be true, but nevertheless, Wilders was allowed in to speak in Parliament…and for all who follows 'politics' in UK….it is nothing more than a dog and pony show as the EU is IN CHARGE of them now. As in all countries under 'socialist/communist/fascist RECONSTRUCTION, it is the PUPPET MASTERS PLOY to keep the citizens DIVIDED for fear they will UNITE and wipe out the PAWNS PUSHING
    UN AGENDA 21.

  21. Janet permalink
    March 12, 2010

    True, David, but when one has admired specific people for what was thought to be their honesty, integrity, knowledge, indeed ideology, it is very depressing to suspect that all of them could have, as quoted from above, sold out. Fortunately, I will not allow myself to go there …… yet.

  22. Janet permalink
    March 12, 2010

    David, I completely agree with your take on Juan Williams. I most often don't agree with his take but I admire his sincerity. Wonder what he thinks of Geert Wilders.

  23. Stephen permalink
    March 12, 2010

    ""News Corp chief Rupert Murdoch announced on Tuesday that the Gulf emirate of Abu Dhabi is to become the headquarters of his global media empire in the Middle East.

    Addressing some 400 delegates at the opening of the Abu Dhabi Media Summit, Murdoch said his corporation had started out as a small Australian firm to become a US-based international company that employs 64,000 people.

    "I have every confidence that Arab companies can do the same and more. I also believe that Abu Dhabi can lead the way."

  24. oldwolves permalink
    March 12, 2010

    My niece, a liberal in heart in mind, is laughing her ass off at me. Rupert Murdoch, Hannity, Beck… are all selling out. Jesus wept.

  25. badaboo permalink
    March 12, 2010

    YOU BET THEY SOLD OUT , and you should know why -

    Oh and btw , Glen Beck always was a moron , even on radio talk .Anyone who knew him back in the day , knew it was only a matter of time before he regurgitated his foolishness . But there were distractions , the bigger higher priced fools …Hannity and O'Reilly

  26. Janet permalink
    March 13, 2010

    John, I'm sorry but there must be a better answer. I just don't believe it, and badaboo, you're an idiot.

    • badaboo permalink
      March 13, 2010

      I understand Janet , coming from a sycophant to a moron like yourself , I take your perjorative as a compliment .
      You go girl ….keep looking for " that answer " .

      • David Swindle
        March 13, 2010

        OK, both of you: please refrain from the ad hominem abusive attacks on one another. They're violations of our commenting guidelines.

  27. Hal Barton permalink
    March 13, 2010

    why is no one mentioning that FOX news is now irresistibly being pushed around by it's Arab and Muslim big stock holders? What does anyone expect? Of course Crystal and fellow travelers suddenly hate Wilders. They got ordered by the power of Oil Money Bribes, and the thought and the mental image of their lived ones lying dead in their beds with their heads cut off with a slow, sawing motion – the world belongs to the savages now – who would have thought that funny and out of it Ben laden could have in such a short time brought the most power county that ever existed to it knees, economically devastated, whining and whimpering and begging to be "understood" by the amazed world. Looks like the Savages are at the door and we will all soon kiss free-speech goodbye forever and ever.

  28. bronish permalink
    March 13, 2010

    You go girl! Yeah, I get pretty down about all this too…I just learned, like last night, about Beck, Krauthammer and the rest of the gang…I am very concerned, and now I watch Beck more than ever. I mean, I am WATCHING him.
    It's like a nightmare just that won't end.
    I think the US could be heading toward civil war…especially with an Islamic in the WH.

    • badaboo permalink
      March 13, 2010

      Yea bronish , there might well be a civil war coming , but it will be THE MIDDLE against The Left AND The Right, because frankly , being an independernt and a centrist , and after listening many other DISGUSTED AMERICANS , they're all getting pretty well fed up with the nonpruductive bickering , petty B.S. and Four Year pi–ing contests that have been going on for the last 2 decades .
      And re: Beck , man if you're not convinced that Beck is an idiot after that last circus act with Massa , then brother , you never will see it .

  29. Aaron permalink
    March 13, 2010

    Give it a rest stop parsing every one's every Word…its the Subject….. Fox News commentators, Glen Beck , know it all O' Reilly and Americans, are not aware of, cognizant of, or knowledgeable about the creeping Islamisation of Europe and the West, by the instituting of Sharia Law and Hate speech laws that limit Free Speech. They like many other(PCers) who think they are knowledgeable are being blinded by our western belief in reason,facts, logic and our Christian Ethos. We are dealing with a religious ideology, that wants to destroy and conquer us. by lies, by force. by stealth, by conversion. or endless violence aginst us, till we surrender to their will. Islam is an Intractable enemy to the West and Christianity. Geert Wilders is a brave fearless fighter against this Ideology, but you must fight an ideology with another ideology, and in Religion… "You must fight a God with another… God". But politically Geert Wilders is a European Fascist… in the religious ideology battle he is right, politically he is a Fascist. Stalin fought with us in WWII, he was an ally , but he was still a Communist, and after Hitler and the Nazi threat was destroyed, we had to face his Communist menace. Glen Beck's latest reference labeled Geert Wilders political beliefs , he did not reference his ideological battle against European Islamification.

  30. badaboo permalink
    March 13, 2010

    Glen Beck …did what he was told Aaron . And of course the issue never was Wilders political beliefs , for his battle is much more than ideological , it is in fact existential , reality , today ,and in the face of the Dutch .
    If in fact the battle is won , as in your poor analogy to Stalin [which hardly correlates with Wilders ] , what will be the "Facist Menace " that you infer ?
    No , Beck did not specifically reference his ideological battle against European islamification . He didn't have to , and you know it . He threw Wilders under the bus , due to his boss Murdocks , affiliation with Saudis and their money .

    And YOU COMPLAIN about PARSING words ?

    Thou hypocrite !

  31. Janet permalink
    March 13, 2010

    All this attenton because I once called you an idiot, badaboo…….get over it.

    • badaboo permalink
      March 13, 2010

      Get over it ? LOL… couldn't get by what I said about Beck , and felt it necessarry to call me an idiot .

      Hypocrisy abounds here , don't it Janet ?

      BTW , when you find that "answer " …let me know , it's bound to be "a good one "

  32. Hal Barton permalink
    March 13, 2010

    AAron, I hate to pin up my stupidity here for everyone to see – but I'm at a total loss to see how Wilder is a fascist! You say, "But politically Geert Wilders is a European Fascist… in the religious ideology battle he is right, politically he is a Fascist." How so AAron? Somehow I missed that important information – I really really hate Fascists, and if what you say is true, I promise I will hate Geert Wilders with all my heart – so, please explain why you say this (to me) amazing thing! Evidently, I am one of the last people in the world to get this information.

  33. badaboo permalink
    March 13, 2010

    ..could it be …because Glen Beck says so ?

  34. 9-11 Infidel permalink
    March 14, 2010

    I gave up on Glenn Beck after he wrote An Inconvenient Book" in which he says: "I have read the Koran and can tell you that I unequivocally believe that Islam is a religion of peace". Wow. I thought at the time, how did he miss Suras 9:5, 9:29, 2:190-193, 8:60, 2:216-217, 8:65-67, 9:111, 60:8-9, and 47:4? IMO, he didn't do his homework at all. His recent USA Weekend interview and the skewing of Geert Wilders, only confirms that my decision to cancel my subscription to his website a couple of years ago, was a good one. Incidently, WND was investigating Van Jones long before Beck got involved.

  35. old white guy permalink
    March 14, 2010

    i wonder what any of you are willing to die for?

    • 9-11 Infidel permalink
      March 14, 2010

      I swore an oath to support and defend this country when I was in the military. I don't recall that oath being rescinded at any point. Does that answer your question?

  36. badaboo permalink
    March 15, 2010

    Ditto , 9/11 infidel . Dec.1968 in country / Pleiku – home again San Francisco March 1970.

    That do it for ya Old White Guy .

    Becks nothing but a meely mouthed phony , a paid shill for Murdock the Dhimmi.
    Beck says he read the Q'uran and concluded it WAS a religion of peace ? B.S. That's a LIE .First of all I dont think he has the attention span to . Second of all , anyone in their right mind who has REALLY read the Q'uarn , could not possibly come to such a conclusion …no way , no how .
    Over the span of about 18 years , I've read the Q'uran at least 5 times , the Sunna and haddiths atleast 3 times each , the writings of Muslim Bukari , and several others by the companions of mohamme3d and the sages ,
    Wilders is anything but a facist, and to throw him under the bus as Beck et al did , smacks of dhimmitude , especially when Wilders is walking the line , and Hollands freedoms of speech are so seriously threatened .
    What the hell is Beck willing to die for ? Just another chicken-hawk with a tv show . WHEN did Beck put it all on the line for his country ? And now THIS !

  37. hal barton permalink
    March 15, 2010

    Well, look at it this way: Beck will never have to worry about getting his head slowly sawed off by a savage blindly doing what the Koran encourages him to do. Because he bows to the Koran he can expect a little Oil Money to flow his way now and then, and, best of all, he will never have to worry about coming home some night and finding members of his family tortured and raped and, afterwards, their heads slowly sawed off to the chant of “Abbgula Hawkbarr” or somethun like that. Can we say the same?

  38. Fox/Sinking permalink
    March 15, 2010

    Beck,Krauthammer,Stoddard and Kristol all lost tremendous credibility. In my eyes I knew Murdoch was
    a dangerous man. To sell a piece of News Corp. to a Saudi is very questionable. I gave these characters
    carte blanche…….no more. You can flush the Weekly Standard down the bowl. I always liked Krauty,but
    his Carter,McGovern background has returned. Stoddard proved that she is not up on what is going on in
    Europe,and that she is a light weight. For Glenn Beck,I am now weary,as I see him on a leash and not
    his own man…….shame on Fox News….the Leftie radicals are now roaring.I travel to Europe as a wine
    merchant………..Geert Wilders is a brave man that Ronald Reagan would be proud of, not so for the
    other four phonies………………."FITNA" is real,ask Londoners (England) who will the first EU Country to
    fall to Islam.

  39. Hal Barton permalink
    March 15, 2010

    Ditto, up there – so true. Let us just hope and pray others will get it before it is too late. everything you say up there is true except Wilders is being wiser than Reagan – he has started out full truth right out of the starting gate.

  40. March 17, 2010

    Get your "Don't Close Gitmo!", "We'll Remember Come November", and "I'd Rather Be Waterboarding!" stickers at

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  1. The Atheist Conservative: » A stink of Fox
  2. Chickens in the Fox’s den « THE BLACK KETTLE
  3. A Profile in Courage | FrontPage Magazine
  4. Another Look At FOX News’ Hatchet Job On Geert Wilders | NewsReal Blog | Philadelphia Freedom Center
  5. The Mid-Week Wilders Round-Up « Defend Geert Wilders

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